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Whitby Free Press, 13 May 1992, p. 21

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WIIITB PMEEPRES%, WDNESDAýY, fM & 8992, PAGE 21 A SUMMER LIFESTYLE FEA TURE AIIiuml bridge, the fi'ower gap. from sprng tosummr Maçny'cf the- people. today who tae. garijopMhs as. ,a-way of maintai mg.good health. may not raflize Pbut they are,.rrm oatrdtion that datesbacto, the m'oot ancient 'day. cf, agriculture., Historical eidence shows that the omion'hàà been cultivated, for almot '10,000 years - by the Chadeansin Persia and later by the,,Greeks and Italians.1 In 1the middlo ages, garlic was consîdered to hé an effectve remedy for "leprosy 'lepers sometimes were known as garlic peelers. In fact, garlie, onions, leeka, shallots and chives ail belong to the Allium genus of the liy family-(Liliacea.). ln addition to the edible'cnes, there are rnany grown siply for their lovely flowers. Fromn theaptly named ginAlum gianteui ,to. the tiny Mlium oreophiluin, ailum tend -to blom either- late in In are urowing 'M pqoularity as, gardon,Éowers, thaniks "to their dramatic 1 m raoe- globular -flower cueratop tan, leafles. stems --ý and attractive colours. lu addition, the 'aliusbitye retain these shâdescfablue,wite yeilow sud pink as dried flowers also makes thein popular with manyeole Thèsetbub flowers suifer little from garden posta and have virtually no special soit or location requiromonts, enjoying both sun snd light shade.* This makes them- as wll-liked by the novice as the. experienced gardener. hmi h à,ý<1 t Plant te. ite al 0t AbouP't bulbs, flowers -Did yeu know thatsumer *Tall-growing.- umr flowering buiba (such as gladioli sud dahlias). need te hbe staked tu keepý the flower stalka growing upright? -fDo it now, sE that you won't forget this summer. *YOS rChristmas amvayllis can he left- outdoors. during the' suiePlace it inithe msuiest spot in the gardon, on the patio or dug righti nto -the ground while (es edilifthe otis plastic)" ainr llfeAr occasonally thrÎoughout th e season. * Thor are dwarf dahlias (e.g. mignon sud tep-mix varieties) sud Cannas ýthat are espocially weil suited te, container growing? une Both are sun-loving, and do weil on the, balcony vas well as the patio so apartment dweIlers can 0 v l~e, once-a-decacle horticultural extravaganza- in Hlland called Floriade. will present a .variety cf special lower showsduringthe ' sunmer sud faIl? For instance, visitors may, look for the. foiowingi. -July 24 te Aug. 2: indoor sumr flower and gladioli show; *-Sept.' 18 -te 27: -indoor exibiUtiao f llies, spring flowers and chrysanthemums; sud .ý 1-,Oct.2S-te 11: the final (indoor) exhibition featuring a wide array cf plants (e.g. flowers, bulbe, .trees, plants, ,vegetablos' and fr-uit) JOHN BROUWER (ft) of John Brouwer Nursery,ý with help'from Whitby General Hospital -ezecutive dhrector1 Elizabeth Barton 'and' hospital board chlair Bd Buffett, plants flowers he donated for the- hospital grounde. 12 cins., or even deeper for the lare iuin , such as A. giganteuin., As i. true .for bulbe generally, dig thein in at least twice as deep at the -height of the bulb. If in doubt, it'. better te go too deep, rathèr than tooshallow. Virtually any well-drained soil. wiil d%, although a sandy composition is usually hest. Make sure it.sflot too rich, and water regularly during the growing rriod. Allium require little or no Alum range in height friun a half-metre te nearly two metres. TIhe following is a list of the most readily-available cultivars:, 0*Alum giganteuin, the tallest at 170 cm approimately &1/2 ILt) bearnghnuge, -bright blue flower clusters, about 10 tâ 12 cm ini diametor and strap-Iike foliage; e A. aflatunense is very similar but only haif the height (iLe. 90 cm, approximately 3ý ft.), with purpie flower clusters; e*A. sphaerocephalon (coin. monly called'drumsoticks'),. 30'te 50 cm (12 te 20. ms.) naturalizes weil in lightly-shaded, wooded areansd bloomns reddish-purple; This article is prouided by fla realtorMýan<d the Ontario Real Eâtate -Aaaociation (OREA4) for- the benefit of -consumera in the real e8tate market. If you've become infected with an early -case cf spring- f eve AlrLIJUM GIGANTETJM -the flowerlé.s nme' meana 'giant,' and that's appropriate for it- stands 170,cm (5-1/2' &Y. higli.,Iýakemost, alliums, it bloomà'iii late: spring or early sunimer.' Sol eqiements *should also b. tkeninte consideration., Rhododendrons sud azaleas, for instance, like acidic soul. If prou don't know your soil7 type" it s a, god, idea te ýhave, it checked eut. Yours Play be -.lacldng in important nutrients. - rake,ehovel suadgadening gloves COnSider size aild locatiom in hand.and ha for the nearost Ifoupa te ddsm flowerbed. This js a comnion ihrubhory sud treos te, your symptoin experienced by many landscape this year, it'. a good homeewners each year, once it idea te consult an expert at your becomes apparent winter e i. tru local gardoning:centre, te seewhat ever. >et'suite .your-needis. If size i.e a For many, gardoening i. an ýMIjor c Ùer,yeca ya enjyable paattime that sHlows number c f dwvar varieties. that thei ta exres their creativity are easy te maintain sud provide, sud hoau Z their e ropertios at a striking backdrop - for- your the sm tinoe. flowers. You may even want te Heowever, good gardons don't,. start a hedge te, fraie, your fron appear overight, even îow- -Walkway, er provido a buffer maintenan 'ce gardons requirearndyrpeery effective. planning sud, a AffliTI, it'., important "te reasonable aimount cf upkee consdor.light'requ'iirements sud each year. Sa, before you head out rate, of grewth when c hooing_ te the-backyad' r oeeyh shrubs sud treos. Take care net, sur yeudteks soin. tins t e ntoplant largetree s toc close .te eut yeur gardon- whether it's your houa. . they could cause' foralorinerallager lIU rolelins, by hampering your foràlorinoria, lrg- «ran f.Ob' on *th their root systems or getting caught in your Gather inhiJmatiam easvestroughs. Growing trees.i If?. a good idea'te oit downwIth should hé givon adequaàte 'reointe Mome gardening catalogues aud grow. hooksa at th oginning of each' plsuting season.te ueif thora are Famil- civte any new types cof fiowers If you're planning te, croate' vegetables, shrubs or trees yuc brand, new flowerbeds this year,1 like te, plant this spring.' itles alse important teýtaesYôur, .When selecting varieties, take famnily . activities inte the location of your gardon into consideration. Fer example, considoration sudý check light sud fragile flowers -. hould. net hobe sun requiremonts of the flowers or placed right next te Fido'. dog9 tree you'ire interosted' in run or your children's outdoori planting. play oquipinent, because. thera's a If your pro eryi extremely gepd chance they'll gettrampled. shady, yenobably won't wsut te Aise consider acces. gnd the choose annuala that',require ,a size, and shape c f your gardon, gra "d o f sun liko along with suyanj unusual nUMS Marigolds or petunias. characteristice that yen wsunt te cfflwrig lnt -g iht(ik arckery) or1 potting shed). .Keep Anhind .that there are msuy relatively'easy sud effective methodé cf screening 'your view sud changing the ýfocal pant, cf your yard. For -specific tipa Ion, how te create a haven of priva" and peace, consit a landicape or gardeming expert., Sketches and cvour If youre artistically inclined- sud even if you're not -- yeu nay want te do - a few thumbni sketches cf your plans te ee how they stack up on paper. If youro aimng e chivoa semal effect with colour, it'éa jiriculay good idea te sit dw ihsm colouring penceilsfirâ tÀte see what thé outcome will ho; that way, you'il avoid any unploasant- surprises. halfway, through the season. S And, , if youlre> aiming te maintain colour, frein spring right through 'te -autumn' cosider planting, a numbor cf peronnials, that blom in the'fail, like' chrysanthemuins. :Breaking gromd Once yove formlated your plan,, its Ytim 6ttatproparing the. soil for planùzng. Walk around yourý property sud check the condition cf your gardon or fiewerbods. Damagod -piecs iI have te ho removed, aogwith any winter débris. Turà the soil over se that it' aoraed. arge clumps ocf earth should «ho broken up su smnoothed out. YouU -probby aise need, te add saine .mil amendinonts. >1Once your "I i i adequately .prepared, sud celimate conditions are favourable, iet'. ure te plant. Dotf<7t that once your planta tk dit's important tokeep 2

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