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Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 25

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WIB]YFREEPRERS, WEDESDAYo APRIL 1N,1992, PAGE 25 More :comm tte me brsBlock -Parent -&progra4m co 'ntir TpWu"tby-Bradklin Block' Prn.Association wlll continue te operate. vmilh eo#elhowed u tIa 8 ring the num- ber ofcomitLtmib rs tol13 frm 'the prov'o*sfiveThe aso- ciation almost closed oeretions becausethere were soe fwcm mittee members. "Ité'sfor 'all our kide ini the commnt and, we need-the pub- li upror t *went iwork » says Ilnda : Drake, 'preident ethe assocation. "I don't think you can have too many people as commnitte. mei- bore beceuse everybody »bas dif- feront tinue availableto dedicate for the assocition," she says. Drake eays cemrnittee mem- bore usuelly nly have te, work about a haitheur every week. The 1,500. block parents in Whiltby and Brooklin, put a sign in. the. windows ef their homes whenoéver theay are ho me. Theft charge laid «Durýha mRegion al Police laid charges after, approendinga mian -drlving'aa stelen carîst week. Tii. arrest was made after a briet tootchese in -the.Chopin CitjDawson »St.' area earlyFPd- deýeqPf.r Carson, 18, et Whitby us charged with two comntaet theft oer $1,000, pos- session o tlnproperty over $1,00, pssesionof ouse- brakiu instruments and -criv- ing whiredisqualified. A cbuld "who is lost'or afraid on theosteot cen -feel male ,to ýreach'a home that lbis the rooklin Block'Parents «Thee'snover enough 'block parents because not everybody-je homoe t the, same tie,» eh.e Baya. Operatiuûg for, the lest 15 Eggstravaga at Whitby library Il. Whitby PublieIàbrary wiil bold an 'Easter Eggstravaganza' for children aged 6 te 10, on Saturda, April 18, 10:30 ta 11:30 a.m. There wiil b. otories, filme and crafte. Rýegister,, et the.cliildren'a desk. Spaces are Iixnlted. Fer more information cal the library et 668-6531 or 668-6541. years, the association meets once a month and discue.ses -the vatrotyetfundraising ovente te b. hold te holp, pay, for -signe, photocopies and v#aido, she says.. Drakees the association about the danes of the skreets, whait a Iblock parent lsa how to'reco@nize one and what to dowhen facingacriais. I Co rrection. . mi amerenrALi. uIM-« In last wek's editien, an icor- tios W tiihecommunity such rect t pon ube pvon as the rocent 'S8tay Alert, Sa o eehn ubrwas g Safe' program beéliet Canadi:en Paen Whoityoln Boc Tire. PrnsAscain To 'contact the association, caUl The. association, visite local 666-,1203.1 echoole te teacli childron, espe- Mhe Free Pro.. wishes te epo- cially frem kindergarten toe rde logize for the errer. Durbam]Regional jPolice are 6 ft., 2 i. 233 lbo., having a requestli ulic assistance to eïeavybuild g ýreen 'eyes, brown locate a mîssing Whitby rresident. hair and'dark complexion. Karl Franz Cermak, 47,Ytaled Thoreo was no description avail- te roturn home from bis place ef able et bis clothing. employment in 'Oshawa ..lest, Ho is pessibly perating a 1988 Thursday. feur-doodr Volvo, beige in colour, Mois dscribod as-male,. white, with -the licence, plats WIEN 14. MARlON BALLA, c.o-dfrector of the Aira Centre in Otwheda.dscussion a er "Street4liigh Sehool on maldng decisions responsi- bly 11e pesntaiwitograde 9 and 10 stuens wa ogaizdby the HnnSeulty Awareness Commitee o Durhm née-,o Pbob"ark So wo* Ehltby F . Itisreport crteagainat Austin. Mid-term reports, 'wil b. sent ýhome on^ -April. '23.' This repôrt' gives .an indication et"of prgeete date' and whether or rntestudent wiil meet the 60 per cent exemption mark.ý Sumruniforins wenit on s ale this wveek. The unifor-n osstaoe wallng s'hotsa nd a' golfeit with the echool loge. The summer unifrm eesirnto effeet in May. Du etecancellation et teen ranchUal gade'-12 rl o classéhld retroats at Côlumùius' Pii ou ru 13 and 14. "Stûdnts enjoyed a day flfled, »with dsunsand reflectoniL- $Jawqrhu 5sin 3fl911U5Ua rs In Wildcat, sports,, the student b ody would like to wish good luck te olur boys' rugby team plaYin their firet .gaine this, week. Afl other -Wildcat teamis,inlcling the. gils'.soccer teazu and -boys lacrossemaz, are biard et work pre or ucomig ,gaines. Mro1 dy àf rom ticket sales wa us dtudents are tunities 'to purchasetikes within the. next two weeks. Prom W9 wiI .lie' held at the Sheraton Htel, and tickets are $50 each. See<-uthre of ail the Austin staff and stdents, we would like te wish. everyone a afde and h4pWyEaér holiday.ý B3Y SoMIlRebig H-ello. Sonia Bebbington bore. In light of my recont sojourn from reporting, I- take this opportunity te throw eat you choicest highlights fromtbe past six weeks that you can4ot go without. Dwell not upon our time ,apart but on> the fabulous memories we have yet te share. TMme fer toar later, friende, there is much ite "aiy Anstamonth a,=th oAC writer's .4aft e.ti-okk,,ed otà a local éeementaryscbéool In order te interview yomn gafror the creative seton oftlioir cliildren's literature unit. The. gade 2s at'St. Catherine of Siena School were, mont qbliging, but nome OAC literaries did notfind thomto bequit thie voracious readers they lied ,expected. C. ,(YConnor, OAC mentor, partook in ber clas. disappoentment upon ,learning. that Miysses was net part of the ]By Meranda Waters Mdterms came and went this past woek,- leavizig Henry students alone in their wake. With all the excitement; this year lias brought, it's lard te believe we are lielfway te freedem... Umm, I mean, summer break. Ahh, the nice -hot weather, the soft breezes,'the great tan youl. get... oops, sorry. Now,, back te reality. On Friday, Api 10 was held the firet set etfridtermexm consiti f t erodon an periodthiree. Monday, April 15' was the day for period two and period- four, exams. Here's hoing you get the beet marks possible Congratulations -' te the tollowing students who advanced, te the badminton LOSSA finals- in the. junior grs doubles and the- seniçror nd unior boys' doubles categuries: K Iristeni Reeson,- Iàndsay '.Norman, Rosemari*s Albis and Jennet Croucher, Suiijay Giiendi and Jason PItters, Bram Peters and Steve Parka. Just in.... the Pascal, ey1 and Euclid math contest reuts. Derek Waldron was firet, in the gade 9 conteat, Pýascal; -Rajiv Ohandi &-et. in the Cayley, grade, 10 contest and alec, firet in the grade 11, Format math contest is Andrew Thompeon. Congratuations te'Mett Cook,ý grade 2 curriculum. Tii.' writere craft clases tudents are currontl unoving te riglit thisctusv wrong. .Tii. following week, tee, was ne stranger te medness, for the student council orchestreted ne lese than two ovents ot sheer zany fun.L The firet, on the. Tuesday, was a veritablo toast cd Iapjacks for Shromving s tudents,ý' and the foiowig riday, amid tlie of s &ra enon-unifom., day, t ore wa a lovely competition thet mnvolvod the skil eof stuffig as Mmy grapes as one could inte ones mouth. I found this te lie a moat appetizing ovont, and meny By KristfflReveler Hi therel I think it'. safie to say it's springtime, now. However, Pd botteïr not speak too loudly or we may just get a wild snowstorm. Graduates are eagerly prepari for their prom, which is j ust over a.month away. They are alec getting ready for ýtbeir graduation pictures. On April 8 and 9, Anderson hosted the Durham egoal Science Pair in 'the'.new gym Curious Anderson s Atudetsl toured the gym, exanning',the, Conference to encourage Iink between schools, pa'rents The Durham Board of E0ducation will hold'a conference for Durham Region patsand conununity membrs on Saturdayý, April,.25.et Ajax IHigh, School. The theme of the'conference je 'Parents as Partners: Learning for Lite,' and its purpose is to encourage a,positive,ý supportive relationship between echoos and the community.,, The day 1ilognat 8:30 a.m. and run until 3 p.m. Workshops will focus on parénting alls, -new education initiatives and -effective school advieory conmittees. Speakers and. presentérs will include director- of educatoný Pauline Laing,ý chair Loumise Farri Durham board-consultants and loca 'ageyand fuimdng kIdcÉ te .,thi. pow.ers that ie, for scheduling it over the luncheon poriod. >Now tiet ',work-to-rule bas relaxed its tyrannous grip on our institution, DO'C bas returned te the realm eto the living particularly wbere sports are, concerned.Unouately, liow- ever, the, spring comedy production.*li e on S=&Xied and with it dies the, opportunity. to? me, yours. truly h-ýie roi, of, diaboil nastinos. «- ereel stretch. Weil, net mucli else te say. AU the. best, friends, until next time many fascnating prqct. Tiie ex"bits wr' dsla urIng lunch' as well'as after .9chool on thoee day.. Thank yo eal students who displayed their scientific talent. Andoreonians who have ever wondered about -New ,Age Spiritua]ism lied the opportunity te express it on April, 9. Anderson Christian Fellowehip liead.their firet meetin at lunch and invites. anyone who wishes 'te join them in their study;' On' Apr*l ',19, the Anderson Student Athletic Assocation ÇA&AA) will proudly peetthe Easter Seals ,ýRoUe.r Raaet. Wheelios,,Faniily RoUer Centre In Whitby. For .$5, yqucan ezijoy:an afternoon et fun tk help support a goed cause. Tickets are evailable- et Anderson et lunch. Students taking OAC wniters rathad- the. opportunity te, speak with, ,one--of-Durham's children's s t oryr writers. John Green gave us, the, chance te ask Min questions about his writing career and ýstyle. The author of 'Junkpile' Jenniter' and « Thore's a DragonnMy1 Closie' spoke te studeénts .about the -difficulty ef writing, as weil as how rewarding the. profession van bo. Since we wiIl ho doing a unit on children' stories within the next tew days, Mr. Green's information will help us in the,. wnting procoem . 1 Well, that's about ail for the echool news.Ene this weather, and HeàppyEatr sNF Min [DENIS O'CONNOR HIGH SCHOOL 9- 7-- 1 ANDERSON C.V.1. 1

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