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Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 23

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- --, - --7r. WMUFY FRESE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1992, PAGE 23 Open hos at John Howard Society's.new location nei John Howard Socety cf Durham Region la hoseiq an open bouse on.Tuesday, Apil, 21, 2 p.mn.,*tu clebrate its ýnew loainfor tbe main office at 492 S imStS.LuinOshawa. The. John }Howard 8ociety 1 cmmnt-based, United ay, social servce. agency whose prog ranms are aimed at crime preventioei sud'.community education. The. agency' bas, been iu Durham BReonsince, 1962, aud bhas been a' staff brauch smnce Octberl1975. It beganwith one staff member' in Oshawa and now bas approximately'45 personnel with varyiu eduaioa bac1grouuds and expertise. Vlners are still au integra part of the agey. There are offices lu Oshawa, Ajax and Bowmazwile, as Well 'as two Tax assistance for residents A tax, assistance centre la being set Up for the convenience of Ontario riding taxpayers tbis Mling season Seasonal taÉ assistance centres are- part of Revenue, Canada, Taxiatis effort to reach 'Outtotxpyeralmuneed of information, forms, guides or brochures sud are extensions of the- district taxation offices, providing services to people right in their communities. The centre for Ontario rlding isat 1400 Bayly, St., Pickering aud will be open until April 30. The centre is staffed by local Revenue _.Canada,, Taxation personnel who will be distributing publications aud auswering mnqulries about the preparation of ,tax returns. presid ent at. society's next meeti*ngy The Brookilu Horticultural Society will hold its uext meeting on Wednesday, April 22, 8 p.m., At Brookllu nited Churcb. Kathleen Pétrie, president of Plneridge Horticultural Society, will be shaing her knowledge of ' wbatS bot and what's not, lu plants.! 1There w ilae be a narcissus show. Refr-eshmeuts will be served& Lug-a.mug. Everyone welcome. Kds' concert in Brooklin A childreu's concert Markus Brlght Sunny Days, wiIl be held Sunday, April 26, 7:30 pn.. A gopc ougsnea bacedFupby"fa lfour-ploe baud,& wiil present a wide variety of gospel music fi= traditional ta, contemporary. readeces oe acaedluWhltby sud.the othor luOshw. 1 The United Way bas always, provided support sud ilmding._ Other l1unding is splied ona fee-for-service basisb ail levels of, governinent, iucluding the Region ofDurham, Ministry of Education,' Ministry of Community sud SocialServices sud 'the Solicitor 'General cof Canada. Due ýto the finaucia support it receives, the, John. Howard SocietY lus been able to provide a multitude cof serylces to ahe coenrunity iluasu effort to 'Il Mthe gaps.' It services both- men sud women,4 ranging froni children ta seniors. There ls no watiug list for the intake, prograni, sud once this is completed, the individual cau acceés. any number of services/proganis' including: empryqnt ,counselling-,sub- csiie obplacements; litoracry iug marital sud *flamily counseDling;life alilh ,develop. ment; assstance ilu ah*ng with emotional sud psycholcal difficulties; and anger manage- ment. Iu addition, assistance sud advocacyr can be' provided to flnd appropkiate sud' affSrdabMe housing,, or the individual câmi, accese- and reide lu eue of the agency' rs%0 utalprograrns. Pardonapplication assac sud parole supervision is The community education prograng reaches approximately 15,000 to 20 000 individuals every year, -iucluâIng ichools, service clubs, other agqeuces, businesses, sud provides cornmunity 1wxns. regading the -John Press Oshiawa Ti s Week IlMaketplat Howard Society suad other services avallable lu' the communltyî lu addition, it addresse numerous socal issues, includu addiktions, abuelun the home sud stres mlanagmet tnaine a few. Although for the.Isat number of year the agency bas been extremely busy, often serviciug over 3,500 different indlviduals, Toronto Star ice Toronto Sun. lu person, il a year, the receut economic situation bas, put additional atrain on al conimunity agecies. Individuals sud families are feeling the effecta cOf the recession as job louses suad plant closure occur. lu February 1992 alone the John Howard Soxiey Durhami Region saw 777 dfèet ludividuals, -an l.uidication Of harder times to, câme. Club ha s new board members A uew board of directors was receutly elected at the aunual membership meeting cf Club Loreley Imc. President is John Brunner past president, Olaf. Rudolph; vice president of adminmistaton Walter Kranzl; vice preuident oi culture sud sports, Irene-Lipski; club treMsurerSiggNitachke; membership treasurer Heg Stader; seoetary, iUrsula*Fn, rich. Diwresare Tony Hais, Willi Sclnnahl. Fritz Kraus, Guuther marielli, Karl E . ,kla Herber sud Dieter opufrl cý Globe & Mail We m ay fot be the bigges»t...ý ...ef initely flot, the most col ourlul ...and probably flot the cheapest- ...buit WE DO HÂ-VE the best distribution and the best readership in, Whitby by far ...and- we deliverthe very best advertising ivaMein the- Whitby market Circulation & Readership Comparison of Newspapers in the Whitby Market Rosuits of the 1991 Whitby Fr.. Pross 'Roadr Surývey1 *full analysis and resuits of this survey may b. seen at the Free Press offices 3 :~A TOUR SPENT RADING MACH ISSUE c - RADERSHIP total time spent per page by Whitby residents The WHITBY F.REE-, PRESS ~. Whitby's COMMUNITY NEWSae Whitb* WSpp'ê1 I i 1IM4

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