WT~YR~IERESi W~N1~DAYMAY18, *1992, PAGE 19 [ BLACK EBONY 13LACK EBONY FINISH ON, FINISH ON SOLID BRASS SOLID BRASS (16- TALL) 1111 (19- TALL) r CRASHER SALE fli CRASHER SALE REG. $49.95 ~r REG. $69.95 Add7ore oy To,0 Y'our Tie An, d .SaveUpTo $<700 tëësneyer-been a better time to switch yoùr-hme orcottage, energ needs t a' rlPropane gas. For a limited time, Superior Propane wil givýe you up to $700 to convert your.home to Propane.TPlu, if you rent or purchaseý a Propane Water Heater we'll dothe installation Free!* With 0% Financingt or Superior Propane's fi ve year Monthly Payment Plan, t switching toPropne is easy. So ýaet now! Call1:your. local S u periîor Propane Branch today for details on how.you can benefit from Propane and add more joy to your homÉe. *Subject ta Superior M pncsgidelinc' for a tanidad domncsic watcr heater installation. Rentai not available en aflmodà 'eg.C"ontact 'your local upcror Priane B ranch for deatails. - - - t 10% down payinicntreýquircd. On approved bredit. - - ---- ---- - - -.ý Ioan In Opn Mo.I r. an5m Opn:Moto Fn 8am-pm,