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Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 19

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WHM ITB REPIESSWEDNESDAY, AMRIL15. 1092, PAGE 1» Atom edseason withehamponship i Ajax, Whitby's Accuracy Plus Bookkeeping mt4or' atoin hou.. bague oc koni capped a suoessfl easn with a tournament championship in the April .6-12 dAax houa. -bjague tournament. iiitby ýwon both the major atoin hou.. bae* chainpionship and the. paof championship of the . Brooli-WiiiVtby< minor hockeyléague. This team-al" was t%0 Brtmajor atom W1nth teain te win Whitby's finvitatiýe Christm tia hous. loque tournament., In gaine one of thi. Ajax tournament Whitlty defeatod Ajax- 7-2. Luke Power eaiii.d the. MVP award for hi. great teani play and hiestwo goals and two assista. Sngle goals w.re scored b~y Kristian Wieeiolek, .Guy Desormeaux, Mark Thompson and Jason Schleiff'er. lu gaine two, Whitby defeated Whitby Optiniist Club 6-0. Bric Carter earned the. shutout and w. naxned MVP for the gae. Strong defensive ü: b Michael Valaitis, ChH.W byh Ryan Jamieaon, e Morgan, Jeif Stzinger and Darren . Kahler, supported Carter's goltending ýerfo a* a.Wib corrsworeý Power w tiirnee goS, Mark Thiompeon- with two, 'and Matthîew Fortier with a aingle . lu semi-final action Whitbhy .played a strong Thornhull teani. Along with the playmng of 'O Canada' and 'The Sr8 anIed Bannýee'WltbyMy Edward; and )y tby Ir-oquoe SWi Club. president George Del Mastro opened thie second annual Hanîd. Acrosthe. Water international swim ineet at 1 p.m. on Stra, March 28. The. Iroquois Park pool becanie a flurry of activity as 280 swim- mers ad 10 and under began AbouO0swimmers from the. McDonald's District Swim League cf Rochester, New York along witii 400 swimmerai frein Canadian Swim clubs converd on Durham Réeion over êii March 28-29 week.nd. Tii two-day fri.ndship nieet was hosted this year by four swim clubs in Durham Region. Tii. Whitby Iroquois Swim lu, an exci double-overtme 9, Whitb -éfe Thornhifl 2 mnacoiiactic goal by Chris Veladich The gaie'went to three on thre, witii no glies.' Powier had. scored' WhtWs Club e heti. ed 1D) and under conptition; Pck i Swim Cluthei.meet co-rdiators. Ee th. aged 11-12' meet' Uxbridge held -the. aged 13-ü' meet, and aged 15 anid over sw;mmmers were at the. Oshawa Swiin Club'. home pool. At the Hands Acrýofsthe. Water meet, swiminers who compote represent their country - points are not calculated on a club- by-club bais.' 1Suw=*Mers of all levels of abi- lity -are welcoine te attend. Tii. swmmmers wiie travell.d frein. Rochiester were billetted with familles cf Canadian swiinmers wiio participated i tii. eet. Neit year the. meet will b. hostedby the. McDonald District Swim League ini Rochester where Canaclian swimmers will coin- pet.. tyn olin tii.last in"ute of regula titre. Schleiffer, who socoredWhitWs% first goal ýand saved WMhy with a timely ilide t6 iiwart an opposition breakaway toward an empty net w.. named MVP for the. gaine. lu the. championdhlp gie, Whltby faced 'an eq:yiy etremg Bowmanville tean. BmnVille took a quick 2.0 lead and had Whitby facng a tough uphili battle. h periods two and tiire oih ught back to deadlock the. scor at 2-2 on two goalsby Schleiffer, *ho w.. named MVP? for h.tmendous .offenive end-to-end wcorng rushes. Dramnaticaly, the. gaine went into , overtime, ,theii double-evertimne before Power ucored tii. winner on'an exciting individual effort for. a thilling 3-2. overtime championship win.- BRemaining team membersare Chris Laramy, Jeif Smith and 'Dwayne Hopkins. Coaching staff members. are coah Jin Desormeaux, and, assstant coachies Peter Smith and Mike Morgan. d'A'uhh 6 whl itbyaoga'~f JdfMcntyn 4 opwcrtaCrne B.l. Pt Sun- :1 JohnoafiGmtm leBmohe *Dimchmp$om (2pm t" a» BANTAM 'A' divisi. Apno 4 Coanlen flrs' 2 flehladVan 4]r diviio Dura. ada 21 usOn T.u Bob erdion caigNo Bp on 4 Mitchell BMLs MS Mkew2 MichulLmpg KMmMatthews JaSu ala * Divisionchanplon(2 Pm* .totalps> la NINoRIpzWEE A 4 4 0, saupiomIp P 13ndl9"u 7 WAVES alO 2 DouffChaud James Hunier Gary Ehaso AiL 4 Star Burgor 7 Gutarzen Olnad Parrlsh 2 Nichalu as a atephenIMae staphuncorey 4ya Newport Chyle Hey James Fountain April 4 Whlfby Opimiste 7 Blede Jeffiloan 2 DerekPowr 2 Thomas Fltzalmmone 2 Brian Nlon 2 irk Lcrwerend Jaun ki Jn 2 WayneRFichard Bret Plnch Tyler MaDougal Brian RIddl MAJOR ATON Apil 1-4 Mcivor fraurance 2 Optimld Club An4y Mueller 2 Paul Graam. 4 Malvar Inauance 1iCoin" tClub> J.B. White SBawn Waters Dette. Butlqy Qnnmw.mduds 'A' enu Bradbury Mach. 4 Wimiby Optimiet Stuart Blly 2 Justin Grodasu Derck Bmânury Ehmw Hnatko Bradbuy Mach. 8 Whltby Optirnie Stuart B.ila Paul G*ai. 'R. Fe11naseer 2 C]m 'àd A' eatic XaeClub 1 AcauracPlu. 4 Ssti Thmspo. tu b om 2 Krdth JasShiciffer iAccuraqyPlus IA" PoWe J.effanlth Juan sohisifer ATOM 1 Match 29 Bnoklin Kirnin ChadERKaabh Bodhut IùM Aprn 6 BroaklnKlna. Btye.WaI.h lm s alior Match mm uttlaeear Bsnschurch MDeumý Qamibyer, 2 ,WhitIg udio 2 Whltby Audio AndtSW Yeraskavfit 4 RWMH AUulay Janath. I Oi AndacuoVo1. sa SstouL* Andi.w0ubde AgiOS6 Andermiyot. 4 s imanCtlib«Utan D Anda9ol mea m iakgdubas cm *Mnddp a= ii s W u lmfta. wuni MAJORNOVICE &MstiCook David Narma aawnJlno Jonaibeneu Mgatch l14 CedardalsCar sieimiporm2 p4y bAuto Glas. sSan K& 2 idiort Muit Down' Auto Part Nlhe "Veakujl 2 Michael Naccarato Match 21 Rqy% Et«pdm 4 4 SSBac 2 Alla.Wataon Dm-Id C&mOUbi Wmit. Firelighlc Scott VWilson 2 * md JalHaw. IIT Canna. David Bum. Jesony Brimble Whitby Troçlhy Dek Wray REmt Eherle 2 Marlgoldl-Ann ch Mach 21 Ont. Data Suppâles Nathanlel Andrue 2 Jasa.corie Aa. Deth 2 Kein Walsh wk Andro Haw.on Whitby TropIhy m u. i Derok Wray Pau!lomibea MndjJ= l Sea Hm* Ryan Tutak 3 2 Lonnet Drum Chofoy Webl 2 Braoln Klnamen8 0 Ont. Data Supplis '7 Nathaxolul Andros a Jasa.Comnar2 AndrswHowaon iRyan 1Ttak 6 BrookIt.Kinmm. S lme Wadlngton2 pan! Ranger AndnewLme 3 JET Camna Brandon owlaa JPeHachey DavidBun O Do@klnKnun.i aIi'Cannon 4 Paul Banger J.P. Hachoy 2 Joshua Shuter BrandonPowler 3 luanra Dru. i ont. Data Suppuies5 Aa. Dcath MarigaldLincoIn i WbtbyTrapb 1 DreerCochrIlI Andow Pigra. rota 4 Brijobln Cycle 2 mmInOUQI JoeathaziWulth Apime4 4 Bru...& flautiflal 2 JolinRo.wmssmn Adam Davidam oSuawSromt pRn ilka 2 Maaarfludrocm 2 McTaeuctrie 1 4 BeSd avie 2 C.Vonmhacholta 3 Staphan Hurczak Seat Mrxisa. Jerr% Drug Wers 5 ar0,1s: a MINRNOKIEDavid Arnold 2 &Mat Donn*y Quenuter 0" GrcgWlanus 'ftnerTwlnlng pan 2 WhIlt.lzF~tem 38 aum 1 t3 Soan Thmn*ke 2 Ro9s EntorriWes 4 lan Parker 2 Alla.Watau San Bracin 8 Luunm Drum 6 ChrIs Sinipan 2 Justin Patter 2 Danlul Bleu spouo*yAuto Glas. O 0 Dos Auto Parts Nichai..Vokuyl 8 aral 2 Cedarulale Iuaem Naylor 2 &tene. ylama Suni4kenal Exwhiaisu» Match 28 Whlt "lrfghtera 4 Es/s Enterpriece Mathuw Graam Danld elDluca Robot L"b Beane Rdboteon ScetiWilso 4Y' divisio Luannax Dru. 2 Speedy Auto (Jisa3 4 Justin Patter 2 Aas=nSarlcy 2 #Adivhlo Cedardale Carp.tzy8 Deo'$ Auto Parte Steve.Paie. Nichoas Varkuyl MathaAmin Juein Befliveaur 1lapdlakeQ WMitby 1ruply AndrawPigrm Paulabdi loch"s Ms MarnUoed 0 1rnm Dru. Janiesieke Bain Kiname.4 I Ont. Data Supplies Mgarch 20 Home & Rural Bmiley Harden Master BudroSm Sact Marisa.- C. Voneschachaits sSan Cunnlghm Pant Euo Math 22 1 Du. 'olow g9 Nyle Miudsalan. 6 JeMmry Ham 2 rqan johnaton Bye. Pile a McTuague Eletc c1 Michael Norman $A' dLvieiom O Jernyb Drug Ware.6 David Arnold 8 Kyl Branson Kyle Verwcy Shuteut Mattluw Fowler a Jcrî% sDrug Waxe. David Arnold 2 Sean Bieu Kyle Bransa. Jmratha. Dauwala McToauu Eloctria Devan Brick GrantKNDUr DuiTs Towlng Mye Musman 2 RtyanPike Math 16 Magetudrooni Sem[ finale 6 Matter Bedrom 6 Scott morrison 4 Jcfféry Ragera 2 Home & RuM l 1 Androw Lebel 3 PartEue 6 Rager manoD Kyle Perccwlcs Iryanatko, Jasa.Gordon Scott Da.néJýy 3 Durs Towlng 7 AerniMacMra C340le ueehnane Scott Marrisan JeffreyHase C. VOUechachelta JeaybDrugWame 7 Home & Rural 2 Jonatamn Daraa 2 4KEvleV«erwy Pafrm... 4 McTcauetrlc O Kyle Pcevlca 2 Jaa.Gordon Badl@YAi>eu 4:- udtnkatilmn COME A ND SEE "i appearing at, DURHAM~I DODGE CHRYSLER. Two 40 foot. coach buses with 80 years of memorabilia "Artifacts f rom the hockey hall of fame "The Sta'nley Cup *Wayne Gretzky's Sweater & Much Much More! WEDNESDAY APRIL 22ND tram 2PM 'TII 7PM 4 zOMOR ST. Brooklin Whitby 0 nunor BOUSE LEAGUE Nin~WNHA RaveWocote C4momPdimd JutluCssr.2 Gos Lue BoIawrn Bob&PloOC Neflsaa JasonJangfoe r --

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