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Whitby Free Press, 3 Jun 1992, p. 30

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PA0E30.WH18Y REPIRESSWEDNESDAY, ,JUNE 3, 1992 GARAGE SALE, 24- Teddlngt'on Ores., Set., June 6,8 a.m. to 3 pm. Lawnmowier, wooden rocker, toys, baby things. Much more, incîuding newWessan.ktchen slnk. YARD SALE & HOBBY and craft sae*; 1011« Centre St. S8., Whitby. 8 a.m. until dark. Satur<Jay, Junè,6 & Sunday, June 7. YARD SALE - SAT. JUNE 6 & Sun4, June 7,- e a.m. to 480jP.m. 250 Meadow Md, Whltby. Mn lnterostlng'articles. MULTI-FAMILY garage -sale, - you ýwant it, we'vo got, h. Furnituro, sportlng gocd%, bocks, tapes,, etc. June ,9 a.m. '9 Jaccb Drive, Whitby. Rain date:.Sunday., GARAGE SALE - SAT., 'Juno 6, 8 &mn. fo 4 pm. Bannerman Court, Wiitby. Baby itRems, toys9, clothese, ping pongtable. Lots ofRiems. MOVING SALE -SAT JUNE 6 9 &mn., 33 Michael Blvd., Whilby. Fridge & stove, projector,* linons, dishes, hcuseold items. SAT., JUNE 6, Sunday, June 7 - Movig osalde. Ma-y iems. 16 Hou-oh-onCr<o(ff Rogncy Ores.), WhibtL.10am. to4 pm. PRAYER TO ST. JUDE. Mayth' Sacrod Hoart of Josus b. adorod, Iorufied, lved ad resere thýrcughout' the. world. Sacroed Hoart cf Jesus bave morcy on us. St. Jude worker of miracles pray. for us. St. Judo helper cf the. hopeless- pray for us. Thanks for favýours granted X2. EH. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred H-eart of Josus for favours received. May the Sacred Hoart cf Jesusý b. adorod, glorified, lovd and proservod throughoutthe world, now' and forever. Oh, Sacrod Heart- cf Josus pray for us, St. Judo worker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper of the hopeless ray for us. Say.this .prayor nine timos a day. By the eigh1h da your rFrayer wiIl b. answored, egadesof how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must b. promlsed. AM. FSUPPORT. BUY SUPER NEVADA I INSTANT WIN TICKETS Tickets Available At One Location OnIy THE DAILY PLANET» AT THE WHITBY MAL ',We need Big Sisters NQ?0W,- ffI~( ~.CORPORATION 0F THE T0WN 0F WHITBY IN THE MATIER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGEAC. R..i1990,9e.0.18 AND IN THEMATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS UN 'THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that fie Council of the Corporation cf die. Town of Whitby, Intends 10 designate "l e%~t. lncluding, lande and buligat the following muni cqe as propert< of historie and aliecbrai value or interest unde Part IV of lie Ontario Hetitage Act R.S.O. 1990, c.0.181 lb. James Br.bner Houa. REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 407 BYRON STREET NORTH- WH~ITBY The. James Brebner House was, bulît inà the early. 1850s on the. landes originally owned by lie founder of Wbitby, Peter Perry. ARCHIECURAL This 1-1/2 storey trame house has a limee bay facade wfli a moderately pitcéed gabled rof shingled with asphaJt~ a gabied front centre -donner. and a one storey back kitchen wng, ul to form an -plan. 1he most spectacular element lae eedoe front porci which postdates lie construction of the houe. by about liirtyyre. Thebhousa lea very attractive exampleof the modleetbouse buul to a design liat was equally applicabl on lie farm or ln lie Town and stylletically contalne elements o? both Gothieo Revival and Geomgian Architecture. Anypron ma3r before Jul 3, 1992,, send by registereci mail or dfrto dmlIe îek of tie Town ai Wbitby notice o? hie or ber objection 1 the ýproposed deslgnation togelier vwith <atement. o? reasons. for tie objection and ai relevant lacts. If such notice cf ob*ection le recivd, ieConco ?fi oporation of the Town o? Whitby shalh refer lie malter to th. Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED at lie Town o? Whitby fils 3rd day of June,, 1992. * DONALD G. McKAY TOWN CLERK TIE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITB3Y 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO LUN 2M8B PHUlE: (416)668.5803 I........A.......I.. .........I <PSYCHIC&SPRTA ADVISOR Joan Mondoy f0 Frtday 9'0m. to 9~ BIRTH. CONTROIL and family planning counselling. Fre and confideniai, avaiîabeMotnday f Friday, 8:30 am. to 4:30 p.m. Cîinic overy Thursday 3 to 6 p.m. For f urther information, cail 420-8781 or 433-78901.- PERSONAL LQANS $500 & UP for ayproe Also debts resrucure, egal action and collections< stoppe, payments lowered. Fro. Infé consultation. CINDYS ALTERATIONS. Leahher, ladiëe and, meêr's aftorations, prom drosses, custom tailoring. Tues. through, Sat. 101-1/2 Mary St. W., Pearson *Lanes. 430-6T550. TrHANKS TO STr. JUDE and the Sacred Hoart cf Jesus for favours recoivod. May the. Sacred Heart of Jesus - o adored, glcr'iid, Ioved and preserved throughcut- the world now and forevor. Oh Sacred Heart cf Jesus pray for us, St. Judo Yworker 0f miracles pray for us, St. Judo holper of the hopeles pray for us. Say thus prayor nine times a day. By 1h.e ,,ghth day, your r«raer will be answered, regardlosa cf how hopoless yo ur situation seernis. Publication muet b. promisod. GP. BAHA'IS BEUEVE: Love la the. cause of God's revelalion unto man, the- vital bond Inheront, ln accordanco with the- divinoe creallon; in the. realities of things. Fcr Information and discussion, calI 668-8665. NATURAL ith nutrition, reflexology, aroma thorapy. Shiatsu, Polarity, lrldology. Certif iod. B appoint- mont only. 416-668-519. ~b~ Nw~aper AUCTION SALE -KAHN COUNTRYAUCTIONS- Every Wednesday at 620 p'.m. Localed on Brock Rd., Pickoring,3 miles nortiiof Hwy. 4.01 (exil f399). Featuring every Wed: an excellent seloclion cf antiques, fine f urniture, glass, china, callectibles, primftives and the. unusuals. So jain us every Wed. and participaI. 'in one' cf Ontario's 'true' auctions with no buy-backs or reservos. "Consign- mont and, estalo selling a' ur speciafty.*.CeIl us today. Previews fram 1 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683.0041 SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION: SAT JUNE 6 AT 6:30 P.M. EVEFK SATURDAY NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M., AT THE ,,PETHICK AUCTION BARN, HAYDON, 8.MILES NRTH 0F BOWMAN VILLE This woek wo havo the ontiro contents of a Bcwmanville hcme.. to Includo matchig frldge &estove' (1. yr. cld), mateni washer& dryer, chestorfield ste., glass> display cases, b.drocm aIes. oak bedrcom sf0., gas.1BBQ, china & lass & much, more. Vlewing from, 5p.m. Termfs are cash, choque or, VLea. For more» Information, cal 1-416-263- 4252. Sale managod & solci by:ý GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS- 499e Slmncoe St. N., Oshawa (416)g65-8073 Peame Auction Ser vices' and *Movrers ESTATE SALES. APPRAISALS* BUSINESS CLOSEOUI REAL ESTATEý AUCTIONS- CONSIGNMVIENT SALES IPlease Recycle CORORTIO4OTH ... ...... TOWN 0F .WHITBY. NOTICETO MUNICIPAL ELECTORS, NOMINATINSFOR7THEDOFFICIE-0F WHITBY HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSIONIER N071CE la bereby given hhtat a Meeting to beheld on Mo'nday July 13,11992 at 8:00..ln the. Meeting Ha a etb.Wbltby MunIla Building, .575 Rosslan Road Eaist, MWhltby, Ontario, the Council cf ithe ,,«a r f lie Tomn of MIlitby, ln accordance Wl theh povisions . of eii Municipal Act and thé. Public, Utilties Act Intende to appoint a persan f0 lia vaant seat ontie Whtby Hych'o-ElectdoCommlelon. And notice le furlier gnen liat nominations wlfl bte rocelved aItihe office of the. Clerk of tie, Corporation -aif-lte Town'of Whitby, '575 Rossland Road East, Whiby,,Ontarlo duningrinral office boum from lbursday, June 4, 1992 Io FrIday, July 3, 1992, Inclusive, for lbe prpose of nominating fit'and proper personaf0 fil1tthe vacant seat on the hbyHydr-EbtieCommission. Every nomine. wilI be requlred to file vit hiNe or ber nomlnatipn a consent'to such nomination and a declaration oi qualification incicatlng that heor she, <a) la a Canadian citizen; (b) has attainoci tie age o? 18 yeam on or before. November 12, (c) lea a resiclent ln 1h. Town of Whiby, or the. owner or ten~ant of land. ln the Town o? Whtby or the spouse o? sucb an owner or tenant; (d) la not otiierwlse disqualifled or prohbited by law from holding tie office of Whitby Hydro-EbeI Commissioner. Nomination forms and full particulars of procedures lo be followed May b. obtained fror tihe undersigned. DONALD G.UcoKAY CLERK TH1E CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN'0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST' WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN. 2MB PHONE: (418) 66f883 AUCTIONEERS The eopl'ofWhIty ad oumundng rem.nja atldlng auction sales. Lotlhm kowabot ournet blyadvsrtng l h xtve edpages lni Whidby- The WhlbyFeroPr.as C"91«u& a. Cli:

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