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Whitby Free Press, 20 May 1992, p. 30

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PAGE 30. WII1TB FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20,1992 ACV suen selectd f o LIE am Anderson CVI grade'12, student Jeif Baker has' been selected to attend the second 'amiual National Trust LIVE,«(Ldersbip in Volunteer Efforts) residential volunteer camp at Canadore College in North Bay. Only 30 students were selectod from ýacrosa Ontario. Students, selectod have a strong istory of volunteer -activity. AUlwere nominated' by their schodi principal. Baker b as served Anderson on the student council executive and athletic association'activities. I According .to Arend, Dekker, school principal, "Jeif conmrnits himelf willingly and diligently te the promotion of positive sehool spirit and participation.". The camp will be hold M&ay 28' to 3l.4Al studentsw Illsay thé campus. residence and" aH costs are covered by National Trust The LIVE camp features *afl agenda of worksh.ops,. seminars and discusson groups on issues related te, citizenshipý and, public service. 1The prqject acknowledges the contributions éf the participants. and beids on their knowledge, skrille ,and comptitment te voluntarism whlen they return -te their regular situations. Followig' the camp, eah participant, will be livd itfia' highly visible role maodel in ie-isor' her conimunity. This additional support provides a, forumîý for discussion, on leadership',develop-, mient, partioularly as it, relatés te, alocalvolunteerffrojèt.' By Meranda Waters Sports, sports - and more sports! If you like tekeep up with Her ae s tvictories, this is one article you won't want te miss! However, if sports are not quit. your cup of tea, a quick glance could ho te, your benefit. I mean, what if you wero suddenly grabbed as you were walking down the street (on the way te, school, of course) by some weirdo, who demanda te know bow Henry's sports teams are doing? Your painis start to sweat and your oyes glaze over. Without' an answer, this weirdo bas threatened to rob you of your valued (and treasured) chenistry textbook.. Oka, su its a little far-fetched, (yoire right, they'd Clgofor the oIe' math )'bt I can sSe this happening. At least now you cant saylrdidn't warn you. (Just te ho on the safe aide though, may I sugesttakngnotes.)1 Le'begin with Henryls track and feld team's extremely good results at this year's LOSSA meet. Setting a new record in 100mbhurdles as wellas a flrstin both l100m and 200iii runs was Henry's tep comptiter at LOSSA, Jason BrumlêY.. Close bébind was Jon Hopkins who captured two gold medals in the. triple and long jump. Other god medaflists were* Steve McArdle in the 400m hurdle ovent and Jason' Bacchiochi in àUm hurdiles. Grog Smith achieved a Égold modal in the 1500m and à silver in the grel*ng 3,000m event. Picking up a well-earned silver modal in high jump was Brent Giles, 'and Tim Ambler received a bronze modal for bis participation* in the 800m. Also qualifying for DYSSAA were relay team members Katherine Ringrose, Blythe Doole, Cheryl Lainhie and Reeanon F'ilip; Kerry Wishart in 300m hurdles, Wes Swanton in high jump and Darryl Metcalf in javeLn. The Port Perry girls' fleld lacrosso team feU victim te the Haksb a final score of 8-0. Four goal fromLyn Michaud, two fo Stephanie Sorichetti and one apiece from Kathleen Rowland and Joanne Corac al contributed te this well-deserved win. Strong porformaces were exhibited by Leanne Bullougb (Who earned the shuteut), Barb Zibens Brandy Zebrak and Kelly Piroudftoot. With a 3-0 record and a recent 19-8 win over Dunharton, the girls fastball team is one te ho reckoned with. A special mention te Kelly McCague and Melanie Wright for their strong defensive la. As for the guyd sp>orts, the Hawks basobail team continued their winning streak with an 8-4 win overNAax. Rob, Robitaille and Chris- Sinclair reafl got, the sweat going while Jane'attors and Ken Shepýpard combined their pitching MkIlîs te lead t ho Hlawks te their victery SAnd Henrys final et equally successful sp, orts teamn is the inidget 'boys' rugby team. Christian Skelcher led the team with two tries, followed by Robin Halten and Ryan Price with a try, each. Topher Stevens added two converts, te brin g the final score te an unbelievable, -astenishiing and amazing 20-0 win. Now with all this new-found knowledge, there is only one thing left te do. Go and grab unsuspecting students, carrying chexistry .or math books, and demand te know Henry's successful sport- scores. DEIS 'ONRHIHSHO Hello., Sonia Bebbington bore. I begin- this columin witb - much anxious trepidation. I can barely write, for tbe nature of the events which I must reteil are. of such elliptico.lly important Y.l] proportions, that I sb,ëudder at .t he >very magnitude of tbe task before me. How te do it How,,te, tell you Show, vvwÈithoutrevealing my complote unwoirtîis? Is such 4 foat possible?,lIlook te - insert mythological allusionhere -- for injspiraýtion m.i tho face of great oddis, and thon humbly, and with cautious pan, I shail report what thus transpired. Tho happy. day was Tuesday, May 12 when a dozen displays of sheer talented genius took tho stage te enchant, te delight, te enthrall. Included in the program were expositions of- musical mastery, tho gifts of dance and. conuc pees of such cerebral- depths tt ono was almost afraid te laugh, lest thbeyblittle tho brainpower of it ail. 11 One example.of the latteract ccurred when Chris"Nichol took the -spotl-ight and, witb biseifof emitig a noise. notunlike thatof ab bcchrn, played t'thé Blue DaiC alzupon tbhea o tbree audience memèbér.. Another-,,grouip,,perforned ~ wacky pioe invm'-olving two adolescents who run a.communt access TV show frýom. -their baSment. -'Far too Èymbloli'c for. the' adiencé te graspaIl t oce; idndper»iers r6ià tlis s'kit have srnedusa wivth repeatod vie Bhowings of «the masterpiece, suc h that. we no t mniss a word. Many thanks te the' generous lads. ý--,ý And finally,ý on a more abstract' note, yours- truly and, loopy pal Cathy Murphy, treatedý the audience .te ,an i.,ýnterpretiveé mnodem dance,- representative of' the -trials and. tribulations experienced in our :five years- at DOC.. Entitled. Chronicles". of Failure, .the-. dance.,was .well received and, no -.doubt,' fully- appreciated by aill who saw it. There. It is over. Tearfully, I hope nover, te .have te, tackle se colestial an even t again., That- is aIl, untilnext, timo.. Showcase for the arts On Tuesdy, June 2, 7 p.m., the Durham separate sebool board will present its annual 'Showcase for the Arts.' At two aites, approximatoly 200 cildren will ho involved from elenienry acols. HighEigts for the evening include drmtic vignettes, chirs and choral readings. The theme of this year's presentation is ' Canada 12V, and students will ho presented witb pins and certificates te com- memorate the event. Father Francis Maboney Catholic Scbool ini Oshawa will beet schools fio= the Oshawa and Whitby areàs, and St. Francis de Sales Catbolic Scbool wlll bost the Ajax, Plckering, Beaverten, Uxbridge and Port Perry echools. Tii. annual event providos elementary students with an opporunity te display their classroom-generated talents in a forum of participation without competition. A CAR- WASH on May 9 and 10 at oun<ýil members helped- to- raise Henry Street Higk Sehool by student fumd«for the school's senior prom. photo by Peter TomblW inWltby Fr. Prea. * ~ -- - - --t .---*.-----'-- --- - -*- ---- - - S.MARtGUERITE D'YOUVJLLE stu-,, Dixon. The play was presented to dents. Robert Rice and Laura. stûdents from area -ochools Iast Seholtes iu a scene from 'Fuit of the' week. Sword,' a play written by teacher BdPhoto by Mark ReMor, Widtby Fr.. Pi

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