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Whitby Free Press, 3 Jun 1992, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WHIBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAýY. JUNE a. 1992 2 more gold for Brereton * '~' *~ « ~ ... .~ *:*~~~**~ Whitby high,«school studeni accounted, for eight gcld xnedi Performances a t thel OFSA regionaSi s track and field con potition May 27-28. The gold-medalists and othe to p unehers will com pote June and 5 a t the'OFSAA (Ontari( competition.. Andy Brereton of Andersci CVI will be one of the 'favourite in the provincial finals. Hewon the senior lOO0m with. time of'10.7 secondi, while Sar Davis of Pickering was runnei Bpfreroton won a closecontest ii the senior 200m. Both he an4 Luther Tracey of Wobum hadj time of 221 seconds. B reréton was also second, t4 Davis, ini thelong jump. Davii jumped .7.38 motres, to 7.13 fci Br-ereton --both were well aheac of the other competitors. Jason - Bacchiochi of Henr3 Street High School was in tel forin in the seorsin hurdlei inigwith, a time of 14.t' secdsf mrsrn Ho, too, will,.be among the favourites at OFSAA 1 n junior boys. competitior, Adrian Woodley of Anderson and Jon Hopkins of Henry were on& twoin triple Jump. Woodley-s best effort was MeA inetres, te 13.36 for Hopkins. Hopkins also finished in 'the long Jump -- first was Anderson'E Andirew Channer 'Who leaped 6.82 metresi Whitby Warriors novice A rep lacrsse teain sponored by the Brooklin sud District Kinsmen club won the annual Don Bye Lakers Classic tournament over tIi. weekend. 8Wariros, paced by an 18-point effort froin Jef Fraer, dorinated their division froin start te finish. . lhe team nneno the Jason Brumloy of Henry was a ts relatively easy winner in the al junior boys sprint hurdies.. L& is time was 13.8 seconds -. m- Woodley* was rnner-up with a timo of 14.4 seconds. er Brumley was fifth -i a hotly 4 'contested' lOOm sprint. His time o) was 11.2 seconds, compared te 110seconds for. the 'winner, >n Elliott Perrin of King City es Sharron Ferdinand efUTafal- gar Castle School won the junior. a girls' shot ýput, with a best, dis- mi tance of 10.46 mètres. r- Esi Benyarku of Father Leo J. Austin won the 100m sprint for Ln midget-age girls. Her turne was ad 1. siecods, well ahead of the $lhe was also sécond in the O 200m, behind Veronica Dyer of 's McLaughlin and second in long ) upagain beinùd Dyer. t tphanie Duffy- of Anderson hidad fgourth-place, finish in Y junior * 302m".Sheà was fifth B, Jeif Clayton of Anderson was a ,3 close second in 'the m idget-age .e ie for the distance was nine minutes' 441 seconds, com- !>pared. te 9Î.14 for the winner,, ~iCraig Marshall1ofDPjyor-. Aianda Miles-Bérry of Ander- son was fifth -in 3000 m for senior gi*rls. She also had an eight-place finish in 1500m and a'seventh- e place finish, just behind twin sa sister Angela, in 800mn. d Grog Smith of Henry was seventh in junior boys' 1500m. of talent on the squad.' Everyone, including both goaltenders, scored points. .Leading the way was F'razer followed closely byBlaine Down with 15 points. Mike Morrison .and Stephen Hoar had 10 apiece. Jay Hlarrison contributed . seven while vice Crawford and Bobby McBride both had six. tournament with a 14-0 in ove I Jeremy Fisher sud Brad Mlater Brzptoonn aUrdanudthn each sored five poits while Rory fdo edup trehourslater with Smith, Matt ;McKE a sd Ryan a 10-2- victory lover a determined Mesuy netted four each.. Hamilton squad. These two W* Rounding eut the scoring were put Whitby inte 'a semi-final Mike Semeniuk sud Sean mathu, aaimtKitchener. Macrury with thrée' - John niatc hup gainst »-ffof Chesebrough sud Dusty Sargent the. mmi, Whity left no doubt with two, sud Benny'Scheepors about whih teain was going to with a single point. 11 the. finals. The hty-qa Goaltending duties were simply overpoere. teir shared botwoen ýChesebrough sud Kitchener rivais on their way te a Sargent^ who maintained a 2.0 17-2 in. ,goals' against averageý forth Thecliampionsliip me was tournamntineluding a s9hutout against tometeçwn Cah.¶od Ha a Pe1terberough Lkr, who Cploa . d with h w n s einergod victorious fr-oin the other epesed opitimistheN forthe side of thedraw. xrse pimn f-th Whitby opened the gaine up loi nover doubted for a second quickly, running up a .4-0 lead that we would win. We simply before Pèterborugh could get on have tee much talentasud that the scoreboard. This preved te bo coupled with the Whitby house Peterboroughls undoing as they beague systein which has given us were noyer able te reduce the o much playing timo as a unit, deficit after tint. left ne doubt as te the outcome," Whenevor they were able te ho said. score, Whitby quiclly responded The teamn is now practisins with su equalizor. As the ganie hard for their noxt out*ng hicl9 progressed, Whitby pulled further ivili be the annual Wbitby ahead, on their way te a tunamentin two weeks. .The well-deservod 10-4 win. Whitby teurnament is hellat Warriors success is the breadth Oshawa-Whitby-Brooklin ares. JASON BACCBIOCHI (right) of Henry last'weè 1ek..Bacehioch 1iwill m ýin for ana Street lgh' School edges Kyle, Ontario championship in the event at- Robinson of Pickering ln the senior this week's OFSAA competition.. sprint hurcl at the OFSAA regionals Photo by Mark Reesr, Whitby Free Pr... 0. t. Knights bea*ten -in Ontajinal The Oshawa Blue Knights under-iS field lacrosse tesin completed a successful season this past weekend by reaching the finals for the Ontario charnpionship in Burlington. The teani, comprised of players frofti the Whitby Minor Lacrosse Association's bantain A teain and augmented by two miàdget players (Matt Cardwell- and Dan St. Aubin), posted a 3-1 record on the weekend prior te the championship finale. The flrst gaine on Saturday was an exciting come-from-bohind thriller with the Blue Knights boating the Burlington hosts 7-6. Marty O'Brien led the Blue Knights attack with four goals. Pat Jones, Paul Sallie sud Steve Voituk contributed a goal and an assit oach, whîile Saul -Edgar posted-an assist. The Oshawa Blue Knights' second garie Saturday was an offensive game as the Kanata teain foîl bohind early and.were bested by a 15-6 score. Attack in Gavin Prout. led al scorers with six goals sud three assios as fellow attacker Paul Salle chipped in with four goals and two assiste. idfielders O'Brien sud Zack Aitken each had a goal sud an assit, while midflelders Voituk, Jones and St. Aubin esch popped in a goal and Cardwell assistend twice froin the ' nidfleld poiton On Sunday, St. Catharines Athletics bested the,,Knights .6-5., Under-13 call-up Jason Ward led the scoring from -the -attack ption wth the hat, trick, sud attackers Edgar 'and Prout contributed singles. ýAssists w'ere recorded" by Sallie with two and Prout adding,,one..,.- The next gainé was a thrilling overtime victor-y, gainst àa tough squad froin Six N&tionsi. Jones gavea bounce. shot dinic, scoring five of the last six géoals, including, the overtime winner, as- the. OshawaBlue. Knlights ýsquoaled by Six Nations ý8-7. Middies -,Cardwell,. and, St. Aubin contribuited sigegol with attack mon Saile, Prout and Voituk pitched in with an assist each. The more1 experienoed;, bigger team, froin Burlington bested, the Kni hts 11-5 in the-chnpionsiip There -was cutstanding goaltending -frein Damien Buntsma a'h l~Kiùts were severely outshot by the o ýdlr Burhington teain. .M After livo, races, Brett OsIer of' in the fourth race, reltiveY close wniwhy is currontly i eading in te, home, in Avon,- ji5t oiitside<of Dar-neO>seht and Cheryl points in both the Simcoe Kart Rochester, in New York July 4 Sct ach hit a rhomeru-a Clubseros sd te Modia sud5. ighlsud-Atlas Classies defeated Super Series. 'The next Simcoe Kart Club Whitby Suns 19 10 in a Durhamn In other coinpetition, Osier is race will be held at Fanuly Lakes or. Women's* Fastbail- maintaining second-place overall Kartway on June 7. The club wifi Leageaieon May20. in the World Karting use the old race trsck, which fs Séottfs home runcame in her Association's Manufacturors' Cub the. north part cf the large track fmrt at-bat in thebagu1 Sories, in the U.SA. at Family Kartway. Pauliei Shelumba had a home Aller the first three races in Osler's sponsors are 3-SGorun for Sun. the series, held in Georgia, North Karts of Sutton, Dubé hair suad PicOtte Pirates reinained, un-' Carolina sud, Ohio, Osier will bo 5kin sud Signet Signs of Whitby. defeated'with a 7-3 win over Classics on May 27. seasonforheasîcs. os fýh Bantams win 4th' 1traight orwsaefst oss o Juhie Grylîs was strong on the Whtmy Optimists bsutam batters for the win, in, a Bay Sorts dfated od basebal team extended their rain-shortened, eight-inning. Bautert-5infeatherdginon EOBA'record to 4-0 this woek gaine. Mot21*ï nte aeo with a 7-2 victory over Oshawa. Oshiawa àid managefour hits MayX7 sud seven "iobut 'didi nelloy1%Britn had two triles foriayportsinsuproth Dave Partlo w had twe, bits, capitalize. on thoir chances. Tm strong ptching yPY of Mte while Dwayne Phaure, Ken Patfield (two), Derrick Perdue asshita. Calway, Chris Allison, Jerzy, sud Jamie Loney had bits for For -Dodd & Seuter, Jenpv Arenowicz, Josh Mille, sud Grog Oshawa. .\,<Parkinson hadtwo runs-batteti- Poinroy each had oné. Whitby plays Kingston1 h, MlnaKish -hàd an RBI, Çlwa.went the distance on beh<1f o au~dya If Ensrâih a doüb,1--nd. su the mound, strilin out 13 Pringle i>rik. -RBIanIfg!rV& dii'mjjle. Strong Whitby. team wins -lacrosse Classie Osier races to first 1

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