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Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1992, p. 15

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BILL nuBBPUmi owler l r lite out features Of e IlonSue Sweetsm Lo ùfro rSidgthtSealzgin. wiI b heldue 13, trlng d a 10am frOm he Pi»ceringySu we than 1,000 moeto- cycli ts, ledb"lth OPP Gold;86 h.t, à are, hxeltd lte 1ake ptartitngras.1f0dsam, tii. tetitPikeng Foundation that moa4a cue, >r the oyedisee am-çpehed'oP>i kW COM2POSTING JOURNAL AVAILABLE AT BREWERS' OUTLETS *inter 1992, the second issue ofIhe Composters' Journal,' published quarterly by the Recycing (Jouncil of Ontario (RCO), ireportd'on thfe beginning of composting at ce-eps, townhouses and apartment bwuldings. Residents cf a**-o in downitown Toronto'approached Metro Toronto'. waste management department t accur composting facilities. The. department.complied by ina9ta1hhng a three-bin unit capable cf composting mont of their- organic It.orIn out very well,"' says Hilda'Tesn oo menter. Thie unit ha. composted 2,000 kilogramsof foodsd yard waste in the 'at year, sud nine c f,ý the co-op's, 22 househelds are1 regualy using the 9-ft. by 3-ft. by 3-ft. composter. Another article ini the mame issue :described how a public school iptroduced verrnicomposting (the use cf'red wiggler worms kept in abex) as part of its garbageless lunch program. The Compstera' Journal1, wbich relates current activitiesi composting, addresses, cominon questions and includes seasonal tips, may b. obtained free from Brewers' Retail stores across the province, a. well as by subscription. Liiterature on vermicomposting sund the design for three-bin compostera may be obtained by calling the RCO at 1-800-263-2849. Te Metro Toronto prqiects modified those designs to strengthen the units to enable heavy use. A few month ago, an evening c f entertainment sud 'tonque-in-chee awards was orgaîized by- the Toronto Environmental Alliance. This goup sponsored the first annual Envirornmental Bull Awards held in downtown'Toronto. The ceremony focused on 'dubious' green élaims such as a floor polih that'states it i. environmentally friendly yet adds te the pýackage fatal if swallowed! Companies -nominated for the 'exrcellent in confusing the public suàd compromisoing the environment' included Procter & 2b e for its throw-away diaper advertisement that showed a tree growing eut of compos. At present, there are no municipal. or central composting facilities in Canada available tht olee disposable diapers. Prime Minister Mulroniey's Green Plan won the 'they were just promises - w. nover meant te keep them award.' The Canadian Manufactureaof Chemical Specialties Association won the 'Dr. Jekyll. sudMr H de award for its brochure that printed, "Ifa a chemical erld (sund that's ekay)."@ Despite bad weather conditions, approxhnately 100 people attended, sud the evening wa. a tremendous success.. Everyone seraously hopes that in a few years there won't be any awards to give eut and that the environment will be the real winner. ' In the meantimeyucn epb noticing any dubieus "green dlaims' sud send your nominations for next yeares awards te: Toronto Environmental Alliance, 401 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. M5V 3A8. -Whitby Good, Neighours share idea S MrlnWilliam.sud Pegg Kibyrersented VWiby atthe 1992 provincial Good Nexghbour Conference May 12 sd 13 in Toronto. The conference brought together dlègates from the more than 40 Good Neiëhbours communities across Ontario , as well as representatives of law enforcement agencies, fath commuûnities, ad boards fo edcton. The Office for Seniors'Issues, Ministry c ýf .Citizenship, co-ordinatod the two-dày event., ?Partnersiips -- Lfestyle for the 90W' was the conference theme. The Good Neighbours initiative in WVhitby is succeeding in promoting the traditional values'that- lead people te, reach eut and- help,,others, a nistry official salys. Wjhitby, serves' as a model for those.communities that have yet te, adopt the carnipaign, or are just in the process cf, doing so.- Williams and Kirby shrd, soein Of the ideas that worked particularlywell in Whitby. ifar Cas!te ScIui 'H4Mt6g, Ontario 'ffie .piw4aft. e taff andfStrufnts' ixend to y=uanJijourftienk a cordinmn ,to téLprucint on tfie occasion cf tir ~May Court itu~ ami Op-n %iuse Saturay, Mayitire eTwenty-iird( du mn àoefock For over 118 years, Trafalgar Castie. has offered a streng academlc programme that prepares young women f or unlversity entrance. Offering both residentiai and day positions fromn Grade 7 to OAC, Trafaiga provIdes a wide range of programmes Includin'g athietics, debating, muslc and drama. COME AND BE PART OF THE T RAFALGAR EXPERIENCE!, Gilbert St. oe 401 o For furiher information coni 401 REYNOLDS STREET- WIYONTARIO tact Tracey Addison, Development Officet., Trafalgar Casti. Schooi, h~ Whitby, On tarlo Li N 3W9 416-"68-3358 ) q~~~ r cq~~ . . Mz! ., - %4imî=ý

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