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Whitby Free Press, 27 May 1992, p. 30

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PAGE 30.WHBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27,1992 GOOD HOME with children and lots ai attention noeded for 3-year-ald lab.cross female. Very friend1y, playful, .payed, modium sc lzeefer fenced yard. She loves ta b. indoors & have compariy. Please cali aiter 5:30 p.m., woekdays, 655-3476. SHADYBROOK -FARU - Spring spoclals on horseback idin lossons, summor camp an boardlnq are now in progross. For Information, cail 263-4019 ý?..... CORPORATION 0F THtE TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMVENT "NOTInC F PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 299,1992 @ 7:30 P.M. MEETING HALL, WHITBY MUNICIPAL Bý1UILDING, WHITIBY, ONTARIO« A Public Meeing ll bo held bythe Planning andi beveopment Oornmlttooof CUncil of the Corporation of the Town of Whltb.t consider a proposod Officia Plan Amenciaent Fie No. OPA 92-W/B, and Zonig BY.Iaw.amendment File No. Z-665-92 as subrnltted by Th sbjeotpoeryI located south of Columbus Road East, east cf GradRoad in Part cf Lot 18, Concession 7, as outlined on tho sketch below. The purpoefaIhie application, is ba permit four <4) non-farm, mlated reskdential lots. The purpase ai tuis meeting la to hlrm the public witii regard t thie Meailof the Officiai Plan Amfenchnent and Zanung By-law amendment and pravide adecWate information ta trie public and ta permit interested perrans the opportunlty ta make rertesntamin k respect threta. .if yau are unable ta attend the meeting our representatian cati boled in wnbtng by mail or personal ta reach thie Planring Departinent not latertuan regular worldng hours on July 6, 1992. Interested persans nuay lnsp ect actional information reating tathie abovo application ln hie Planning aR etLel7, 575 Rossland .Road East, Whltby. Ontario, LUN2mu, d in alighus Monday ta Fniday, or rnay contact the Plnning eabinby telophoning <416) 668-5803.Dprte b ROBERT B.i SHORT IRECTOR 0F PLANNING I PERSONALS I MANY TIIANKS TO ST. JUDE and St. Joseph for faveurs received. AR and JR THANKS TO THE SACRED Heari cf Jesus and St*. Jude for faveurs receivod after prayers and promise af publication. May the Sacred Heart af Jesus bo adorod, glorified, loved and preservod throughout tho worîd- now and forever. O Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker cf miracles and hope cf the' hopeless pray for us. Say this prayor nine times a day forfnedayS. Publication mhust be pramisdRT HOST FMLE EDED for Spantsh students v sitlng Whit7by. Weekly remuneration. CalPaul Emond 668-7883 PARENTS: Are you upsot and angry about the w!ay bD toachers Iinfluence your kids? Are you fed up with toachers blaming you for yaur children's probloms? Wo're concernied 'about the situation- at Fairinan and Palmerston. Sond your horror stonies ta: Box 219, 8 Midtawn Dr, Oshawa LU 812. PERSONAL LOANS $500 & UP' for any< purpose. AIea debts restructured, legai action and callectlons stapped,, paymonts lowerod. Free. mb &aconsultation. 436- 8104. THÂNKS TO ST. JUDE and the -Sacred Heart c f Josus for favours receîvod. May the Sacrod Heart af Jesus be adiored, glorilid, loved and prerved' thraughout the world now and'forover. Oh, Sacred Heart ai Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker af miracles pray.for us, St. Judo^ helper af the hopoles rey for us. S% this priyer nine, ,msa da.Y. thol elg th day your pryer will b. answered,. regardleo f how hopeless your situation Booms. Publication must. be pramisod. AM. CINDY'S .ALTERATIONS. Leather, ladiles' and men"s alterations, prom dresses, customn talloring. Tue s. through Sat. 10-V2 Mav St.- W., -Pearson Lanes. 430-650. BIRTH CONTROL and famlly planning caunsolling. Free and confidential, available Mondayta Friday, 8:30 axn.'ta 4:30 p.m.Cîginic evory Thursday. 3 ta, 6 p.m.H For, further Information, calI 420-8781 or 433-8901. ADVISORi - Joan Monday to Fuldoy 9 a.m o 9jPm. NATURAL WELLNESS .with nutrition, reflexology, aroma therpy, Shiatsu, PolaRty, Irldoloy. Oortlfled. B y apoInt- ment onîy. 416-668-5,159. THANKSý TO ST. JUDE & Sacred Heart for numerous favours. May the Sacred Headt of Jesus be adorod, glorifled, lovod and. presorvod throiughout the world now and forevor. Sacred Heart of' Jesus pray, for' us, St. Judo workZer of miracles pray for us, St. udo helper Of the hopoles pray for us. Ropoat prayor 9 times a day for 9days. Promieto publîsh..NG. BAHA'IS BELlE VE: Love is hoaven's klndly Iight, the III Spîri's eternal broath that vMvfioth tho human saul. For Information and discussion, cail 668-8665., SAY THIS PRAYER nine tîmos a day. By the oighth day, your praorwlI be answered. -Rt has nover beon known to al. *May the Sacrod Heart af Jesus b. adrorod, glorified « Ioved -and proserved tliroughout theo world. O Sacrod Hear af Jesùs pray for us, St. Judo warkor aof miracles pray for us, St. Judo helor ai the hopeless pray for usC Publication »must b. prornised. Thank you for favours roceived. BC.' CORPORATION 0F THE ..........T0«-WN 0F WHITBY" CONTRACT TENDER W92-59 <REVISED) Expansion/Renloatîon to- the Plckering, Ajax, Whitby Animal Control Centre, Tenders for the above wlll be recelvod b""GInn ok'Prhs Agent, until 2.00 p.m., Tuesday, June 16, 1992. LcsPraln Ths tender ls for a single stooey addition ai approximately 1,000 sq. IL aI office and washroam facilibs to the existing 1,700 sq. i.sni storey building. Construction will be brick veneer on wood ffa me on conventionai foundations. The tender will Include re-roaflng the oxlsting builclirig. New septic system roquired. Plan s pcfctos n edrrms may be obtained by.General Conb~ca from the Town of Whitby, Treasury Depariment upon payment aI a $32.10 <G.S.T. included) non-refundable fee, payable to he Town., A bld bond in the amnount of $25,000.00 must accompany each bid. The sucoessful bklder will be rewqMred ta provide a 100% Performance Bond and a 100% Labour and Material Bond upon executioni>of the Contract Agreement. Tenders are ta romain valid for ninety days. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. TH1E CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN 2MB NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHEMIS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F MARY BERNADEITE ROBINSON, DECEASED AIl cIaIm rainst tho Estatéofa MAR BEMI)TTEROBINSON late af the Town af Whitby, ln tho Roglonal Munlcipality af Durham, Retirod Teachor, doceased, wha dieci on or about tho 28th day af Fobruary. 1992, must bo filed with the underslgned personal repre sontativos on or bofore Juno lS>th, 1992; thorealter the undersignod wilI distribue the assets a the said ostato having rogard. only ta theo daims thon f ied. Dated at Whfty, Ontario this- 8th day ai May, 1992. ALVIN CORNELIUS ROBINSON Exocutar, by his Solicitors. COATH, LIVINGSTONE. 128 Byron St. North, PD. Box 327, Whitby, ont"rieLiN 5S4 Big Sisters Ne O.#W BUY SUPER NEVADA -INSTANT WIN TICKETS icJets Available At One Location OnIy THE DAILY PLANET, AT THE WHITBY MALL UWe need Big Sisters N*O*W cail 4361-0951"e 1 r L-

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