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Whitby Free Press, 8 Apr 1992, p. 6

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The only Whîtby Newspaper owned and operated. by Whitby resîdents for Whîtby resîdents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, O ntario LI N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Une 427-1834 Doug Andeson - Publisher Maurioe Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Glass Postal Registration #05351 Laws wilI kili j'obs To the Edftor: Ontarien concerned about the ecanomic future af this province ahould tae note. Soan, Premier Bob Rae wiIl be deciding the fate af his praposed radical changes ta labour laws, iaws that wilI make this province's businesses vuinereble ta the powvers of big unio ns. That's why pressure must bu brought ta bear on the Ras goenment, right now. Ontarians' haver got ta lot hlm know that these lCs, If enacted, wilI kilI jobs and investment and dameage the pravInce'a econy even furtlier. Certalnly, a t this time of To the Editor: Cap y of letter cf Don McKey, Town Clsrk, Whitby re. 1992 budg et for th~e Whitb Downtawn Business Impravement Area. SmeII the coffee we're in a recession To the Edîtor: Re: Latter fram Shirley Prsnics 'Concessions wn't stop,' Free Press, April 1V92.' Aprili1-- 1lhoped thia was just a bad April Fool's jake, but just in case it wasn't . Good mornlng, Shirley. l-ere's your coffes lys seen myopic leadership, but Shirley thers are no awerds for Rt --ohr than unempicyment or 8omsth ingamilar.. .. recesslon, the lest thing aur government should be doing la creatlng an antd-business climats. Yet thoes labour amendments, ln effect, are tslling' businesses and Investors:,U5tay outof Ontario. we. don't want you here.0 Accardlngély, we are urging ail Ontariens who want ta save joabs ta, lmmediately contact their MPPe and let them knaw that these irrespansible laws must belJunked. Ater ail, the Premier should represent ail the people and not juat powerful big union leaders. Colin Brown Prosdont Ontarians for Rouponsible Governrmsnt In response ta your letter of March 24, we are cancerned about your Interpretation cf, courîcil's understending about what will tae place et the DBIA generai memburshlp meeting. We clearly understood, as did the press, thet councli's direction was for the DBIA memburship ta have an apportunity ta have Input, meke recommendations and vote an the proposed allocation af funds. Your latter clearly states the purpose of the meeting will b. ta 'acquaint' us wfth t ho board's plans ' releting ta certain fund eliocations. You furtherstated that "The board will b. seeking input and comment froru the membership with respect ta the development of varioua promotions and advertising campaigna ta, pramate the businesses in downtown Whitby in 1992." W. do not feel that these statementa convey cauniclis intent. Our input and commenta should not bu reatricted in the manner you suggest. We therefore request that you review this matter with the members of council and By Michael Wycks No streng'er ta red lnk, Canada Post turned a deeper crlmaon ln 1991 with iosses roportedly neer $100 million. After ernlng a profit af $142 million ln 190, the psrpetually losing postal monopaly has regained its f rail fiscal form., The primary culprit in this lateat revenue plunge is the postai disruptions of lest summer that began with a violent 12-day strike. Whils employeespicksted, Canada Post management resarted ta expensive measurea ta keep the mail movlng. Eeniures- auch as renting buidigsta use as mail distribution centres, leased helicopters ta get mail pat pickçets, hlrlng aecurity staff -end outside warkers --'-ail cantributed ta a huge Increes in Canada Post'a apeýretlng costs. The atrike. had hmen casts'as well, according ta Canada Post spakesperson, John Camnes. OWe were well positioned 1ta weather the economic downtumn, but the labour disruption ws had hed a very negative effect an aur customer confidence, obvlously, and. hes had - some ver seriaus- Impacts on aur 1991-92 -resuits in terms of aur revenues,- Camnes said. To the Editoç: In other words, the itnke's Imac afr-reaching andJ deep. MPek o msiteke, it la the public wha ends up suffsring the moat. But Canadiens shouid not bu .faoting the bill for recurring labour- management disputes at Canada, Post that, continue ta resuit ln debilitating strikes. Many Canadiens will remembur the stormy 42-day strike by inside postai workers ln the summrrer cf 1981. That strike cost countîess millions in revenus to bath Canada Post and the economy as a whole. The fallowAing January, the price of a first-class stenip j umpsd from 17 cents ta 30 cents, the highest ps rcentae leap ln Canada Post's istory. Grented, postal management will 'stand by their stated goal of wiplng out the apsrating deficith(an the backs of cosmr, by the way) but e 13 per ~ ~ ~ l cetIces nasyeer? The îstrike was a factor in the monumental rate increase, af that thers la no question. Whetd seema clear la that in an effort ta balance their books, wes about ta unfald. Not sa. ft becaeoobvious that the budget Havent you notucea ai inose rsspand to us wth their officiai As -expscted, the budget naJ ICIaWJay UUWl ap[Uoveci wK car out there wlth lfunny' naines position. meetings heid Wednesday an printed et the Belleville convention. lîke Honda, Suzuki? Thursdey eveningeof lest weèek After about seven deputations Havent younatlcd tha moatGene Peacock lived up ta hirbline2Pbi andl10 1/2 houre, Îspread aver twa cf us are ln a recession? Psacock Famlly sports & input- was taleratdd evenînge, with na discussion by That some campanies are Tmophles unfortunately, ignored. council ta help with the shartege 'trlmmning back?' Pet Peiklns R becarne clear, aur council had Of facilties for aur seniors and Know what e prafit -and ioss Perklns Paint & Wallcovsrlngs a=udetprinted up that was nat youth, cauncil did epprove an $8- statement is? No, they dontL.gigta hane see'osl Illion -plus warks ,apereitians publieh them on April «L Dave Msadwell awars, ail canddides 'ln the centre that aur own warkers say Smell the caftes yet, Shirley? Vlck Inaurance <1988) Inc. Navember '91 election pramated a ws dan't nesd et this time. Needeasscondeu ? Chrîs Hioddy more open council that wauld What became obvious was Don't go t upil'ril get Rt, rm used Dodd & Souter Broadlom and respond ta new idees ta help hald Whitby texpayers will not only get ta working for a living. 'Fkoorln Whitby taxes. down. I have a tex Increase, but iose some Rlck Bain Ddd & outer Grant Sauter consistently expresssd that desire, S r ie RIc Blîn odd& Sute Bradlornand notonly for cauncil ta encourage Riesple S rie WhIltby Floorlng public participation but ta act an ______________________________________ some af their suggestions. oteEhr This la not the fire t trne the T h dtr The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters ta the editor on any subject of public was able ta sit ln an budget concem ta aur readers. Letters should be brief and to thie point - rarely more meetings. In the lest few' years Femily Respite Services. than 300 words. Al i etters must be accoempanied by thie naine, address and attendence has been poor. ln fact recsntly held a ratIer skaing party telephane number of the writer; however. an request, yaur name may be on0"fa o ur volunteer and clent withheld fram publication if we agree that there is a vali reason. The r fusatede te191failles. reserves the right ta rject or edit ail letters. Send ta: The Editar, Whitby Fe public segment. f.a u-ildeéigwt press, Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LiN 5Sl, or drap through aur mail .silot at 131 Over. 150 texpayérs shawsd an It we fn-fill2w eolevningwitl _____________________________ tht---iiir~ q. attending. The succele wa Canada Post hes no- reservatiana about resartlng ta a hike in the cost of stanîps. Their behaviaur, acarding-'to Brien Gray, senior vice president, polucy and research, for the Canadien Federaton of *Independent Business le becoming worrlsome and extrernely expensive for Canadien. gOnly ans ysar ln the past seven have Canadiens been apared a postai rate Increase. Ra as if Canada Post has an insidious plan' ta lulI Canadiens into expecting a. rate Increase every yeer as part af the privilege af using the mail system,* ald Gray. Speaking of privilege, just how much la Canada Post, waatlng an expenalve seat eat sarting arenes acrasa the court yThe Crown corpoainsol save money by Indulging bs in fun and gemes, and concentrate mars on keeping costa down for consumera. Perhaps i's time the Crown carparation's masters ln Ottawa sald menough la enough. When the application la mae by Canada Post this summffer for what we are certain will bu yet another postai Increase next Jenuaryr the Lpoliticien wha in the peet have meekly approved every increase, shoui respnd with a collective and resaurnding *no"ý services et the touriat information centre, etc. Also Whitby taxpayera are now being subject ta, more debenture doNt on lavish fecilitles we don't need. There was no intention ta meke any deletIons ln tihe budget, and. no intention ta consider public lnput. 1 arn afreld this action will only reinfarce the feeling of skeptlcismn emong peaple who shoukd bu servied, end it wes ail dons under the guise of a public forum. Gerry Emmr Ashbumn party asuccess co-operatdion of communiy- AIn si enk nceretlhan0ea al. Mary L Wlsaon Co-ordinator of Volunteer Services Durham Assoiation for Fa"Ily. Viwon Stamping out, postal increases, Different interpretation so th edor. Budget input by.public ignored

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