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Whitby Free Press, 3 Jun 1992, p. 31

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ORVAL mcLEANAUCTIOÃ"NS'ý THURSDAY,, JUNE '4 -6 PJ. ABOUT 200:EVERGREEN- SHRUBS, TRE LE SPRUCEZ PLUS 'COMPLETE ESTATE 0F,.. LATE M AbELINE 'GAMBLE (FORMER0WNERO -F BOXAL' &MATIEHARDWARE STORE,« WHIBY & OHERS SELLING AT -LW AUCTION CENTER LINDSAY Seven RylDoulton fiçurines, excellent.,antique &.-,qualty fur-ý nurs emoe funiture, oak' dining..room ,ste.,,w/roun Ïd tbe,' 9-pc. wainut dinfing mcm ste., oak roll-top,desk, -3 exc-ellent .walnut carved. bedroom stes. beautiful Victorian settae - crvéd-chester-ý fild, eak hall seýat, ôoak caiVed, glass china cabinet, chiid's rocker, sacretaira, Oak .,sldetby-side cabinet, 'antique china,' glass,1 leathar Ipestcard, many collec- tibias, 12 1place set, Limoges .Bridai Rose dinnerwara. Also selinig 1«990, Pontiac 6000 ioaded, 1 987 Chrysier Ffth Ave. Cal: ORVAL McLEAN AMOTIONS LTD. 324-2783 -* LINDSAY AUCTION SALE CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN THURSDAY, JUNE 4 -6 P.M. FRIDAY JUNE 5 AT 6 P.M. 870 TrAUNTON RD. E., WHIT BY 3 MLEà EAST 0F LITTLE RRITAIN ON COLJNTV RD. 4 Havin9 raceived Instructions from th rncipals, wa are claaring the assts cof CLASSIC BRASS & lot frcm local moving company including, 7 pc. Ivory dinar (excellant), old mahogany sacre- tarydesk, 89 Yamaha scooter (23 km,, 15 brase bads, boxsprin s & eatresses, brass aps loor Iamps. tables, touch lamps, shade;s,, 4rass, ornamants, vanlty ~approX*. $20,000 worth cf brase items, white cararnlc tabla & 6 chairs, pic.tures,.2 pianos, organ, g lass-top tables-,,&, chalrs, day bs,- neW. sofas &. chairs; sictionals, bar ',stolsi,drass mamory typawriter,- lg. qty. c-f small items, 88 Jeep Cherokea, 90 Lufina"' Euro :3.Ç 85Cadillac., NOTE TIME: 6, p.mf. Vlewing:, 1 p.m. tili -sala. An e0xcellent, chance te buy- new brase bads & lamps et auction1prices. Excellant sala. McLEAN AUCTIONS& LIQUIDATIONS >576-7550' 686-3291 1' ~CORPORATION 0F THE I ~TOWN 0F WHITBV PLANNIN é DEPARTMENT NOTI'CE 0F PUBLIC MEETING' monda,JuIy6«,1992 @ 7:30 Puma Meeting i"LiiWhitby -Municipal Building W ltby, Ontartlo", A, Public Mbetng"wlll9 be ýhol b the Planning and. Developmnant Comniteaof Cocicf thaeCorpration cf'tha Town cf Wu~t consier a proposed'amendment tVe a Towin of WhltbyaOfficia fila numbar 8.O85IDWW, as submnited by McCoy Holdngs Umited. The bjetpe epat lcdon tha.west sida cf iHighway 7 and 12, south cfCoumbusRo Westas idehixleéd on dia map bak>w. The purposa cf the Officiai Plan Amendmant la te redesignata the rear arae ,hesbetproerty ftnm Residendtil Idustrial, to permit dha expanion etanefstng industrial oparation. The westerly portion ef thapropoed expansion area would b. furdier rastritd te the parking et1eNes and open storage of manufactumd producis. Tha purpose of this meeting s te provide adequata information te dia public and te permnit intarasted persons, the coetn t t make' raprasaentation ln respect ef the Offficoel Plan Amendment, li ns if you ara unabla te attend the meeting> yeur rpeetton can ba flld ln wrtng bymal orpersnal dlar1y -tea hediaPlanning Departmant not latar than regularWin heurs on Juiy 13, 1992. Interestac paersns may-imtpact additional information relating te dia aby pplication in dia Plannir rit ZLavi 7, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whby, OntatieLi9W2 dwrr geularworlcing heurs, Monday te Friday, or may contact tiaePanning Department by telephonlng (416) 668-5803.« ROBIERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING New 2-pc. pia hutch, new pine corner cupboard, harvest 'gold f rid g /freezer combination, doubla pedastal office desk, modemn dres- sers & chasts cf drawers, Colonial chesterfield &> chair, press-backî rocker, new round oai> p9destal table, p ina bunk bieds, small china cabinet (glass 3 sidas), apt.-sizad dryar, ,coffea & and tablas, .6 maclgpress-back chairs, ward- robes,, ratinished W54, round padastai tabla wv/2- leâves, 4 àak dining ràom chairs, refinishad ,washstands & pOarlour tables, white: 2- rigwashstands, 'chain - saw, Waedi Ester, doubla skI- doo tralla'r, 4x8 box tralar w/sidas,,& loading:rap;mortar- mixer' *w/Kawîasaàkl gas, motor, band sawý ,& stand, 4e Beavar planer,ý Beavar table saw, 1983 *Buick La Sabra, 15 ft. tandem1 axie'trailer, plus a qty. cf china, glass, lamps & collectibla Items. DON & GREG CORNEIL * AUCTIONEERS RR #1, LITTLE BRITIAN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 ~JESTATE AUCTION SALE' SAT -JUNE 13 -1030 A.M. -LARME AUCTION SALE FOR THE ESTATE 0F THE' * LATE MR& MRS. WUM FP. SMIH TO BE HÉLD AT 906 HENRY ST. S., WHITBY, TO NLDTE RLETATE, QUALITY I ANTIQUE &.MODERN > * FURNITURE, CHINA, GLASS., MANTIQUE GUNS & LOTS MORE To includa 3-pc. Victorian settea set, 6-pc. Victorian sattea set, 2 Victorian oak beds, oak dressers, old - speol child's bed,, dry ýsink,. blanket boxes, oak *8-pc. dinlng rocm ste., 48" dining table, sermer, 6 balloon-back chais,oéak 'rocker, 2 oak china cabinets, Victorian hail chairs,' parleur tables, 2 -corner what-not. stands, eak stackng bookcase, 3 sact. ext., tabla,2 badreom step.,ý colour.TV, hors. & slalgh bals, a il larnps, mantde & gingerbread doécks, gls & china te inlclude Pinwhaal, Cobalt, Cranberry,. Ruby1 & lots more,. signedcrocks, jugs, Jardeniers, siFver tea set, 'hat pins & holdars. Antique .guns to include '1852 Springldmuzzle-IOader, 1900 Beagium, 12 ga. SIS, Spanish SÏS, 194.ev arL- Swiss Ved<y, 1911 Enfiald, garden tools,' Troy-bult rototillar & lots more items toc numerous te mention. Real astate ta include 3 bedroom brick bungalow with -1/2 baths, semî-finished basement, hardwood flocrs throughout, 2-car gara a, faveddArive,, close te schools,%O trai & wy.401. Home la located on a ILg, irregular-sîzad lot, fancad yard & matura trees. Terms ara $1,000 dpoit on, sale, day,' balnc1cosip 30,days with sema m flexibility. Real, estate sold sùbject-' te exectors' approval. Viawinlg time: Monlda Juna 8, from i1,p.m. te, 4, pm. &e pM. te 9 p.m. only.. .,Ne vawing availabia on sale da.; Real estata seils et 1lpm. Fumfura' tarms are cash or approved chaque only. For more information cal 1-416-263-4252. Sala man- aged &sold by:ý GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS WIUY FREEPRESSWEDNESDAY, JUNE a. 1992,PAGE 81 Snnycrestgroup receives provincial funding for activit;ies A goup cf retirad seniors frm htby will ra caive a new Horizons grant, for $7,849, Monique Vézina, Miniater cof State for Seniors, lias announced. The Sunnycrest Social Group will expand the achedule cf activities available te .thle residenta cf the, nursing home and seniors apartmant cemplax. Activities include inicrowave cooking, carda, gardening, vidao niglits, sick scarf painting, fitness' classes and a breakfas club. ' The goal cf the project isa te promoe , healthy, aging bY providing activities that stimulate physical and mental capabilities, -while simultatieously providing enicymant. New Horizons- is a faderal program that providea grants te groupa wishing te initiate projècts that they ,themselvaa pan and organiza. Thea'progpram 1encourages retired Canadians te sharehir talents. and experiencas, through suci projecta involving thamsélvesý and others in, the .onimunity. ByConst Grant Arnold DuhM Regiional Polio. <Crime Stoppe and Durham Regional Police are- asking for, the, public's lielp in solving a break, enter and theftla occurred ini Newcastle on Tuesday, May 5. 1Just afler midnight, the liquor store at 34 Beaver St.,was brolcen'into by suspects smashiMng a, Window facing onto the parkfing loLt. re susecte, entered and eited the srtore', severa times, removinglqo n cases of beer. Total damage and theft exceeded $100.ura Suspect #1 is described as male white, aged 18 te ,20, %5-ft. 11-ms. -tQ 6-ft., Ion g brown hair witl reoeding hairlinej weari*ng a black leather jacket, white sweatshirt, blue jeans and wbite running shoes. S0-spe#2inmbule, lte ld 18 to 20, 5-ft. .9-ins. te 5-ft. 10-ns. meiumbulddar harwearin g ça hght,.coloured,- maybe orne, jacket withý a striplround the left- arm and a patcèh OnMM.h arm, kangaroo pouch. on front cf jacket, bu jeans with a patch on the rear right pocket and white running shoes. <Suspect #3 la male, white, very short, approximately 5-ft. 4-mns., aged,17 te 19, brownhair parted in the middle, wearing a black T-shirt with cresting o n front and back,.dark-iJ eaný and dark running shoes. Possible suspect vehicle la a black pick-up truck. A& e-nctenof this crime wiil be shown on CITY-TV., (channel 57 cableM7 on Thursday, June 4 duringthe and 10 p.m. news. I will also be shown o'n CE TViPterbr' l and CKVR in Barrie on Friday, June 5, again uring thepews., Crime Stoppers will pay up !e *1,000 for information leàin te the. arrest cf these suspects. The liqluor store lias e victimized on four lother occasions and"police neediyurhelp l'« solving and stoping thi. occurrences. Similar cash 'rewa rds' will be paid for iniformaâtion leading te an arretM* any sarious,, The ýDham Regional Crime Stoôppers hotline is8436-8477- (that's 436-TIPS), and is open 24 hours per dayý,,seven days a week..The phone number can b. dialed fiom most areas cfthe, rmnfree cf chare.If this1nAumber is long distance,you oa ci1 o;1Iect or calithrughyour, local. Durhaîm Regioal' Police number ad sic for Crime Stoppera. Cals will neye be trâced or -recorded. You will net be required, te identify yourself or have to go to court. Constable Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with'the Durham, RegionaL Crime Stoppera and writes this article te help combat crime. *1 DUNDAS CENTRE GUARD 'IAN DRUG-S 220, Dundas St. W., Whitby Open 7 Dys a Week includJng Holidays FREE DELIVERY Ail Drug.Plans Accepted 430-2999g URGENT GARE WALK IN ýMed'ical Clinic 220 -Dunidas St.- W. Whitby No Appoînmnt Neossary 1 668-7899

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