PAGE 18., M PEF[EP«EAS,'WËDNESDAZ MÀV i3, 1992 THIS INEWPAPE AD, 15 BROUGHT TO O ITHOUT COMMECA INTERRPTION. Ilhat's the beauty of ncwspaper aclvertîsmnlg.Wheiyou've'reachced a iead6r with your message, you've got their attention and thleir con- - centration. Their compliete concentration. No body ever dustcd funiitùÜre while they read. tWle*newspaper. Can, radio and television advertising make such a dlaim? No way! .Too' nanly tirnes those advertising kehicles ar'e liti more than background- noise. WhÉenpeople turn to their paper, thcy turp tilcre*with interest. Whicli means tilat's whlere your advertising message be. With all the choices available, it's difficulideciding low best to ad- vertise your business. But everything becone ites ipe hn you remenmber one rule... alti ipe hn LUBE OIL FILTER