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Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 2

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, j '<' i %-- ., 4. ,' , ,' -,-, q , ' '0,, è ' ' * PAGE 2. WHITBY FIREE PRSS; WEDNýgDAlt, AP1I"IÈ, 1992 >By Marlo Boucher The two, school boards i Dur- ham Région are, expected te b inbudgets 1with tax in- croasses of less than fivo per cent. "Staff are. reworking on the numbers today to bring as low an increase as possible» says Ailan Gunn, Whitby Ïrus * ith the Durham Board of Education. p. Ea8ter ID Although the final draft of the budget is, not expected until the end of the month, Gunn says the icrease for taxpayors will likeiy bo les. than five per cent. this year. 1With the increase i provincial ur ants limited te one Per cent in 1992,, al achool boards have te cut expenses whiie holding tax )eadfities The offices of the, Whltby free Press wl be cloged on Good Frlday, Aî,ril 17j, but will be open on Eater flondcay. Deadlines for adverMSn, will be at the usual trne, Nonday at noon, but to enîure prompt and effidient service we urge you to place your ad& by Turday afternoon (Uhc l6th).* Thé staff of the Whitby Free Preé& wlshi you a happy aMd iQyful faster weekend. DUNDAS CENTRE * Guardian Druigs~ 220 DUNDAS ST. W. (MEDICAL BUILDING) 430-2999 HOME WITH GREAT POTENTIAL! Needs first lime buyer t0 care for it. Asking $1 49,000.00. Backs onto greenbeIlt ROSEMARY BROWN Hall of Fame Centurion 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 "Rosemar made a special effort là selling y----------------------------------------------------------- our home. We were very impressed with her.... professional manner rightfrom the start. She kept us totally informed and neverput ressure on us in the buying or sefflng end of things. She knows her stuff.," Paul & Danna Bolandý. AS A LONG TIME RESIDENT OF WHITBY, LET MY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE GO TO WORK FOR YOU! ONE OF MHE HARDEST WJORKING PEOPLE IN REA4L ES TA TE No QUESTION ABOUT ITNT BUS: 433-2121 HI lU At 101? increases te a reasonable level, he aaya. .Gunn says the board'à ail-day session asat Friday was "the fui- lest and moat comprehensive situdy for a budget.»'He is ope- fui the resuite will, be w*orth- whiie, considering the difficuit economic situation the board is The seprate sehool board budget is also - xpected te be announced withinthe next two or three weeksý says Wihitby trustee Joe Bugelh». The board is stili iooking at any possible ways to cut expensea and the budget i- crease will "defimitely be- under five per cent,» he says. Unilike -.some of the other sehool boards i the province, notabiy Peel and Ottawa, theé Durhainisehool boardsý will not lay off any empioyoes, inciuding teachers. Tanya Koch, Whitby trustee on the separate board, Koch says there Will be some reshuffling of existing, staff, particula$ry. for the now Pmoeridge secondary achool opening this fail in Pickering. Tho board expecta about 1,000 more stuidenta for the 1992-93 school year and bas no plans te, lay off any employees, she says. Iesewhore inic he provMnce, about,873 teacheirs, mainitenance and secretarial sitaff and teach- ing assistans reexe to ose their *obs t th Ottawa acolboar. Another -660 >ojbs3 are also expected te be ehmiinatèd.at the Peeèl board. < Hospital begins bude work Whitby General Hospital shouldh ave its new .budget ready by eariy June, fiays hospi- tai board chafir Ed Bifet "We're in the procesa of work- ing on the budget rieh now... I expect we'il satart seeing some, hard numbers in late April/eariy &meministry has indicated j ByMarlo Boucher Meeting he wlfare costs wiIl have the iggest impat on this year's Durham Rgion budget, oxpected te, be announ- ced in oarly May. "The biggost problem is wol- fare and social services which have increasod by about 19 per cent this year " says regional councillor Boss Aatten. Most, of the other Region departmnents have no or littie incroase in thoir budgets ho says, as the Region oisr a tax increaseocf lesa than 10 per cent. Batten says the Region has ne choice but to follow the guide- limes set eut b the provincial govemmxent with regard te pay- mg welfare. «Its a vory tough process in dealing with an increase in wei- fare and it is an earth-shattering effect on the rest of our financial situation," ho says. Regionai counicillors are doing everything they can te bringini as low a tax increase as possible, and hopo te avoid amy staff layoffs, hesays. they would like te, see, our budgets no later.than earIy Juno, and that wili be the target, that we'llbeaim»ing for." Buffett says no'decision' has been made abut whether.te fil the director of planningsition Elizabeth Brtn aa-when she was appointed acting execu- tive director.-,-, Barton.was appoited chief executive officer A ru 3. Buffett says theo board was impressed with her "oùtstaniding academic, background and very impressive performance at the Toront Hosipital," as well *as her performance as acting CEO. ELIZABETH BARTON 0MB' s ick ond' decis ion to be ap pealedý By Maio Boucher Whitby Estat*s Ltd. bas deci- ded to go to the Ontario Court of Justice, General Division to fight a decision made by the Ontario Municipal Board <0MB) against a proose housing development near Lick Pond, south of Dundas St. E. and east of Thickson Rd. S. The devioper wants the 0MB to overturn a decision mnade three weelcS ago in order to allow the development of 39 town- houses at the three-acre location at the corner of Springwood and Nichol Ave. The Town, Michael Eway f Whitby and Robert Lick o Wil- Iowdae were served a notice of motion fiied at magode Hall in ,Toronto by Whitby Esats Ltd. The court wiii decide whether or not to allow the appeal. Ewasyn says the appeal was made to have the proposed deve- lopment considered as affordable e developer aiso argues the Central Lake Ontario Conserva- tion Authority (CLOCA) issued a fill permit and did not attend the 0MB hearing, he says. A large part of the four-day hearing last January concerned the environmental impact in the ares, but there was no CLOCA representative te comment on ROTARY CA$H CALENDAo J Piz Nubes orAPr. 4-0 0666-0556 1475 ý2821 0371059,- 2877ý the imp act cfdevelopment. In t eir pursuit cf an aepeai, Whitby Estates Ltd. -beleves thero i.' a noed for affordable housing .that should be emphas- ized more than the onvironmen- tai aspect cf the development, ho ývsnhopes the importance cf the environment In the iàck Pond area wili outwoigh the issue cf affordable housing. "This is one cf the very few green spaces loft in this tewn,» nesBaye. Steve Edwards, cf the Town's planning -and developmont dopartment, says the matter is roaliy betweon Whitby Estates Ltd. and the 0MB. «We haven't discussed fully yot whether or- not we shouid res- pond te this mattor, eospecial>y if ne Town issues are involved, ho l+heO0MB thought the pro- posed dovelopment application was promature because a. numn- ber cf concerne had net boom fuliy addressed. The OMB found that aliowing developmont in the south -part would affect the rest of the pro- e.rt, ndn àk Pend, and 12-acre property shouid be con- sidered as a whole. The board noted the entire site is an onvironmentally sensitive area, andesed concern over the ýeffecteofanyBchanges in. the overaîl drainage system duo te dovelopment. The board ýsaid commenta on drainage procedures, soil con- ditions, the type of cuttinq and siops wuldave been "cf inter- est teoboard.' "The significanco c f OLOCA!s involvement or lack thereof became increasingly apparent as the hearing progresaed.' The developer' had originaiiy outlined -plans .for* commercial deveiopment onthe other three- acres, fronting Dundas St. E. However, that three-acre parcel was not p art cf the application made by the developer. .1 Thfe board's report aise said that a section cf the Towm's officiai plan, that doesn't permit development that couldresuiti daaet natural aroas, had.net een addressed by the applica- tion. Residents expressed theircon- cerna* at a public meeting during the hoaring aboutý the losso0l wildlife andl the, effectâ of the proposed. development on the pond. .The.application was frst -made. in Novembor, 1989 and a public meeting cf, the planning and dovelepment committee £ollowed in April, 1990. Town staff presented a 'recoin- inondation report te the commit- tee in' Setembor, .1990 but the matter was referred backj te, staff by the council. The applicant'appealed te the 0MB last June for one hearig dea]ing with both zoningadst plan because couûncil had net yet onacted the necessary amend- monts. Counci1jlaced the property in items were resoiveZ milmn Colin MeLachlan,,president of the, Grand 0 kGreup, the managmg companythat., ooks atertheLick Pond property, had stated that residenta would stili bo able te use the pond for recreatiomal purposes despite the developmnent, ad a lot cf effoirt .had, been made te respond 'te environinentai concerna. WILL BE OPEN GOOD FRIDAY Apr 17 -10 arnto 9pm SATURDAY Ar18- 9amto9pm EASTER SUNDAY Apr 19 - 10 arn to 9 pm WHITBY URGENT CARE WALK UN Medical CIinic 220 Dundas St. W. Whitby OPEN ALL WEEKENDI No Appointment Necessary 668-7899 Brooklin Rentai*sl Now Open For Ail Your Rentai Needs Downtown Brooklin behind Qui k Bite 531BALDWIN ST. CALL 655.1360 [Z ]

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