Iý Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) '1 Reècommena-a tions from operations committee That the 'no stopplng' zone b. rernoved along the narth side of Bellwood Dr., adjacent to Bellwood public sochoal; that there b. an aduft crosslng guard at Lowder Place and Bellwood Dr.; that there be 'na stopplng' oe ln the school crosslng area from 8:30 a.rm. ta 4:30 p. m. Monday ta Frlday; that an overexpenditure afi $1.500 be approvod for the Installation af a cancrète sldewalk extension, Une marklnigs and slgns; that the Durhamri publie and separate schQol boards be asked to Include drapb-o*ff areas in future sohoolsite deslgns ta provide more safety ta students and avold the need for costly trafflc', solutions (crosslng guards) ,by the Town. 1Carried That a 1 00-fl. aerlal platform wlth pump lire vehicle be purchased tram Superlar Emergency Veh Icles, Red Deer, Alta., at a cost of $6 ,0 dô.11vâty date June 1); thatthe 1972 1 00-ft. aerlal vehîcle, whlch has presented continuai repair problems, be sold ta the hlghest bldder, once the néw vehicle arrives. CDarred That the low tender of Fusllao Construction Co., for $130,81 9, be accepted for reconstruction af Byron St. N., from John ta Walnut St., ta, urban standards. No trees will be removed. The f lrst phase of reconstruction on Byron, tram Mary ta John, was completed last year. Carwied That the low tender of $4.623 by Turf Gare Products Ltd. for the purchase of 12 heavy duty grasslweed trimmers be accepted.* .D1efeated That staff again ask for tenders for the purchase of the trimmners. Councillors sald the Turf Gare tender did not meet> ail the speclllcatlans (for harsepower and fuel tank size) although staff sald the "non-complances" In the Turf Gare bld were minor ln nature. Carrled That councîl authorlze the Pringle Creek and Bellwoad Other'bueiness That the Town seek the-, co-operatlon oi the province ta, establîsh garden plats on the south slde af Victoria St. W. (Baseline), west of Gardon St. Gouncîllor Jo., Drumm says he ha& the support af Durham iCentre MPP Drummond White ta' re-estabiish the community use gardon plots (formeriy off Rossland Rd.. .. .Carried fWIUBY FM, EPRS WEDNESDAY. APRIL24PM PAGE a Brin Mls sbiiso lan Fl ig, traffieconcerns ..over 1arge deve1opment, Prîe Nmbrs orApr. 18-24 0576 039-ý-ý.ýý! P4 ýýý'ýý0752 -ý;0343I 056631063 2429 ABy Mlarlo Boucher Aproposed new housing deve- iopment "of 14596 units 'South. of Taunton Rd.o,,west of ^Cochrane St. and north ofRossiandý Rd. heu residentse worried about' potentiaVI-fooding probiemsi the erea. .Erin Mills Dývîlopment Corp.' wants ta build a subdlivisionfthat woula include 992 Single deta- ched dwiellings, 282 semi-deta- ched. dwellings, 151 'multiple femiiy units,' 128. apartmient unit s and 43 units for mixed use on a 146-hectare <365-acre) siteý< that, would' eventualiy attract'., over 5,200 peopie i that area. The application also calsa for two secondaiy schools, one ele- mentary schooi, two Ochurche several perits, open space and The sit9. ,J@ecurrentiy zaoned as agriuitùri,'*greenbeltadre- denitiai <RI .and R2). Bath the Town and the Regzon's officiai. plan, designations cali for a zon- mng'of- residential and, hazard lands. -Haydn *Matthews, executive vice-president of the Pargn - Group, the company t hat, -managei;,the property, said at> clnnommittee meeting last week that they have had discuse- sions with'the Ton the Region, the Central ý Lake (nterio Con- *servation 'Authority' (CLOCA) the *Ministry of --Naturaf:- Resources and bath. lcal, echool boards concermneniW mental, îissues. The housing di4é!ôpment, wili not proceed until there Ws»somie type of agreement with the efore- mentioned groups. Reésidenà ts- exprîessed coùié rns abou"t ",tree_.preserviation, in- creased in tý raffic in th e7area,« fiooding rbemo and'the loca- tion a, proposed, elemeëntary school near a wioodlot area.-' Robert Menn sà aid the',parek -area betweeri the Pro Posdiho and the . housing dfop ment woul bémà sort cut-for cèhil-, dren who would' either g't in-' jured or possibly be abusedin an area that coul d attract vandal- ismi among other things. Many residents also expressed concern about the increase in tre±flc and uchool crossings in the erea. Matthews seid some roads and intersections are in need of imn- provement including the Taun- ton Rd. and Cochrane St. inter- "Mscton.' Bill Winter was one of several residents who thought flooding in the Lynde' Creek wouid become a problemi with the pro- posed housinïg deveiopmient. Lynde Creek runs through the southeast part of the proposed development. Since- the consitruction of houses in the northeeut corner of Rossiand Rd. and Cochrane-St. five years ago,- floodin heu .i- creeued substantially ini Lynde Creek, 'which is lecatéd at' the backof his property, hesaid.- «You, must taeke cà re of 'the whole thing,» hesaid. 1Winter said the huge develop.- mentthat is being proposed wili only'aggavate.-the flooding pro- blems'. Ye'said the -time hbas corne ta start ta take care of ýMAKE 'METRO LOCAL CALLiý Cali Toronto and ýarea as, often as you wish" and talk as long as you ilke ANYTIMENI NO ACTIVATION FEE!* for new residential customers. $50. VALUE (until May 15/92.) Satisfaction Guarantee'd' ý27 RESIDENTIAL plus GST,,-.,,,, BUSINESS plusGST ý'- Sales'LocatIon OSHAWA "CENTRE SHOPS .Up TOP We comply withý CRtC and Bell Canada Tariffs One lime activation tee ,na îwn ung. itby j ng B o and, demai!d by consumers,'andý the first phae of construction -wouid likeiy begin with about 400 hous- in uits about halfwaybetween Ressiland Rd. and Taunton, Rd,^ Mattxew sad th enirepro- ject is expected ta take about seven years, with about, 200 irnits buiit each year. ' - . «It is-subject ta the markcet," lie said. The -application weu sent back to planning staff 'for ,aniother report at a lgter date. development can bealItowed à location deemed hazard lands. 1Bob Ashby, saiÃŽ the Té ishouid beý concerned. that mi housing development',are ,be bujfit in many -ereas- of WhI when the Towýn should belook for more industrial compane* help'-share the.tex burden a keep tex increase.,even.,loa than the 2.3 per cent . increj this year. ChIr of, the planni mnI tee Joe Drummn, asaidhe T« is âoing ail it cen -to attract n businessesta Whitby, but, adé that there is very -itle 'mo ment in the economy. «Qur job now is ta keep wli we have and try ta get more,»' said. Matthews, siaid the houai devélûpme-nt wvll--bé.dictated; part by the econom ic climate ai ~'.1 I ~lies tbusieâs ony <X ffle SiSPRING PATIO',SALýE! led*, 0 < e Wee hee Mn ~ FESIVAL MIX & MATCH CARE * SET SETe 4oe~" Choose from:- e à 7pleces T BLS pleces RmTipoaTI. ~ ik eihlGluk 00 $CHAIRS'7pLOoiWE. pc OMo =U 249" 'CUSHIONS $39900 * i 'UMBRELLASe VENTURA -STANDSDEMR- ALL SOLODSEPAREYI il pIOces 0 eSMd s$bd - 7 11Z-3 pot. wtMa à A , 'Imathiganoe. L 71aSp * ajato Aval. aSobIow- 0$6991,,ab. *~CYPRESS DUKE SET MARKET il pIeces -il pleces $45UMBRELLA UMBRELLA & bau., Ava.ln"«> bin koek2 ocvxmwm 100 oftcaloursto chomfrom. ~ à UMBRELLAS EXTRA THICK PAIO EXRA 40 Round0 0 71/2' 86900 HIGHBACK THICK PTOTBE 0 3 pas. CSIOS ST ONE sgs . 0 Over 1,000 tb choose CSIN ES.'L U G 9 g * from. PICK VOUR OWN. $249' fCSI : Aýo limed seection of floin CUSHIONS$Tempered. glass, * slightlysebed SahlSIId 40 A lOO uminum rim. Sold * 1 umnbrelias391, 'l1499' ~ Isyafr19 re SS E S PAY NO G.S.T. ' 1ON'ANYMATTRESS OR ' eM ATT R ESE'G 1 "BOX SPRING *Tr A~pri30t Ony-WIth thi ne * LADY ROSE ORTHOPEDIC SESECA 10 IYR. GUARANTEE 15 YR. GUARANTEE RESTF * ~Momm.. OnIy Matr.,.OnIy LG SIGE E 3"$10900 SINGL SET 299"MATRESS'& 0 DOUBLE SET W" 1é)Ã"00 DOUBLE SE5" 0 ETqo$40PRICE&1 9r PRICE'229 $49 SINGLE) e QUEEN SET 6"$4A0QUEEN SET 60" $1891490: *PRICE&239 .-uE$1900PRICE280. * $8 DOUBLE '169M e * BACK SUPPORT PEACEFUL SLEEPER QUEEN $1900 ORTHOPEOIC NON*ALLERGENIC NON*ALLERGENICORTHOPEOIC 'Thatrs Right Both PWeosi * * 20 YRGUARANTEE 30 YRL GUARANTEE eNGLSET-- on6"HIGH DENSITY* PIE2r 1900 DOUBLE SET 54" $2400 FOMATRS 9 DOUBLE r64si90 0 PRICE W I30E$79019 0QUEEN $ OEN $SNL 70 SET 60" 90PICE '498 900 5î4 OULE$900e' 0 PRICE 8 2490P 5'DUL1.v *MA1TRESS AND BOX SPRINGS SOLO SEPREL 60" QUEEN ' 9 : SECTIONALS, erqUE QUEENSZEOF * Cnaia Mde SALE ~uIa BED SECTIONAL * ______ lo'm$79900 - 0.99 wlth upgraded sprlng : $ > $59900, mattres-avallalelIn * W.AREHOU «ýE.. 6 JIL