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Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 22

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PAO E 22, NVII"llY FREE 'ItES4, WEDNESDAY, APREL 15, 1992 FR1ENDS (OP SCIIIZOPIIRENICS F'riende of Schizophrenics, Durhami chapter, will meet on Wedriesday, April 16, 7 to 9 p.n., nt St. Mark's churcli bouse, 200 Byron St.. S. (BMron and Col- borne). 'More wilI ho a video presentation. Free admission. Refreshniente will be served. SRD THURSI)AY Srd Thiursday Breakfast i.sa womêen's iietwork that nieets ionthly at-thie Old Munich Café, KingSt.. E., Oshawa. Mhe next nieeting is on Thlursday, April 16, 7:3V a.mi. Menibers and Iuests are welcunie. Cal] 723- 1143 for more information and reservations. EUCHRE The Ladies Auxiliary te, Branch 112- Whitby will hold their nionthly euchre on Thurada, April 16, 8 p.m., at 117 Byron t. S., Whit.by, upstairae hall. Coet is $2 per person. Lunch will be served. A handicap lift is available et the aouth door. CHAITY BOOK SALE C.W. Hay~ Bookseller and the Children's Aïd Society will hold a book sale with thousands of children and aduit books te chooee from, on Thursday, April 16, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday, Aprill18, 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. Proceoda i of this sale will be donated te the Children's Aid Society - Child Abuse Treatment Program. EASTER SPECILAL Christian Singes Serving Christ will present a seil Ester movie, The ing of=Rigs on Sa±urdey, April 18, 7:30 p.m., et the Christian Life Centre, corner Rçossland and Ravenscroft Rda., Ajax. Foflowship is heid the third Saturday of every month and admission is fr-ee. For more information, call 686-6193 or 623-21L26. CHRONIC FATIGUE Durham Region Chronic Fatigue S 'dromeb'M.E. Support Grou .wil meet on Wodnesdey, Apri 15, 7p.. t A.E. Kinig Meoriai ComplexKingsway Coliege, Osh awe. Fr more infor- mation cail Rene. Leahy et 655- 4398. ONE PAEENT FAMILIES North Oshawa Chapter, One Parent Families Association, wiii meet on April 15, 8 pan., at Christ Church, Mazry and Hfllcroft Sts., Oshawa. Guest speak er will be Judy Moine of the 'SACO team' (Sexuel Assault Care Centre), Whitby General Hospital. New members and gueste are welcome. For information, caIl 668-7579 or 434-3687. CAPIO Durham Chapter cf CAPIC, in association vith Durham Coilege, wili hold a full-dey seminar on 'Bar Coding Technology on April 16. Adinnereatthe Earl of Durham,, 227 Brock St. S., Whitby viii foilow, with Dennis Donovan discussng 'Bar Coding.' A cash bar wiii b. held fio= 6 te 7 p.m., dinner et 7 p.m., sud a presentetion fiom 8 te 9 Pmn.Tii. coet of dinner is $20 inciuding GST. For details sund reitetion cal] Sandra KazmirchSuk et 576-0210& ext. 479. EASTER EGHLU14T The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authorit~y will holc their third annuel E ester egg hunt at Heber Down Coniserva- tion.Area in Whitby on April 19, froil a.m. te, 4 p.m. Egg hunts will take place with various age groups et, differont times: childrenagd 3, 4and 5,11a. and 1 p.m.; children aged 6, 7 and 8, noon and 2 p.m.; children aged 9 and 10, 3 p.m. Parents will nol be aliowod te participete in egg hunts but may watch. Othoî activities wiil include a jelly boan contest and face painting. Refrealments wiil be availablo, Admisson* is free. For more information, or in case of inclomnent weather, contact the Authority office at 579-0411. To get te Heber Down, take Hwy 12 (Brock St.) te Taunton Rd. Turn west one km te Country Lane Rd., turn north and go te the ond of the rond and foilow the signa. ]PICKIN' SESSION Pineridge Bluograss Follore Society will hold a « pickin' session'l on Sundey, April 19, 1 te, 5 p.m., et Camp Samac, main counicil hall, Oshawa (use north entrance off Conlin Rd.). Pickers, singera and listeners are weicome te attend. GARDEN CLUB MEETiNG The Oshawa Garden Club will hold their regular monthly meeting on Mondaý, April 20, 7:30 p.m., et Northxninister Church, corner of Simcoe St. and Rosand Rd., Oshawa. There will b. an Easter flower . show, followed by guest sekraron Jarvie presenting Gardeming on a mal scale,' featuring alpines and miniatures. New membors are welcome. REALD-A-THON The Oshawa Deaf Centre wull hoat ' Read-a-Thon '92.' Each participant will have epnproxi- mately two weeks te, read, from April 20 te, My 4. Pledgea must b. submnittod te the Oshawa Deaf Centre by May 31 in order te, qualify for the grand prize (a super Nintendo game system). Cail the centre et 579-3328 <TTY/V) for a copy of a sponsor sheet/pledge form. STAMP CLUB The Osihawa Stamp Club will meet on Tuesday, April 21, 7 p.m., et ONeilI Collegiate (cafe- teria, firat floor). Collectora and visitera are elways welcomo. Stanipa, postcards and cover col- lections cen be oxchanged, eppreised or sold et auction. For more information caîl John et 725-7962. ONE PARENT FABMLS Oshawa Chepter One Parent Families wiii meet on Tuesday, April 21, 8 p.m., et Simcoe Hal Settlement Hlouse, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa for coffee, carda and conversation. Guestsansd new members are welcome. For further information cal] 986-5707. PEDICARtE QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL FOOTCARE N VOUR HOME 0 Nails cut, filed and thirined 91 Corns and callouses removed 0 Diabetic care provided For appointment call 666-9882 Karen L. Brady R. N. WEVENING & WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE ORIENTATION çtation for interosted mothers and prospective Littie Brothers. -on Tuesay, pril21 et the office ai Orientation for -prospective Bi' Brother volunteera will b. hel on Wednesday, Apnil 22. Cal] j579-2551 for more information and te register. FOCUS ON WOMEN Focus on Womfen wiil meot on rTuesday, April 21, 7:30 pm., et ithe Saivation Armén, Oshawa Tomple Corps, 570 Tornten Rd. N. &hawa. Dbian Hilîman will discuse window treatment, solo- rist is Janet Coates speakor is iMartha Dodd. Admission is $3. iFor more information caîl 725- 5062. INTERNATIONAL TRAINING 1 IN COMMUNICATION 'The Firet Oshawa Club ITO wili hold a meeting on Tuesday, April 21, 6 p.m., et Hong Kong House, 89 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. TIhe theme will b. 'Staying Green." Coat of dinner is $14. For more information, oeIl Pat at 726-9375 or Joyce at 668-5504. The Denise ]House Sedne Women's Shelter & Support Services Inc. will present ' Te Seventh Annuel Tribute te the Denise Houa. Dinner' on April 21, wih pei uea performance b Lon=Dak vuel, ONeil] OAC dramaestudents. Cal] for ticket information Mondey te Fniday, 8:30 a.in. te 4:30 p.m., et 728-7311. JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY The John Howard Society of Durham region wili hold e ribbon-outting ceremony te celobrate the new location, et Erneat Marks and Arnold CÏreen Resource Centre, 492 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa on Tuesday, April 21, 3 p.m. There wiii ho an open house frein 2 te 4:30 p.m. and al are weloome te attend. An annuel meeting wull be held et 7 pam. To resorve, cali 579-8482 by April 18. PAREINU FOR FATHERS The Faznily Education Resource Centre of Durham House wiii hold an eight-session discussion group for mon who are e=peting the birth of a ohild or arey hav a child et homo. Members viii ho encoureged te shere triumphs and tribulations of fetherhood, te assist each other and te blarn positive strategies for co'ing w&h the expectetions placedi on them in teday's changing tino. The gros wil meet et the Y Pace ntre, Oshawa, 7 te 9 p.m., beginn*n Tuesdey, Aprîl 21. The cost i. $44 par person. For more information, cal the centre et 579-2021 or 686-4353. ONE PAÉàNTFAMILlS North Oshawa Chapter, One Non- profitI communltygours whlch are based in Whltby or have a substantial Whltby membershlp may 1place their upcomlng meetings or actuvltes on ths page eat no cost. - kWg'. imln s= I FRIENDS 0F SCUIZPHRmNIs Ontario Friends of Schizo- phrenics, Durham Region chap- ter, wiIf meet on We dnday, April 22, 7 te 9 p.n., et St. Masrks church houa., 200 Byron St. N. (corner of Byron and Col- borne), Whitby. There will b. an informtion video about achizo- phrenia. RESOLVING CONFLIGT WJTH TEENAGE SONWVDAUGEUVMR The Faniîy Educetion Resource Centre of Durham House wiii hold e study group for rents of teenagers et onior John Perema Secon ary School, Oshawa, airgTursday, April 23, 7 te 9p.m. Thýe cost is $44 per person. Parents vil] b. introduced te concepts and methods that will resuit in more harmonious parnt/chid reiationships. For information, cal] the centre et 579-2021 or 686-4353. LEAIINING DISABILTIS MEETING The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO), Oshawa chapter, wili hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursdey April 23, 7:30 p.m., et the Wbitby Publi Library. Dr. Peggy Rirkpatnick, a predia- triianspeialzin inlearning disabilities, viii speak on 'testing procedures,'foilowing which there vil] ho an opportunity te ask questions. LDA is a parent sup port group, and alf are welcome te attend. Cal] 623-4934 or 436-7706 for furtiier information. DURHAM BUSINESS & PEOFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING Durham Business & Professional Women's Club will meet on Wednesday, April 22 et Groyatono Equestrian Centre (Shirley Rd., east off Simcoe St. N.), beginning with a reception et 6 p.m., foiiowed by dinner et 6:45 p.m. Cost for members is $25, $30 for non-niembors. The speaker viii ho Joan White-Elliott, member, and the topic, 'planning for your future.' Guesta and new members are welcome. Reserve by cai.ing 725-9179 or 427-6930. CHARfiT FUNDRMSER The Durham Regionel Conservation dinner committee vil] hold a cherity fardraiser wi»th e dinner and an auction et the Gen. W. Siiorski Poish Veteranls Centre, Oshawa on April 23. Proceeds vill go towards conservtion projecte in Durham Region. Items for auction will b. manylixnitod edition prints, fhigequipment, etc., vith the main items b.ing origna paintiilg-and atrp fortwo to Okeechbe. Lodge. For -tickets, cal] Reoert Lutczyk at 404-2144 or Fred Hlm et 434-2524. COMMUNMTYVOLUNTEER APPIECIA411ON The Whitby Senios' Activity Centre vil] hold an 'Apprecation Cof.Pry' te ackn edge the volunteer work carried eut by seniors in Whitby. The party will ho heid on Thursaday, Apnil 23, 10 a.m., et the contre, 801 Brock St. S. Volunteers with any organi- zetion in Wbitby - a church, the hospital, the contre or helping out a neighbour - are asked te attend and te meet this years Peter Perry Award winner and the. Community Good Neighbour winner. For further information, cal] 668-1424. y4i atlik SAILIING SCHOOL The' Whitby Yacht Club sailing sohool te effering sailing courses for juniors (ages-10 te 17) 'under CYA certified instructors, fin white: sail tesfilver levèes. Cal] 668-1391 for more informati. SPINGDANCE A sprin g dance séonsored !>y the Oshawe-Whit6y Fair, viii b. held on Seturdayý,, April, 25, 8 p.m., et the TWrone *cemmunity centre, north *of ,Bowmsuvil]e. There wUlbe aDJ,lightlûnch and prize.iNckets are $7.50, er person. Cal]L inda et 430-3635. CBAFT, GARAQE SALES me Pringle Creek Behn-du Choir Parents Association'> las planned craft sud gàtaraesles te hoheld in -the asclool paring lot on Saturdey, April 25, sud Satur- day; May 2 ..t pa. -irsa $10 fee.adSa are su]] e vailable. ki'r more in- formnation, oeil 666-2099, 668- 7688 or 668-8122.' ANNUAL DESSEWI BUFFK AND FASHION SHOW The Zion -Urited Church UCW (Mitchell'. Corners, juat off Taunton Rd., east of Oshawa) will hold an annual dessrt buffet and fashion show by, Great' Looks Fashionson Thursday, _April23 at 12:30 and 7:30-p.m!. AdmissAo is $6. There will , be 'dessets, fashion -' and door." prises. For tickets cail 725-4985. î 'iàVING WL ' CTIWË Keping, current with nutrition issues'is h tpcoh neit 'Living Well toretob held at. the * Whitby Seniors' Actiiy Centre, 801BrkStS, on WdeayArl2,12:45 p.m. This talkwill b. given, by public health nurse Nancy Bolton who will answer any quesions on nutrition., Admission is $1 at the doo:r and, refreeshments will -be served. For further information, cali the centre at 668-1424.' HLAVE LUNCH WrfTH CIBC CIBC, Dundas/Brock branch staff, will be barbecuing hotdogs from il a.rn. to 8 p.m., fliursday, April 16, for a 50-cent contribution to Easter Seals. There will aIse be pop, coffee and a treat from Easter Bunny. AU sale proceeds will benefit Pistr Seal. Food items will be donated by Whitby businesles. POLKA DOT DOOR Polka Dot Door Live, with Gairey Richardson, Polkaroo and special guest Funlanid Band'will be at Eastdale CVI Harinony Rd. N., Oshawa on' Saturday, April 25, with performnances- at ilf a.ni., 1 and 3 p.m. ickets are $7 (reserve seating only).' Cal 668-0497 for ýthe il a.m., show, 432-6919 for the 1 p.m., show, and 576-8218 for the 3'pan. show. Proceeds to theWestmins-» ter United Church buildinfi fund. SFRIG POTrERY, SHOW The Ajax-P>ickering Èîi Guild will hold a spring pottery show and sale at the Potteiy Studio, Plckering .RecreatIon Comple, ValeyFParma Rd. S., Pickering (south'of -Hwyl), -on Frday, April 24, 7'to 10*'p.m., Saturday, April 25, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., anc1 Sunday, April 26, néon te 3 p.m. Admission mnd parking are free. 'Ihere will bïe door. prazes. HARASMET'"SEMIfNAR A sei nar on 'Hallresment in the workplace' will b. held by DI. Stephens, employment equityr consultant,- on Saturday, April 25, 8 to 3 n .,at the seminar. will illustrate the legisiation, identilSr discrimi*na. tion and harassment. Termino. logies wil be defined- and investigations- made into the many implementations of' an adverse envir'onment. Fees are $70 jpaererson, te be forWarded

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