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Whitby Free Press, 10 Jun 1992, p. 31

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IF V OUR 'KIDS ENJOY swlmmlng, the park and picnics for the summer, thon oeil 571-5901. Thlckson/Dundas ares. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 LOVINO DAY CARE -in-' My homo. Mother cf i11V2 >yr. aId. Country setting non-smoker. Ashburn aies. Oeil1655-8802 CARING MOTHER cf 1 V12 y r. aid willlng ta babysit ln my hnorne. Actîvties, outings and nutrftlous lunches. Call 668-4617 ýf ANDERSON, Mary and Craig are r roud ta announce the birh of hoir son, Colin Michael, on May 29,ý 1992, weighing 9 lbs. 6 oza. Firht granchld for. Rev. Jack and Frances Roney and f Irst grandson for Philip and Diane Anderson. REUABLE DAY CARE ln my home, Brookwood area. Lunches, snacks. Fenced yard, activities, Walk to playgrounds and sohools. Roeopts. 666-9382. QUALITY, CARING day cars in my home. 18 years experience. In non-smoking environmont. Ex- cellent references provided. Thicksoni/Rosslarid. 728-2843. LOVING DAY CARE ln- my homo. Rossland &* Garden aiea. Snacks and hot lunches, creativo cratts, sories & plàytimfe. Non-smoking environment. Have day-care toaching experlence., Excellent rates. Discount, for second chiid. Caeil 666-4436 QUALITYS CARINO day caro offered by mother and ex-teacher in- non-smoking envIronment. Ful or part-time. -Rocèipts & roter- onces. provided. Fallingbrook aiea. 666-3228. WHITBY FUN PLAYCARE avallebie "by former nanny - pediationurse-assstant. Mther of 1 «V2 yr. aId. Large, sale play area. Best recommondations. Park across streot. Bessett, Gardon, Rossiand ares. Pleese phone 430-3563.ý Thi ci Fi Ri hi CI *Fi Foi Watch le se that prcvides.... nscheod home vists lnsure quaiity cars for your »ully tralned providors Bieve ongoing Agonçy Lpprt telîabie local back-up overs Pralvider illnoss or bpeeInsurance overage. came tax rocoipAs ' hildren six weeks and Up Lli or part-time lr moeinmitn coil: 586-3995 a IicnsedAgency BRIOGHT, FURNISHED ROOM ln, newer home. Use cf facilitios. Femalo proferred. Available June 1. $90lweek. Cail 430-8740. BABEMENT ROOM for rent, Furntshed, private washmoom, use of laundry. On town bus route. Cloan, comfortabie, and quiet. 668-8343. NICE, QUIET MOTEL rooma for ront. . near Brooklin. $175 weokly. Gall 655-5308. CLEAN, LARGE mcm Iln air conditicnod home, Whitby, noar Ajaex. Close toa al facilities. $300/month. 430-7022. BROOKLIN- LARGE, bright roomf aveilable for Ju~ 1. Close ta ail amonities. 655-553ý. ROOM NEAR 09HAWA Centre. Share quiet, furnished 3-bodrocmi home .with 2 other people. $340 monthly inciuding parking. 579-3248. OSHAWA-- PARIGUBB: twoô- bedrocm semi.'Fresh Paint, and broadlcom. Foncod. yard, centrai air, patio. Availabie Juiy 1. $795. First & lest + tilities. Smail pots allowod. 721-0919. 3 BEDROOM, BUNGALOW in Whitby. Immaculate, lai gwe enced> lot, finished besement. $890 plus utilities. First & lest. 430-6074 or 668-8206. TOWN, HOUSE. Move icn for. September. -4, bedrooms, 3 bathrocms,, 4 .'eppliances, miniý biinds, plus. 'Attached': garage. Finished besement 'wth. patio ta treed backyard. Sohool. across street. Local bus at back door.' $138,900 ob.o. 668-9394.., CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ffIs FAsT - iT'5 EASYI ONE CALI, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIGNEERING ai the Soulhweseem Ontario Schocl 01l Auctloneering. Next clas: Julil-11 17. Information contact: Southwestern Ontario Schooi ai Auctoneerîni. R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. TRUCK< DRIVER training AZ and DZ courses, aiea air brake, dangerous goode, defenslve driving.1o book and border cia seing. Rodgers Sco[ Ontarios oldeet. Cati 1-800-668-0031.- BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programe (Federai & Provincial) for your new ai eistng amai business. Inormation (514) 937-2422 ext. 98. PERSONAL - Loving, weli-estabiishe d couple'ouger 1o adopt newbomn baby or tine. Cati 416-738-7927. WOUWD YOU LIKE ta correspond wiih unattached Christian people acroas Canada: ail denominations ail nationalities for companionehip or marriagel Ashgiove. P.O. ëox 205, Chase.,B.C. VOE 1 MO. FOR SALE THE GYPSYMOTH SCRAPER creatlveiy designed egg mass remnover. Adaptable to .99 locations. Inquiles ta Box 299, Bracebridge, Ontario Pli. iTO. Phone 705) 646-7777 Fax (75) 46-2013. FRANCHISE OPPORTUN"T WORK WORLD. CANADAS LARGEST FRANCHISED WORK & CASUALWEAR RETAILER -150 STORES STRONG. Ares franchise now available. Comprehonsive training and su pport. Southem Ont.: (416) 235-6317 phone, (416) 238- 8959 fax. Noflhem Ont.: <705) 789-6797lphonéulax. MORTOAGES HOME EGUITY LOANS. Fast coiundî: tw rates. Application by phono., No -quailîylng haBiles. Psy bills. Home renovations. Cali Inranslcon Financlal Group. toil-free 1-800-265-1429 anytime. EDUCATION OUT OF WORK? Tralned Apart-ment/Condomium Managers needed across Canada. Government lcenced, correspondence certiication course has asaisted Ihousanda b ind employment. FREE brochure 1.50-665-8l39. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOMEI GroW baitworms ln your basement or garage. Odoresa operation. Low Inveelment. Market guaranleedi Free Information.* Eariy Bird Ecoiogy.R. R.#1. Smithvllle. Ontarlo, LOR 2A0. (416) 434252. HELP WANTED We need you toselltos litgiis forC& MGifle. NO INVESTMENT1 NO D IVERIES, no collection. Cati 519-258-7905 or fax 519-258-0707 lor free Info. URINE-ERASE, since 1978, guarantees remaval SINGE 1976 we've been Canadau Il1 dispiay urinaesMains. adore, from carpete. subtioois/joisle.. whoIeualer. We 800k 2 reps la service eslablluhed Regardiesa ag et24 hi.to11fioeeiniormation/ordering. retiti stores In youi ares. Eam $900-1,100 weekîy. Reldelil Chemicals Umfled1-800-56-ERASE. 416) 756a-216 or (416) 756-3174. «0 CANADAI i cee mountains end velicys and rivera and Ioes. irs truty mother natures warehouse.1 Red SkeitonWs 'Tributs ta Canoa audio cassette. Cati 1- 800-3876214. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwaii Type not quonet - 32x54 $7344; 40x72 $10276; 60x90 $15.882; 60x126 $22972 - other sires evalabe - Spulng Clearance - Paragon -.24 Hours 1-800-263. 8499. FIND OUJT WHY MORE AND MORE PEOPLE buy ind îecommend Future foir quaIitL. integdity and service. lntroducing now the HayM aster Caï 1- 800-668-8653. BUILDINGS - SIDE-BY.SIOE comparteon lea what Il takos ta pick oui the bout end lowesL.wo*îe aJitfoi IL. Now for a, imiIed lime - Factory Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Exmpe 25 X 30 Velue $2,310 now S$1898. 40 X 120 Valua $12 528 now $10.788. ManY sfzes and types avalabte. M5onter 1-800-668- RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS. hardtop foldown. fîfth-whoeo, travot park modele. truckcampeie.caps. Fibieline & Leur Fîbregiasa Aiuminumn truck caps. Parts-Service for most makes IncIuding Bonar-Uonel-Lextro,' Royal Traiter il R.V. Centra ln Tevoldale. Ont. 1-519-343-2122. MOV-NO REAL ESTATE MOIGTO B.C.? Friee Inormation ai Homos and Butinesses. Sid Roeonbeîg. 211-403 North Road. Coquittam. B.C. V3K 3V9). Phono: (604) 644-5881, Fac (604) 939-2150. Nailonal Roi Estale Service. 21 UNIT MOTOR INN ovetooing Shuuwap Laike on hwy. 2 resîdences, restaurant (lete 80-seat pub. 4.8 acres. Subdivision possible. $795.000. Lyn or 0111 (604) 675-2454. WANT MONEY TO TREAT YOURSELF or thée tde 1h15 summer? Join oui soies teamn selilng lingerie, No deilvodes. Eam up 10 830.00 be 840.00 pei-hour. 1.-800-265-8541. MAJOR REGIONAL SEEDING FRANCHISOR reqir n eran"sem-retired or otherwise *high sals atiue knowiedgeof construction business commRslslon IncomKen Wray. Future Green 416- VACATIONVTRAVEL RENT. FLORîDA CONDOMINIUMS. minutes tramn Dsney, Ep cot Ses Worid. golf. shopping, fuiiy a iPed. Êbatbs. laundzy, heated pool, spa. teris. %rBthGardons. Weekly/Monthîy. 613) 646- 2030. SOUTH CAROLINA MYRTLE BEACH RESORT. Oceanrant condom. housekemping lncîuded. Indoor/outdoor pools, whirîpoois Isunas. tennis. unggreen. Sunmui rentais rom 8505/week. rsbochure: 1-800-448-5653. WINNIPEG WEEKEND gotaway. 849ngi hà2 adule, iree continental, parking. childien n/c. indor pool.' restaurant, lounge. Cloue-shoppingsens, eairol Aidiner Inn. 1740 Ellice. 1-'800-665-813. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZEDISURPLUS VEHICLES U.S. and Canadian ow as $100. BMW., Cadilacs. Che=s Fords. Mercedes. Poreches. trucks, vans. Amazlg dtais reveaied 1-416-482-3000 copyright 1014. music W-MUSIC à ARTS NôrthuWest Music Centre Instruments & Accesé. Sales & Service. Recording Studio. Publising, Prnning. Infolne<(807) 852-3728 or write to Box 74. aly Rier, Ontario POW 1LO. Intn qe ** inSevc ai CA$H 'N ,DA$H 701 Dundas Street West, Whitby Phone: 666-8711 Fax: 666-8728 AIL TYPES OF C HEQUES CASHED Fax Services Mail B3ox Rentais Derek Dutka Spocializîng in tex & retirement planning since 1986 CAL44-6119, FOR AN APPOINTMENT' e -sFiania côép Enueoffidentwindwu reduce dreb and kmw rioeunuKITCHENS - BAfROOMS IIIlfA!Ir - GEA REBATE OF $5.00 PERSQUARE MOT SKLIES DS ___________ ___î__'(onisoieîproducts for qualiy e g h om LWTRR N byw idleiectrioheaiie0 Cali Now Foe A FrserEstmaîe, UNIVERSITY WERKS =-W S1%Dson lhhsA8-82 QuaIty Construction & TAKE ADVANTALGE cf aur 98 Profesionl Desgn uansancfoeHm.dujiu r cent coverago<- Whitby when.l WW ing or sel ing ,,your. wares. Interlocking Brick Drives, Patios, Walks -icesWItW Free Proso.,668-0594. Retaininig WaIts I Cusorn rlm . Wood Fencing Wood Decks Docks -Gazebos *AddliloM, etc. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ àFmeeCompetftive Estimates i interlockidngto 666-9690 »tt I ~scu~655-4418 BDFn ng I The Mutual GroupI HEBTRAN àlfor quotation soethig i Scomn. 668-3800 - 571,3800 s Speciaiizing in Early Shiidhood Education. For Peace of Mnd. Greenwooùd Gardening & Maintenance RESIDENTIAI. & COMMERCIAL Caîl us how arnd 53V* UÏp to 10%o/ on pour seasonai grass cutting cOntract.. (416) e20496 DAN1NY' G EEAL CONTRAt2'R Qualiiy eneii Repairs ancý » Compiete ReEibvatons Your ad couîd appear ln community nowspaporo ln Ontario, or right across Canada, or any IndIvidu!l province. Space I. Limited, so Cali This N.,wspape r Todayl j i *Work Gua»rantoocdti " Grdn hds Fonces staringe Sundr $l2per oot -Docks starl at $7.25 square footncue railing and ansesètof stops PHONE 668-7951 Toli-free pager 1-416-5]59-6703 Drî Mi Specializing in cusiom vinyl replacement windows, replacement doors, storm doors, awnIngs, patio doors, bays, boves and porch enclosures. Providing in-homeproduct démonsMiôns wfth FREEestimales. Famiýownedandçperafed._ vý

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