WHIITBY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1992, PAGE 3 Ontario March of D imes walk-a4mhon Ma 31 Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) T'uesday, Ma1992 Recommenda- lions to Planning and Developmeënt Committe That a request by the Friends of the Lynde Marsh for a wiidife sanctuary to proteot the ciass one sensitive wetiands be revlewed. The Friends of Lynde Marsh want the wiidife area, north of Victoria St. W., south of Hwy 401 and west of the prestige industriai area, protected as a wildife sanctuary. The marsh has ý,een recognized as'a ciass'one wetiand by the province. Recommendatlor not known gtpresstlme ' Th-e Ontario March of Dimes wiIl hold a 5km walk-a-thon on Sundaty, May 31, startingf at 2 p.x. from Iroquois Park, Whitby., The 1992 March of Success' walk-a-thon will raise money for adults with physical disabilities. "We would like ta see more local businesses and clubs become involved this year, so we are organizing a t-shirt contest juet for groupe of walkers," says volunteer Steve Dawson. «Any group of walkers from a business, cltub or any other organization may enter the con- test siznply be wearing t-shirts identifyiing theirgroup or busi- ness. «Contestants will be judged on artistic creativity and commuùnity spirit.» Othor contests to, be held as art of the event.include an early ird daw for walkers who. sub- mit their. complete pledge sheets and money before or on the daýy of the event, and a children e, contest (under age16) for collect- ing the largest amount of Pool owner new minerai system makes pool care a snap I 1e Now thora is a system, callad Caribbean Clear, that usas mineraIs to cdean your pool water. It la se effective, it gets the water dlean enough *te drink'- SIt uses a computerto put silver and copper ini your pool water te 1<111 the bacteria and -algae. Silver kilîs bacteria and coppar Ikilis algae. Once or twice a week, ites up te you, youwill test your water and thon turn a dial on the computer. Tlhat's ail thora le te pool- care with Caribbean Cloar. Turnlng the, diai wili put tho correct alùount of silvor and copper Ions I your pool te kili tho bacteria and algae buildup. The silver and copper are used ivory smail amounta and are tetaliy bhnless'te humans but deadly te bacteria and algaa. Those minerais are the very same matais that wo carried around as pockot change. Whate tha advantage for you? It saves you a lot of time. It eliminates need for chlorine and makes pool care the turn of the dial. No trips te the store for chemicale and ne storage probleme ef hazardous chemicale. Do yeu worry about your children getting into the chiorine? Woll, now you won't have te worry bacause thora ara ne daadly chemicals around.. Is anyene in ,yeur family allergie te chienine, or do your eyes gat soe from the chiorine? Well, you can now swim in comfort. You and your fainily can swim ini Watar that won't damage yourý hair or dry your skln. You can go away on a two-woek holiday and flot worry about the pool turning green. The sun won't hur off the minerais se you wen't have great fluctuations te deal with if your pool sitsei the sun or je used a pledges. Rogistration for the avent starts at 1 p.m. on May 31. For more information about entering the contest or to receive a pladge form for the event cal 434"280. ROTARY CA5H CALENDAR$ Pr izeNumeÙ frM ay 1 1109 1948 1155 1608 "Heart of the System" CARIBBEAN CLEAR