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Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 13

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WHJTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1962, PAGE 13 use 'Iess .dan ger ous' b rands of pesticîides, (NC) Not everything that flues and crawls is a pest -- there are some very usemi rey crawhies out there. But, unfartunately, when we scatter pesticides with abandon, we'reIdllng the caps as weil as the robbers, not'ta alsa igoethe estinuate by the National Academy cf Sciences that pesticides cause 20,000 cancers a year. Sa look for some of the less dangerous inds ta buy.' You'll find thein under the trade naines of Botanix, Dipel, Thuricide and Envirobac -- these contein a, substance cali BT (bacilusthuringiensis). This will il cabbage worms, cutworms, gypsy moth, tent caterpillars, potato beeles and the larvae of black fly and mosquito. Apply BT directly ta the plant or sal, preferably when it's nat raining, and in the evening,'assunilight breaks it down. Rotenone and Pyrethrum are substances extracted from, plants but will kdil any Insect they came in contact with, including froge and fish. Tfley are non-toxic for pets and people. Dormant ail spray is useflul for fruit trees as it suffocates scales, mites and other insects, if applied before budding. Tanglefoot is painted around a -tree trunk or limb and snags ants, canker worms and anything else that climbs. Fist, peint a band of latex peint around the tree or ,1lmb, thýen put the tanglefoat over it. Diatomeceous earth is hast used indoors for earwigs, silverfish, cockroaches and ants. It's made. of the splintered remains of such things as coral that puncture the sheil of insects sa they dia of dehydration. You don't want ta be that indiscriminating in the garden. For a more adventurous do-it-yourself job, introduce prediators ta your g&arden: ladybugs eat aphids, mealybugs, plant lice and mites. Dragonflies. are wonderful -- they eat mosquitoes. 'Spiders, 'praying mantises and wasps gobble up many insects. Attract birds ta your garden -- their. diet is insects and they can devour thousands every day. However, if you use toxic pesticides ta destroy your insects, you're likely ta kili the birds, to. Snails love the shade -- trap them under an upside down flowerpot. Slugs wiil congregate under a board, simply flip the bôard over in the morning and collect them. Then put them in your blender with a little water and spray over your plants as a pest deterrent. Plant garlic and chives around your vegetables ta keep out rabbits.' Another naturel pesticide is soapy water nixed-* with tenderized garlic and green onion tops, strained'and sprayed on the CANADoAN mai§TIRE ma WHITBY r Check Out New Lower Prices In Our Seasonal Centre CATTLE OR SHEEP, MANURE SAVE 22% Slow release 21-7-7 WEED N FEED 10 kg - OUIrog. 10.99 SAVE 23%.W DELUE 21-7-7 SLOW RELEASE 10Okg -our reg. 8.49 GRATRCE, RATEECTO & F-EDLY ERIC. 55 lbs capacity fertilizer spreader 1 1 yr. warranty OPEN:-Monday ta Friday 9:00 arn ta 9:00 ýpin - Saturdey 8:30,arn Io 9:OQ0pM~. leaves and stems of plante.. For more, information cail the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy' (NRTEE) comrnittee secretaries et (613) 992-7189. r(Du»rham. Lawn Care. Beautify YourLawn Naturally Start up your lawn this spring by enrolling in our e"SPECIAL INTRO" offer programme! *We use a fortifled natural organic 7 3 fertilizer in ail our programmes. " Other programmes available or we h wilI tailor one to suit your lawn's needs. " Complete property maintenance - Cal Today for a no pfice based0 obligation Iawn analysis -I 3IO sq. and estimate!» Prep aring your Iawn, garden OGS Gardn Gaileiy It.wilsmon be time for the forsythias to bloom their bright and beautiful yellow glow; hopefùuy the ice of last weekend will stay away. With the unseasonably cool weather this month, we are about seven to ten drlayson behind where we were lest year. This week is an ideal tixne to apply a dormant ail spray on your fr-uit trees and other ornementai. This weekend or next wiil be ideal for applying a crabgrass control fertilizer to prevent crabgrass from occurring again this year (crabgress is an annua] grass -- it bas to re-seed itself yearly). Rake your lawn. With the return of robins ta our lawns in Whitby, it's a sure sign that earthworms are close to the surface (especially after Friday night's downpour) and a dlue that soon your lawn will be trying to revive itself. Removing lest yeer's aid grass and any debris will permit the lawn ta, thicken up quwickly. A 24-6-6 formulation is recornrended for professional, lasting results. 'Watch the crocus' bloom, tulip shoots rise and buds swell. and newgotca be e*1il recognized. Ihoe, Ihoe, its off to wark I go. But gardeners in Whitby can work around the house during the next week preparing or cultivating their gardens; checking out their new composters (maybe adding an activator ta stimulete quicker compostin action); sweeping up the winter's overflow of bird seed from the feeder. The upring dlean-up list goas an ... reattaching the >garden hase- S Plàanti'g.trees (such as birch clumps), evergreens (such as bansai jumpers), vines (such as silverlace vines), flowering shrubs (sucli as flowering almonds) and uprights (such as emerald cedars) cen ail be undertaken this weekend. Tip: If you would like ta, force a few branches of your crabapple tree, simply prune a few smail branches off,. bring them indoors and pace in warm water. The heat of the house should force the blossoins to open in six ta 10 days. Add a few corkscrew hezel branches in a vase and you'll have a unique arrangement. 1

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