Fair stages lst major horse show ot the year By Maria Boucher Horse loyers wili want te attend the Horse Show at the Brooklin Spring Fair because of the variety of competitions. On Saturday, June 6 beginnýing at il a.m. at the racetrack, horses wili compete in a vreyc shows, the best horse prize te be presented at tnd of the day, says Kelly Squeich, chair cf the horse show organizing cemmittee. *There are five major classes for the show - peny, carnage herse, American saddiebred, roasters and hackney- ponies, as weii as an all-breed show for al other types of horses, she says. A heavy herse-pull show wiil aiso take place on the saine day at about 1:30 p.m.. Squelch says this is the first major show cf the year. for most of the herses and it usualiy resu.its in a very entertaining and strong cempetition. The variety of herses in different categories wili aise heip make the event interesting, she says. Registration can be made on the day cf the competition. 1Specials valid at these location ny 675 -g loaf -4-, ___j