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Whitby Free Press, 20 May 1992, p. 35

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WHITY FREE PR.ESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20,1992, PAGE 35M Palimntr Rprt i Shop Canden By Roué kSootons Ontario iridiag MP Each time we go shopping, wve got choioes toiimake and décisions to reach. Certainly, we should look at price and quality as determining factors. *But we should aise take a minute te think about Canada. We ail have a staice in promnoting Canadian goods and services. When consumer spending sta s athome, se dio jobs. This is the main message behinX' the, federal, govenment's recently unveied "Canada. Buy into it" initiative. Actually, the campaign was suggested by a number of concerned Canadians. Over the past ix months, fixe federal goeaet has consulted thousands of Canadians in 186 cities Lndtowns during the "Community Ta]ks" process, as'part of the Prosperity Initiative. ne suggestion that repeatedly arese in this consultation process was te institute a 'buy Canadien" initiative. What's more, people .eU red a necessit3r for thxe private sector to, become involved in conmunicating these vital themes as effectively as posbe. That 15 why the "Caniada. Buy inte W'f" message wil be conveyed through paid media, te Canadi nsa from coast te coest, in virtually evexy cemmunity, and'every region of the country. Threugh this campaign, Canedians are being'asked te, consider price and quality in their buying decisiens, and if comparable, te consider ýpurchesing Canadian products and services. It will higbhght the fact that by purchasing a Canedian product or service -or by shopping in a Cenadian- store; there is a paybiack in jobs. and a stronger econonxy.ý Itwil aise stress that Canada is becoming more competitive then ever with other countries, and continuing that progress is vital. TWENTY-TWO grade 6 students Girard, Erin Shan n on and Son ia - from Longueuil, Quebec stayed. with Correil einjoy rolierskating at Whee- St. Theresa school students through lies. Thirty St. Theresa students wili an annual eeag program. Prom visit Longuieuil June 1. left, Alexandra MeLellan, Annie PIoto by Mark Roe.or, Whltby Fr.. Pr.. TRFAGA :vCÀ± KY± :I.±¶k SCII OIe There is much excitement at .Trafalgar as staff and students eagerîyZ prepare for the upcoming May may and open house to be held on May 23. The sound of marching feet can be heard daily as the students go through the routine te honour their May Queen and her court. Cultural dances,, including Meicen and Ukrainien, and the Maypole will be a few of the attractions for, entertaininent. The open house will give visitors the opportunity te witness TIrafagar's high standard of education as weIl as the extracurricular activities which help mould ail-rounded students. Faculties of different subjects such as math, economics and physics wiil exhibit students' werk. There will aise be active entertairnent including badnmin- ten and tennis gaines as weil as dramatic monologues, Trafaigar's Celebration Singera and piano recitals by students. During the Hearty eating at St. Paul's St. Paul Catholic elementary sehool in Whitby is one of eighit schools ini Durham Reff'on parti- cîpatixig in Durham Save-Save- a-Heart's'Hearty Eating'poject. Eachf schoeîs hosts a Nutrtion Week, finishing with a Health Fair. St. Paul wiIl hold their Nutri- tien Week May 25 te 29,-the Health Pair te, be held on'May 29. The project educates children, their parents and teachers about geod nutrition and heaîth food choices. day there will be international foed and drink on sale. Over. the past two weeks Trafalgar's tennis team displayed outstanding talent. On May 7 Trafalgar played Bishop Strachen School and won four eut of six sets. On May 12 our tennis team played Trinmty Cellege and wen seven eut of ten sets, and on May 13 we played St. Clements and won again four eut of six sets. -Special recognition goos te, Anel Ramirez and Guilermina Guerra w ho have won every set they have plyed se far, this seeson. Trfalgars tennis - teani is in victory lane. Remember, May 23 is our annual May Day Festival and open house. Bring elong a friend' and have fun. See you then. N~ ~¶~) By Const. Grant Arnold Durham Regional Police Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are esking for the publilc's help n solving an ermed robbery that occurred in Ajax on Tuesday, Feb. 25. At 3 p.m., the 'suspect entered 'the Pickerinýg Village Ph armacy, 24 Church St. S., arzned with a p air of scissors or a kaife. The male confronted the store employees and ordered them aIl, except one, te lHe on the floor while drugs were removed from t he cabinet. After the suspect received the drugs,' he Ieft the pharmacy, ran te the back of the building and over a fence to a weiting vehÈicle. The suspect is described as male,' white, 6-ft. talle 170 Ibe., eged 25, curly black'shoulder-length hair moustache, wearing a white stecing over his face, black leatier biker jacket, blue jeans and white high-top running shoes. 1The suspect vehicle that may be involved is a 1977 te 1984 light blue GMC fuIl-size pick-up with a white aerodyne top, commer;cial plates, first letter on plate 'W.'-' Crime Steppers will pay up t $1000 for information leading to the arrest of the suspect. Similer cash rewards will be paid for information îeading te an arrest in any serieus crime. The Durham Regional Crime Stoppers hotline is 436-8477 (thates 436-TIFS), and is open 24 heurs per day, seven days a week. The phone number can be dialed from most, areas of the reionfree of che If this number is long distance, y ou can ceect or calli hough y our local Durhamn Regional Police number and ask for Crme Stoppers. Calls will neyer be traced, or recorded. You will net be'required te identify r yourself or have te go te court. Constable Grant Arnoldis the co-ordinator with the Durham Reýgional Crime Steppers and writes this article te help combat crime. WŽ~EREWOCAL Our clients sayaus "You'rGaie Calil us and -kt NANA wash your diapers' Personalized service from $10.95. per week Add asecond child for as littie as $3.00 more ~SI-e4~<4 lw 'q

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