* . * ( WIWFPR1R88WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17,199n PAGE 1U Town ëxpeets bi1g saving ihrevisied gragesevc IyMr.Boucher A new garbqe ellcton ser- vieffle OI Odto hel p ave the Town a;bout $250.000,t"yor Tho now phonoi syteme coet-effgkU*etivobècause theTown. le etili uelng.the marne equlpmont and manower te do the job, aa Wane'ancock, pub c£Ë T lho gerbage colleecton has 'now boon ,pradover five days as- OPpo ethepoiosfou-a scedulo, tatheenbe thé" Town té have smre tà ué available for the ýphono-isya- Iiiyees pstthere wes"a. srn ed fal -nt date. for of large grbgeitm but tfhat hes been, changed te a Phone-ln"sysom -this year hi whc eidonts oeil i te have big itemsif pickèd up by the Town, ho says. Each housÃehold la allowed two fr-ee. pickups .'in a year and 'the new service la working well so far, ho s9ays. 1 Hencock maye the Town à e asik- Inpeple tocalliand toflwhat io matoriele thoy wa'nt tho Town te pick up. This allowi Town staff te soparate the'different types of, materiale with material souch as rubbor sent to a coSmpany i Mississauga.. Any recyclablo materiestaken from items such ae ý frhdgem, sitoves and, wood flirnitur. are sent t6 Codardalo Scrap Iron and Motels in Oohawa, ho Baye. Some appliancs. and relatod 'inetal items a8re sont te Lasco for ýUse threwhile the reet of the re77lakb1 ihi pdto the W «t andîUsite in Pickeringho saye. Th Pace To, -Browse- On Sun dy FATHERS'DAY SPECIALS' 80z ROAST BEEF with vegetable and SEAFOOD PLATTEA Filet of Sole Breaded Shrimp oPotato RACK 0 F RIIBS' ýHoney Garilo or,' Vgtable $ 1 -9 Ail0f theabove incude sWup RESTAURANT- 1~~~~~~~ SENIORSý 10% DISCOUNTl. Check ub ut! *T-r.Str, CANADA DAY Hoswae SPECIAL!O, HÃœseae. $;Z2.00 OFF EVERYDAY LO PIIOTOFINISHING PRICES W t Mcoupon. <Expres July 12192 * iftware, * KIüthenwar 579-7002"~ * Dinnerware 404-248S LOPEN FR SNDAY SOPPING. £rotIK0rý ro,0 y Ail Men's Wear-t and SiIk nt ncuded:) Valid until July 4, 1992 in our» Wihitby -Maillocation only. (Not vaIld Mh any othr special pdSos.) Ced < Simply Better!t I ~ tAh~1~âA -. Kids-corne in ,for FREE balon for' CANADA;I DAY while supýpli*es lastl Whutby Mali I Open ýEvery Su'nday 12-5 .for your Shopingý Con-véen ience 1 fi ma MMMM@qhý ..00 à IL m -$830