V - .'2 o 2la 7 19 48 pages~'pM Art wino 1ll befacing a mandatory injuntionif the Prince Eward Island is stili in Whitby harbour June L. In, a provincial court appearance Thursday, Robinsen and theTown of Whiitby agreed te an injunction for the removal of the vessel if it's net moved by the May 31 deadline. >A 'hearing is scheduled for Juno 2 te deal witb the mattor, i the action fa stili necessary. Town lawyer David Sims had asked Justice Richard, Lovekin to grant an injunction, to take effect -June 1 if the old ferry wasn't removed., Robinson's lawyer, Bernie O'Brien, asked te have the case adjourned until June 2, since «býy that -time, action may not be necessary., OTrien says the PEI has much &reatér value if it 'can be sold intact than if it bas te be dis- mantled. In his decis ion, Justice Lovekin jpointed eut that the ship has ben tere a long turne Sizzlers, video store approved by council KURTISLAB T shows the form that won hlm first prize in the 9-ft. dunkcing 0contest finals,. held Iast week at Anderson. Là ambr won records and T-shirts donated by 'Record Bar' and. 'Sports Section.' The contest was organized with Anderson students as part of an entrepreneurial By Marlo Boucher A Sizzlers Restaurant and'a Blockbuster video store have beon given the green light by Town ^ceýurÃciI -te loate at the Whitby MaIl. The restaurant will be. located ini the nortbwest corner,,ef the mhal, immediately east of the gas station at the corner of Dum as St. E and Thickson Rd. The video, store will be at the southwest corner, just south of McDonald's. About 200 jobs will be created' as a resuit of the new restaurant and store, with betwèen 100 to 160 employees for, the Sizzlers and 30 te 50 for Blockbuster Video. "It la a very good move te use two ends ef a arking lot this way, w said Anon Lang, re- sidont ef Tijýe Lt ., aftr least week's planning co mittee ses- sion that deait with tbý applica- tion. Ail parties involved workoda long turne te, get the proper loca- tion for both companies, hoesaid. Wihitby is fortunate, te get two first-class companies te locate bore and- heilp contributo te the growth of the town, he said. Lang said the projects -have helpecl provide employment -for two, local com panies, J.D. Buil- dora --Inà c. freom Whitby and Osh. awa Garden Service Ltd. frein Brooklin, in. the design of theý restaurant and the video store. - .Sizzlors and Blockbuster'Vidoo will aid in attracting even more peu<l and teurists te Whitby, he At Menday's council meeting, councillor Donnis Fox said it is bard te, find anybody during the current economic situation who willinkvest this.kind of monoy and holp provide about 200 jobs. Fox said garbage disposai in the maIl areas"is a constant complaint» frein rosidents, and he sg eseLag and bis asso* ciaes en omeup witb - some engineerngs ideas te dlean up the area. a bit more. At tbe planning and develop- ment committee meeting -lest week, the issue of paring. space wes a concern for M C eoal, said Ernest Nemotb, real ostate manager for McDonaýids. SEE PAGE 31' Ilospital expansioni work soon ýtIIo begini By arlo Boucher The new addition, at tho Whitby General Hsial<WGH) could open by the end of 1993. A one-storey building epn- sion te, the northwest and =orh- east corner will feature réhabili- tation services, the emergency deartment, the embulatery cae unt and the switcbboard admait- ting offices. The.two now aroas total 2,325, squzare metres' (25,000'sur foot) and wlll ho adjacent= h eisei one-storey .buildinf i tho nor-tpart oftbebsp"itaf Thero will hotwo entrances in the -east, ide'of the expansion witb a' circuler road whero people wll bo able, te dro9p off or picek up patie nts-. Another entrance will bo on tbe nortb side where the-.ambulatery care unit wilIl holocated. The number of parking spaces wiIl romain the same wluilosome trees will be relocatedte anothor area. The project is no* in the second phaise with tho sketch drawlngsof the ex=ansion cur- rently before 'the Ministry ,of Health te ho reviewed. There are four phases overall, with construction set te begin noit Janiuaiy and the opening mi Deoembor 1993. Total cost for the project is ostimatod *botweon $76 million and $8 million. So far $5million. has been7 raised itlx an. addi- tional $2 million expected_ froin the province. Ed.Buffoett, cairof the hospi- tai board Of gvrors, said lest week the oard bas boon encouraged by the donations thus fer 'end is bopoful the $3.7 m'ilon needed te complete thé cost -of< the projoct, mncluding oqupinent and furniture, will bho found. Thle expansion will belp serve the preater volume of patients witbin the growing comrnunty, he says. I 1987 the ministry bad pro- niised iW4H. an expanmon-plà n, for 45 cbronic care beda. But the ninistry bas since cbaùnged its mmd and.allocated the fndi,,qng to the bospital for an expansion witb a.focuùs on health'care- in- sitead of beds and ini-hospital care. Buffett says 23,000. peopleý used the. hosital's emergency ward dýg te laýt.year and this numbe will only increese as the,' population of Wbitby and, area continues te rise. The: ompbsi a'more and more on out-going- patient care, be says..-.. Buffeît says the expanded emergency and ambulatory care unit areas will improvo and help croate an identity for the hospi- tai. Hsasthe bospital cant bo ovryhig.te everybody, and eac ofthehospitals in Duram SU PAGE 25 - Uoitthink a few days is goinrtmake a big diffeenoe.. Mr.Sxns'.pei on fa pro- mature... the slup cari be remo- ved from the harbour by tug- boats in heurs.» A court .order last fal forced Robinson1 to remove -PCBs fromn the PEI -and, to have it out of the harbour b Dec. 31, 1991 or dismantledby May 31, 1992. IIROOKLIN SPRING FMR 1992 business .news - Se Pgs 2to1 f *A*~jA4>4~g:4;* *~ ~ ~ ;;4~4 COur t inj unction -unle-s s derelit boat removed class. Phoeto by Unark Eer, Whitby Fre Pieu.