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Whitby Free Press, 15 Apr 1992, p. 3

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WHfTBYiFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15,41992i PAGE 3 Blown switch l.eaves'Whitby in the dark Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) ecommena tions from oPerat*on committee That the Anne Ottenbrite pool roof b. removed'and re placed at.a.cost of $1 37,000. Thfe wok 'Ilil be * carri out durlng the. September pool m aintenance shutdown., *Carred That the parks and recreation director report outiining Town Involvement ln the Klnismenl' Kinettes speciai event combined wth Canada 125 celebratians on Sunday, AprIl 26 b. approved; and that a grant of $1,000 be provided ta the clubs for the event. .CaMred That a proposai by David A. Spackman of Oshawa for the Installation of benches, wlth advertislng on the back, at eight bus stops ln Whtby, b. considered ln conjunction with the Town's review of the temporary sigin byiaw. Carrld Recommenda- tions by planning and development committee That council approve a rezonlng âpplication by Heritage Community Housing carp. to add-three apartment units ta the graund floor of an existing commercial/ apartment building an the West side of Hickory St., between Coîborne and Dunlop strees... Carried That an application by 799644 Ontario Ltd. for a plan of subdivision (26 lots) ln the northeast part of Ashbum b. denied as the develop- ment proposai Is considered premature.. Deputations S3tudents tram Whftby high sohools who are partlcIpating ln the 1992 youth and cMvc administration program were Erin Chadwick, Austin; planning director, Day. Bradley of Anderson; parks andmcdirctr, eaher Forshaw of. Henry; fire chief, Jennifer Reeks of Henry. Much of Whitlby was in the dark for almoat four hours Sun- M% Hydro goneral mana- ger Tom May says a pole-moun- An 8-year-old Whitby bo la15I good condition iTorontoe1s3Hou- : ial for Sick Children after un ht by a car Tiursday afternoon. Police say Bryan Wouters was rolIerbladingon Fallingbrook St. near Drden when ho fell ite the path of an oncomin'q car. Police say no charges will b. laid. He suffored head inj'uries and was rushed to Whitby General Hospital and later ta, Sick Kidu, whero uis condition has been ted swi tch' blew on one of Whitby's four main. feeder linos ýcututng power te "pobablyabouÏ fietesixthousand customeos. ii. area affocted waa «mostly upgraded-from'fair. Wouters'imother sayu Bryan la «doingr oka!y,» but doesn't know when hell b. released yet. south of Rossland ]Rd...- it was scattered right. acroos town. Trewould b. areas that' (bydro) would b. on and maybe. acroa the street the ihets would Robinison's company fined $36O0 FROM PAGE 1 >Robinson was also placed on probation for two years during Which time h. is- expected te inako reportOf a firesafoty plan tethe Whitby fire department overy three monthu. Tih. charges stem hpartfrOUI the Hageruville tire 9:r disaster An early 1990, iwhich 14 Mil- lion tires Fburned for about on. mnth. Shortly thereafter, the provin- cial overnent posted security riards at ton tire dump pror. lnOntario, includinig Robin- sonws. Since then, the Whitby fire departmùent has conducted many inspections at Robinson's yard» and found the proerty with approximnately 1 ,00used tires, to b. unsafe against fhre prevention. During 'a hearing in- lato February, Robinson s laywor, Charles Morison, had said that bis client had'made ahl tho neosair offorts, to comply with tenew provincial law and had ,rn pratig for many years beoe .Hagersville disas ter. "Tii. normity of the changies» by tho now provincial law regarding f»re safety in tire dumps roquires tine and money eeaqur the. proper equipment, he aed.r Prosecutor Bruce McKeekin had said at the. time that the. Whitby firo department tried toa warn and help Robinson comply with the. now safet guidelinies but were "rebuffed»by the own'er who showed'a «non-co-operative attitude.» Robinson had failed te provide correct accoua te, the roadls for fire vehicles. and a proper water systor!n in case offlire, ho uaid. Pool owner - new minerai systemi makes pool Now thora lu a system, called Caribbean Clear, that uses minerais te dlean your pool water. It lu'so effective, it gets the water clean enough te drink. It uses a compýuter te put silver and copper -in your pool water to, kili the bacteria and algae. Silver kifla bacteria and coppor kilsa algue. Once or twice a woek, it's up to you, you will test your water and -thon turn a dial on« the computer. Tatail thrais te pol1r with Caribbean Clear. .u ig the. dia! 'will put the correct amount of silver and copper ions in your pool te kil the bacteria and algae buildup. The silver and copper are used i very amail amounts and are totally harmIess te humans but deadly te bacteria and 1 lgae. These minerais are the very same metais that we carried around as Whasthe advantage for you? care a snap It saves3 you a lot of time. It eliminates neod for chiorine and inakos pool cure the turn cf tho dial. No trips te tho store for chemnicals and ne storage problems cf hazardous chomicals. Do you worry about your children getting inte the chlorino? Woll, now you won't have te worry because thore are ne deadly chemnIcals around. la sanyoen iyour -family allergic te chienine, or, do your eyes get sore fmtho chionine? Weil, you an now swim in comfort. You and yourfnir cmn swim inwater tat wont damag your hair or dry your skn ou can go away on a two-week heliday-and not woriy about the pool turning ren. The sun -won't hum of the minerulaso eyeu won't have great fluctuations te deal with if your pool sits in. the suit or lui used, a lot. Do you know tint chlorine humae off after 16 I"Heart of-the System" CARIBBEAN CLEAR minutes te, an heur alter you have put it ini your pooll The ailver and copper stay li yeur pool. The only time they are used is when people are swimrning'and splashlng. To heur information- about (Jaribbean Clear -listen teo, ur recording - call 434-5107. b. Off." .Work crews repaired the switch but May says the power wouldn't go back on. "W. had te do alot of hmting around 'and finally did smre alternate switchin te got every- b ac o.d vrtually'every- bojwas back on by'il p.m.» Mays» thefeod i now back te normal.Crews did apatrol Monday mnorning but didnlt find an* evyer .it 1wAs muet have cleared." Ifs not known what caùs.d the switcl, tô blow.' 1 It could b. mechanical failure it could ý have taken a shot o ligtningt,it's hard te saty.u Many residents called about the. outage,, says May. «W. had four people answering phonos and fîi two-man crews out workino on it.» MAKE LOCAL' CALL Cai Toronto and area as often as you wish and talk as lng as you 1.< l qike ANYTIMEMI ~s1~ . v *. x * v ~ « ~ .~ \ ~. ~ ~* - ~ ~.,. ~ * 4'.. . cisors HA IR DESIGN « Mon. Tues. Wed. $1000 OFF ALL PERMS (includes cut & style) Esthetics Available waxing, pedicures, manicures and nail extensions Eull range of hair care products including Redken and 3kin Care by Sebastian 601 Dundas-St. W. (Hwy 2'& Francis St.) Whitby (Town Plaza) 668-1640

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