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Whitby Free Press, 27 May 1992, p. 6

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fiWflW~~EEP~ 4AXÀ7t49 The only Whîtby Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby resîdents for Whitby resîdents! Published every Wednesday' by 677209 Ontaria mnc. at 131 Brook St. N.,.Whitby, Ontario LON 5Sl Phone 668-611 T7oronto LUne 427-1834 Doug Andeison - Pubishe'r Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra' Marin -'Production Manager' 2nd.Class Postal Regîstratioln,#O,351', No disrespect intended To the Editor: (Text (edited) ef address ta Whitby council an May 11.) Re:- Officiai Plan Amendment ( OPA 92-W/1), Rozoning Application, (Z-652-92), Century Hobme Videa mnc. (Peter Baluszek), 8067Ontaria Limited (former awner), 513 Brack St. N. Dear SIrs: 1 thought t important ta point aut ta you a few cf the details leading ta my present predicament In. attompting ta carry on my business at 513 Brock St. N. A stor in the Whitby Fre Press (May 6) made me appear as a squatter who was t humbing his nase et. the law and et those people Who administer II. This is the farthost thing fram the truth. lit wasnever, and is not now, my Intention ta show disrospect for the plannin committoe, the caunceil or the bylaws of the Town aof Whitby, a tawn where 1, have had the gaod fortune ta carry on this business for the past elght years. I have Invalved myseif in the community through sponsoring sparts tqams, lncluding soccer, basebali and hockey. . The remç(vai of my business tram ,443 Brôck St. N.ta 513 Brock St. N. prior to the completion a my rozonlng and officiai plan applications, i lvle crumnstances that clased in -on me unexpecteçlly and. rapidly, and had the etffect ,.of me passibly lasing my entlire tuslness that empioys elght'peeple and that had bogn bult up aver eight years of struggle In this particular location andnelghbourhood. - That move was initiated b raon f my- landlard, deciding anly one month prier ta the end of the term of my leaso without advising me (I was on halidays) that they wanted the promises. I. learnod of their intention when 1 retum tfram hoîidays. The lease providedthat 1 could stay on the prémises atter April 30 an a month-to-month basis, provided I paid rent et the rate of $2.000 per month. I immediately. thraugh my lawyer, forwardod m cheque on that'day ta the landiord and aiea pointedeut my right ta additional manths on those terms. Te my chagrin, they returned my cheque te my lawyor. 1 plcked up the cheque and had it mailed again directly ta these landlords, who redelivered it ta me. By that action, the landlords madoit plain ta me that time was runnlng ôut and that they would carry -out their threat ta Iock the doors, without regard te rny business or the safety of my stock. 1 reasoned that 1 mt move or my geads and my business would bu in Irreparable jeopardy. n addition. same et my empoye are sing1%,e mothers and roly upon the cantinuty cf'this business fer their Incarne. Prier ta those events, 1 had no reason fer, or intention of, maving ta 513 Brock St. N. until the roning was campleted, but in viow ef these throats, it-becarno nocessary for me to move. 1 had planned ta, move -ta 513 B3rock St. ilN. as soan as the rezonlng was completed, as 1 had entered Into an offer-to-purchase those premises-in July 1991 in the full expectatian that the'vendor would ensure that the rezaning would be completed shortly thereafter, with a closing in Octaber 1991. Unfortunately, the vendor incurred financial diff icuty that resuted in two morigagees on the property in variaus aspects of the management of the property and its, disposition, and this resufted In furiher agreements ta soli, a new closing date in April, and considerable delay in prosecuting the rezaning application. The la st purchase agreemient ..was conditional upan- rezoning- being completed on or before April 22. The rezoning had. not been completed on that date, but 1 completed the purchase of the r roperty then based opon written lai opinions. Bath lawyers alaowed that the property cauld bu used as-a 'home supply centre" that lncluded the retail sale,,anld lease or rentai of videa cassettesI was advised that their main reason for the rezoning application was a formality, ta make the pormitted-use wording clearer, as- it applies ta videos. A planner also confirmed this interpintation of the existing zoning. In tact, he toit the rezoning was unnecýessary, as did My lawyer. When I-moved In- undor the pressurecf the landiord an May 1, 1 assumed that 1 could legaily carry an the business of a rtaIl and rentai videa outlet based upan those opinion~s. Had circumstances : ermitted, .1 would have preferreci, cause of lacent evonts, that the reoigapplication had been somehaw expedited. But I did not anticpate in timfe the actions af my landiord. 1 now know that the Town has a different view of the meaning of the bylaw. 1 arn not disrespectful of their intorpretation. 1 cammenced the rezaning in January in good faith 80 that thoro would bu no confusion about my use, sa that overyone -cauld understand t without a lawyer being lnvolved. I ask you ta consider my SEE PAGE 31 To the Editor: I arn typing this loUter ta vent my, feelings et utter disgust about aur se-callod health car. system. 1 would like ail the people et this prvneta bu aware oft the abuive treatment people are getting for their tex dollars. This loUter is about how semeane cen bu misdiagnosed in this modern worid.cf technalegy. 1 knew a persan whe went ta se. at Ieast four or tive diffe'rent docters in the Whitby and Oshawa area. She has been -x-rayed, poked, pradded, and has gene By Annette VanDerLînde The folio wing is an address made as part of the Kinsmeni Kinette Proud to be Canadian Tour, salute to Canada's 125th bifhday, in Whitby on ApriI26. I am a student at Honry Street High School where we rise evory morning ta, the saund of aur nationai anthem. Most et the time, students are prooccupied with hamework or the daily'0assP,bu once in a while, l'Il isten intontly and remind myseif how fortunte I arn te bu living In Çanada. In aur natianal anthem, we ask Gad ta keep aur land wglorious and tree,* and for the past 125 years, Ho has 1 done Just that. As a student, I have the freedom -ta, chooçe rny own oducation and career. The fundamental treedoms of speech and religion are alsa, very important ta me. Like yau, I aise have the freedam ta, choose the way I think; and I think i's about time we started ta concentrate an what we have instead et what we want. f we dan't start ta do that, thon wo wiIl nover be happy. Wo are7 a people who are nover satisfied with what we have. i reaiizo that it is easy' te complain about our gavemment and high taxes during this difficult time of recossian and high unemployment; but look at what we have as Canadians. Wo da not lack food supplies or medical car.We are not at war, as are many ether caunitrios today. Our .education and health care systoms are at their bust. Our saciety is designed ta cator ta aur every need, and the constitution continues ta protect aur rights and freedoms. Our blessings are se innum- erable that 1 cannat possibly list through the most gruelîing tes anyone could possibly-imagine. During the course et a two-yoar periad, shéè was told that there was nethlng wrong with her. Her tamily had been convinced that during same of the testing, which invoived urine anlsi.that sho was pricking her fingor or pourg beet juice inta the urine ta mako hIt ook lîke blaod. For two years,' 1 eccompanied her ta visit ane specialist attor another, only ta bu told that there was nathing wrong wth her. She definitely knew that the pain was in her kidneys. but still them ail. In conclusian, you may cemplain about Canada ail you like, but I they cauld'net tind any. answors. I remembur at one point the pain was se severe thet she could net drive hor car anymere. Sh. tinally. went te a doctor thet she knew 25 years ago, end told him hor story. Ho immodiately sent her ta anothor spocielist who toak an x-ray and tound that hor right kidney was full 0f cancer. In April, sho had radical surger -- she bost a kidney, twe, lymph nodos, the utheder and aso a smail piece out of the bladder. She was in such weakenod condition alter theoaperetion, we thaught we thank God that 1 was born in this great country' and tht o continues ta, be lin contraI tday. Toth ed. ,, Not realistic to, stop building To the Editor; 'm happy to see that my ltter has generated such a lively rospanso (Lettors, Free Press, May 13), consIdering that the 407 link us such an Important topIc. It is cloar, though, that 1 must speil out my position more pîainly. 1 agro. with Mr. Burgess that the nfew road will bu harmful. What 1 disagre. wfth is his solution ta the question. I aise look ta him, 'as the representative af a citizens' group, for exemples of what rosidents can do, ind idually, ta holp reduco the need for mare roads. t ls a biter pilI te swallow when we realize that we -are part of a prablem. Wy own complicity ln issues such as this was highlighted for me when i first meved to Whitby. A builder wanted to canstruct a smal l umbgr of homes in my neighbaurhaad. ý Alang with follow 'residents, 1 attended a counicil meeting to voice .disagreoment. Several speakers stated th'qt mare homes in the area.would'spoil thee'ountry atmesphere thoy had seught here. I found i could not join their protost - it didn't seom logical. If we based planning decisions on rnaintaining. the status quo, nathing would bu buift. Sounds goed whon it cormes ta preservinig tarrnland and for those af us.lucky enough ta bu here aiready but unfortunatoly, it's net reaiistic. The sarne goos for suggesting a. read bu moved te 'semewhero eî&No matter Mwhe Ro s bulft, the highway will displosse samo hameawner, MiI wildlife and 'cary. up agricultural -land.*l's spîitting hairs ta taik about less or more valuabie farmland., S The many vacant farms ln WhRWb were considered viqble b, our Iforof athers. M ýmore; and mare top-grade fields are obbled Upl whatever is left wilI b.vital te eur children. The burden cf responsibility I feol WO ail share ln creating a demand for new roads (for travel to work, receiptet goads, >halidays), is semething 1Iindicated in, and <was taken ta task for, tellowing my t irst letter. T he tact is, I do nat -use a carta get ta work. 1I alm ta use My, vehiclo as little as possible. But Icani do more. We ail can. Giving up my automobile would mako a significant positive impact. But what. about the childrens' sports and clubs? How would I handle thase emergency visits ta the decter? Obviously, those les fortunate f acq thoeo questions vrydiay. Rh-can' ýbu dano. However' here I arnâ, stilî dependont on my car. Surely, that's -the prablem, nat ln which community do wo stick' the ill-favaured buast. .The only way I weuld feol right about opposing the 407 ink in west Whitby would bu if ail of the reside is of the'area vewed nt te use t V. Skinnér wore gaing .ta losel her -ta pneumenia. 1 would, aise like ta add, atter theoaperation net, one persan tram the cancer seciety even came ta seo her, te try and heîp her ever the psycheiogical part et the eperation. Needîess ta say, she has horself evercome the traumna with the< help et her immodiato taniily. 1I aise wrate this, letter for al those who ýmay sameday have a simnilar experience. Please, people, open up your «yes and start .asking seme questions. Carmel Wrigley Oshawa - - - -~- Pv~:t~..ir~w~i. ~ ~ -~'~ - ~ Viwon We're Iucky to be Canadians, ý.Disgust over health care'system

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