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Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 9

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WH1TY MRE PRESS% WEDNESDAY. APRI.L11991M, PAGE 9 Egsb unnies and ýother 'anCient Easter c."ustoms,~f .e lA. - ~ 2 ..~...1%.. Cà .. ..&a..., iJ.A l.....m k.J13.. J...0.i 4uf O .. M d. f h, Rü n, nd,,1 filli4c,,v 4n4. 1inn&n zaste-, uone wou me rnuit téaive of al'Chistian -holidays, wiil scon b. clebrated ail over *the. world. But as millions, of Canadian clebrate.the holiday, few really know -the origine of- its, many Amccrding ta eglGreetinge'&' Gfts, 'the, varlous- traditions and customu *cIebrt.d at East.r time have been .intreoduc.d anýàd adapt.d by the. many different, cultures in, Canada.. Perha1lr the moot 'yous and Pi, owaver, areaware ofil strong symboism underlying the chocoat. candy and careMuly decortJ hard-bofild Easter .gg that'adorn meut Easter baskets. Since ancient times, the egg bas been a symbol cf immortahity. In fact, the aucient Persians, Greelcs and Chinese-shared the belief that the egg symbolized rebirth .and. new 1f. and exchanged them duriug spring festivals. Early Chrisfians believ.d that eugs laid on Good Friday if ke t for 100 years, would haYve 3yo turn taodiamond. And, if Good Frday eggs wero cooked on Easter Suuday, they would promets fertility. cf the trees aud cropusud protect against death. In inedieval times, eç>were not -,oat.n- during , Lent. A familles sent their eugs ta the. local p rieut -ta b. bl.ssed aud the ogg were- always roturned on the. eve cf Easter, colourffilly d.corated. WaS 0alalarg aTiaimuve oLiruV belonqing ta Eestre, theý goddess 1 na fiteof rage, the legend says, ah, changed hlm inta a haro -- and thatIa why the. Easter You are invited to join us this Easter. Worshipping at 300 Kendalwood Rd.' Easter Morning Service - 10:30 àm ThUitday, Aps rvi WhTennbrae ser ivie yut 10:30n aryWk n dEaterWosp seicesHofComunion UNITEDCHC 1Cne CoorEasCet r St. S Thursday, April 16 9:00 pmMaundy-Thursday eereservicewthoIComnn Sunday, April 19 10:0 an Easter Ceeration with HoIy Communion WET M IR9 NTED UNITEDCHC CeornenhCsorn&entrraStS Good Frlday, Aprli 17 10:0 nSee a st Words Sunday, April 19 10:30 arn Easter Celebration with Past.r .ggs ev ery y.ar., Whther plain -or jewel encrusted, the. springtm. custom of giving eugs is centuries old. By ae.king eugs left by the. Easter baskies with brgiitly colurd sud d.cort.d .ggsyoung children today are, continuingr anclent and mucii b.loved customs. JmiiMuraeJ!.asier eng D.corating eugs at East.r time may w.il b. as old asthe holiday itse1f. Early *Christians identifid eggs as symbole« of. Christ's resurect n d began dying the eggs red in memory of'the. crucificion. In the Ukralue su ad other Easteru -Eurýopea'.u.countries, East.r eg decration became .a treapured art 'that . was pass.d frmgeneration .te ýgeneration.. Elabrte multicolour.d desigas were created, uang religlous symbols aud floral desigus lin repetitive patterna. Favourit. colours for th e eus variedfboni. country ta country. Perhaps the most elaborat., eggs werethose d.signed by Peter Carl Fabergé. Commissioned by the. Czar Alexander Ill of Rusia. Fabergé created 63 ens. The. mont decorative was a 2.5 inch long egg 9 that opened ta exoea gold yolk.' When opened, tiyolkreveal.d a gold hen with rubies for .yes. Tehenls beak aIse opened ta display a tiuy diamond replica cf the. imperial crown with a ruby pendant. O0dginet the Easter bunzy T.chnlcally, ites net the, bunny rabbit who should b. honour.d as the. met famous Easter syml. Rather ,it should be the hare -- a relativ e i.rabbit. Since aucient times, the. hare has been symbolic cf the. abundant new 1f. in the prn and in thus tied ta te resurrection of Christ. Accordlng ta, other folklore, the. East.r hare A newseason is'about to. begin, why flot b*egin* a brand new journey of dlscovery with us. Presbyterian Church Easter Sundia'y April 19, 1992- Wôrship Service il :OO-a.m. We are currently meetng at, Immanuel ChristianSchool» 849. Rossland Rdl.,W.,Ohw -Nursery, and Childcarprovldéd. >We Invite -You To.An EASTER MUSICAL EXCETING... *Music * Drama *Staging * Lighting Presented By C.L.C.'s Easter Choir & -Drama Cast Friday, April l7th -7:00 Pm- Sunday, April l9th -6:00 Pm - NO ADMISSION CHARGE A FreewUl Offering will be Taken CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTRE 1030 Ravenscroft Rd.' Ajax.686-1411 West of WAestney Rd. on Rossland Rdj YEARS, 0F SERVICE TO THE CITIZENS 0F WHIT13Y AND REGION OF DURHAM The Whitby Lions Club would like to take the opportunlty ta thank the citizens ai the area for their graclous support ln our fund raising events during the past manths. Through your generous participation. the Whitby Lions have conrIbuted tothe following charîties. Alzheimer Society of Dburham Anderson Coliegiate - Bursarles, Big Brothers of OshawaNVhltby Br0oklinlWhtby Ringette CNIB -Camp Lake Joseph CNIB -Durham Reg ion Canadian Cancer S1ociety Canadian Diabetes Association' Cheshire Homes <Automatic 00cr For Disabled> Durham Cancer Soclety Durham Lung Association. Durham Region Lung Association Durham Nay Leag ue Durham Reglanai Police.- Safety Patrois Durham Reglonal Police - Oshawa Generais Drug Awareness Pragram Durham VMCA Easter Seals Society Falrview Lodge - Fun Fest> Henry St. Hi gh School - Bursaries Houston Diabetlc Clinic Oshawa General Hospital Kidney Foundation of Canada Lions Camp Kirk - Children with Learning Disabilties Lions Dialysis Camp Dorset Lions Home for the Deaf Lions MDA - 16 ýSight Program Lions Ouest - Dru g Awareness Prog ram Lioness Project - Sick Klds Hospital Operation Eyes1ght Ontaria March of Dîmes Oshawa Deaf Centre' Royal Canadian Le gion - Whitby (Poppy FundJ) Sleeping Children Round te arid Whitby Community Care - Rides for the Blind Whitby Comrnunity Care Whtby Iroquois Soccer Club Whitby Generai Hospital Whitby Girls Sottbaii Association WhItby Minor Basebail Association Whltby Psychlatrlc Hospital Whtby St. John Ambulance WhItby Salvation Army - Fire Victime $ 500.00 600.00 300.00 300.00 7,000.00 2.000.00 200.00 180.00 1,215,00 >3.000.00 500.00 200.00 250.00 1.500.00 5.000.00 500.00 600.00 864.00 *600.00 800.00 1.000.00 18.000.00 1.000.00 2.000.00 7.080.00 1,200.00 1.000.00 200.00 400.00 200.00 250.00 280.00 230.00 -1.000.00 400.00 25.000.00 500.00 225.00 <200.00 5.000.00 3.500.00ý Whitby Lions hald regular meetings the 1lst ad3dTuesdJays ai every month ln the Centennial Building at 416 Centre Street South. * For further information pies.. -contact: Giiles DeHetre - PreWldent, 579-2322 * . eorge -Caldwell - Secretaýry7369 St. Léo'Cu rch 6560 Baldwin St. Brooklin '655-3286 110LYtFWEEK HOLY THURSDAV <Mass of Our Lord Supper at 8:OOpm- GOO'DFRIDAY Uîturgy at 3:OOprn, HOLY SATURDAY uLturgy & Easter Vigil Mass at 8:OOpm, CONFESSIONS HoIy Thursday atter t'Iss Good Fniday 4:00-5:OOpmn HoIy Saturdaty 3:0O-5:OOpmn EASTER'SUNDAY.MASS 9:OOam & 1:SOarn WHITBY. CHRISTIAN. ASSEMBLY 100 Rossland Rd. W. Rev. W. Halliwel'Pastor EASTER SUNDAY- 9:30 arn Special Sunday School Easter Emphasis 10:30 arn&600 prn EASTERSERVICE *Special Music,- i *Pastor W. -HaIIiweiI speakin You are kwbited tov.vrship With us on dis spedal day For more information cali 1NTER1M MINSTER Rev. Dr. Shirley Gale Good FMiay Service April l7th, 7:30 pm Easter Sunday Service April l9th,,11:15 amn Do foin Us! RegalGr..tings & Gitrovdes tlie following helpful tips to *csider before beginning te b.loved and àancient custom of decora±ing East.r eggs: *.Be certain ta ard-bail plenty of .gg in advanco in, case of * nuider uing fun-fiiled decals, stencils, andpae wvrappers taliip create unique and eycthh = ee *For-v'ery youngr children, consid.ring using felttip Marke instead cf, paint brushes-for- creating thoso flne-tuned d.codéc"ve ded nslittie hands uilen have difficultY.witli, b

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