WMlMPFMËPR.ESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 19n2 PAGE 29 Compst:A-health trea t'for'ýyourgarden 2Yia oeaticle.is pnovided by loc alat ora and thse Ontario Rual Eatate Assoiation (OREA> for the benefit cf consumera in thse ruai estate markset. if you'd nek to *pve your gardon a healtby treat tms summer and fe% why notconider startixig a ost heap in yourwakyad? UPofoeganic zmaterials like food screp andyard wast.e, compost provides you witii a rich, naturl ali condition«r wbich i. =easy and inexppnsve ta Cooepoting in not c.iy rod for the gar4on; Lt'qwd or W tIi envTiroUg&iont. Rqghy -one-third of iiousebaod wast. i.n Iadeup of crganic materialwhich'-can b. comaupostad.By divertIngktchen .crap and Iawn and gasrdon ciowimehlold wasote st3y*in, ryoe caii nMk a significant roduction ini the. amount'cf garbege goeng ta local landfil U teL Comp"fstin saim a ood way ta t.acii yongsterabutth onvironnient. Sinoe ' you 'cen compos t 'tirougiiout the. winter, it's a great year-round prQject fer the, whol fhmily. HOW IT WOEKB A. rici, dark, soi-ike material, compost . is formed when microsPic bacteria wiiich live in ,mil and wastes begin ta eat aa at organic mattr, causig ti compost lpile'ta heatf'up. Once enoug4 - heat i. generated, "the. wasteO stert ta brea down. Ilamount cf tme it tek. for compost ta foem depends -on, whasminthie pile andii ow regud. lerl.turnsd. IW. very important ta kep the. ple moclat, but not wet. .The. naterial shoud b. turn.d evexy, two or thre weeks or wiien . it -bcomie s mpacted S- deveflps an odour. CONM 0 AlRA Thlngw yoez- Sn mS include leaves, wood euâh m, siielIslawn andgrnCi*- fruit and le wastî "an Be sure not ta put in mat"ral like pet lwastes, Chermoaior Codl ashos, deiry producta, fats, cgalS oily food%, meats, bonS. or fat.- les aima a gcod idea'ta steer cleer cf tiirowing mature iv"ed in your compost pile becaum tiey could conteminate the.cçnpstand, eventually, yourmcl Your compost iioap cen b. as simple asa sinali, tbree-sided bin, or asm fency as. a cavered, multiple-bmn unit. You cen make your own coumotr qit. eam*ly witi sMme lumnber ora plastic garbege.contahwner witii hoâles punciièd iIL. lb. nort time youWr in y Our local h 'ardware store, tae,a look at comercially-mold unit. to, get aguodideof haw tieye budILIf aou not a iiandýy persn, it may b.Iz more conveMent tapjurchame une~~ cti..ray-msdo unit. instead of consbxucýnyour own. GEITIG STAKTE . To stert with, ýmû. sur. yau Place Your compost binli a well-drained area of your prosery. WiMen sartingyour compost ut dwn aae i kitci.nandyard wastes frt thn ddme mai, alongwii smre Commercial compost or manure ta give the. processa alittle extra iielp i gettig startod. Once tii... inital laer are formed, continue, ta aogamfco maerlelaloeig 1.itiisivlfisc Be sure ta turai thi e ma that ovoiytr g ecm'ùs Turnlng tii. ple on areua clrlating,, and that the. pile is not overly ,moimtoe, dry. You cen avoid compost, odours, by always covering, westes witii a layer of mil about coe icih ithicknesm. 'Experts aima suggest that no layer of materlal exceed a doptii f four Aiakeep in nilnd' Umit it matorial iniacompost iieaP ta break down. Try. ta re*strct pwce cf waste ta on. mIchi or le. in aise, them. are idoalý Wiien your.compost <le. ready to, b. used, it will b. crumbly eand sci-l&in a ppearance. You may went ta use a screen ta slf out any large ,pieces-cet matorial whlci baven't fhUly -decayed., AP1LMCATMONS Compost,"cen 'b. used ta prpa.ftdon beds before plntng rcan aimab. used. aroud treu end shrubs. As well, oucnmeke, a nutriont-ricii souti-on for your garden plant. out cf compost and water. BEFORE ST~N OUT to harvýest -the containers, or if y-u n.ed to tle your local awvberr patch, cail the farm to own. :Seleintsafo containers and,' make sure thereè are plenty rof good when p1ckîingtaIbexrnes just four quality, berrnes for ,,ickng Ceck or five ,deep to avoôid s ..s.. tos whether the farm seus picldng at the bottom. STRAWBERRY S EASN: .'glu.bief <)ntaric'?srabra smon l, coitanSosthe. berri. ettid. Ontarlo trawb.rr iM%%aveth delilou bt bMef. Ailti qo bottom are proey crusii.d orhuëI ntact end rnineathier reaemn ta treat thi oic' vme. à ,tly under côld ûnigwa berrie frsuewith cer. 11, ....i BUYING *Strawberrles, unuike' many frut.,sto rienm oce ;thiyr pi«cked m-n oasp briglitre berewith a 0swet.t.meland' no, Witý.-r'green spots:Â, Md cruehed berri..; sélect tim isewth a fltexture.; e Since dt ii. fwberry's flavour depende on it. variétýy end degro cfrpenes., choaeny use you 1k., altiiough umail bernies are best.for Janis endpreserves. Avoid boei..packedin iioe-stained *As mmci as yogtyu over and reove any:, damamged Oumes.U.tiies-in a recipe wiisr appearance. doeWnt matter, m"ch as a sauceor i mon. fyou don'tùus. tiei. erac en immediateýyýý ,store thein, wltii uncveied end in a, d»gle layer, in the refrigeratrfor up ta tiir *çrm Whnyuerayt njoy e T flavour. Phtýr dry on -ppper taw, and huL. %a Saw es 'May b. frose witii or witiiout mpgr. lbsy *zlf k.p itii. freoi, er rup tW12 'mois en sii oould b. balMet rom, onip tempatue fr aboti 1IM »* Toýfreez iiioukt suar, arnebei.. in a sainge layer -REPAGE26 Avoid a, LostWeekend Have your Johnson or Evinrude ouiboard serviced in'aur Authorized OMO Service Department with geémine OMC parts. Ail motors require perkadic servlcing, taoen- sure trouble-tree performance. Have your motor checked now sa you cari maice the mast of the sunny weekends ahead. *Our factory-trained'mehanic wiII: Check Ignition'system... * ock, and adjust-carburi * heck'fIIteê.alean fuel b *Check cylinder head Check lower unit and reffi Lubrçaecmpett l WILD RENTAL'SLI MSERVICE AND THICKSON ROAD NORTH (3 miles North of #2 Hwy.) C E BROOKLIN, ONTARIO LOB iCO - 655-8010 1 S E 9 -IN AP71C7E 1