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Whitby Free Press, 17 Jun 1992, p. 30

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4+. i CO MPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHN OLOGY BUSINESS APPUICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTINO,- LOTUS 1-2-3, 'D BASE, DOS, WORDPROCESSINO BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKINO SERVICES ACCOUNTINO I OSHAWAý OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up To) 723-l1163 YC Advei Pirofes YOUR _NN6 HSPITAIY TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS'. IDTL] H AI V± :r SIDE.1' SECRETARIAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE,: RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING PICKERING, 140KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Faim Rd.' 420-1344 Our opportwmity in rtisingr- Sales isional Sales Ex'perience andor related training required. Car essential Submit resumé to: Whitby Free Press 131 Brock St. NJBox 206p Whitby MiN 5S1ý DAY CARE AVAILABLE in my home. Lots of fun., Indoor and outdoor actvlles. Flexible hours. Excellent refs. .$75/week, plus rieepts. Phone 668-8152. WHITBY FUN, PLAYCARE avalablge by former nanny - pediatrlo nurse-assistant. Mother cf 1 1V2 yr. aid.- Large, sale pa ares. Best recommendations.-Pr acrosa street. Bassett, Gardon, Rossland ares. Please phone 430-3563. THCL Eam extra cash, seil in your spare t/mfe, ca/I Joan WANTED: HAIRSTYUSTP experienced or starting out. Be. au owfl boss. In busy downtown art Perry hair salon. For detais, oelil 985-3597 and asic for Sheila. KUWAIT SAUDI WORKERS needed. 35 & Up per hour. Tax frse. Bath skIIIod & unskllled. For Inf, cali 615-779-5505, ext. K384. EARN MONEY reading bookel '$30,OOIyer rcomne, potential., Detals (1)805-962-8000,9 xt CY-335. CRUISEUNES NWHIRINGI $300$900 weekly * Photographers e Tour guides * asIio workers. -Deck hands * Plus more! Hawaii, Carribean, Bahamas.- 1-504-646-4500 Ext. 0142,24 hrs. SHAKLEE An incarne op ilnf or people ' Eam extra incare pr month "Determine work Zsodule, 'Start part-Uime Eam excellent benefits 433-406T.7 PRODUCTSIUVHARMONly ,MMHNA TURE&à PEOPLE REUABL.E C HILD CARIE.' Mather cf O eoiprosentiy caring for 2 ch idren, h as mc or ô 2 mare. Otainspiônlncs ln the arkLotsof L oLage yard. ureyparoom. Cnyenient lcatià1o n. Lnches & snacksp- vided. Receipts availibe. Exce lqnt references. 1 Infant- weicome. $75Iwoek (weekdays oniy, please). For, mare. info, please cail Christine, 668ý-9727. REUABLE' DAY CARE 'ln my home, Brookwood ares. Lunches, snacks. fenced yard, actMvties, waik te, playgroundIs and schools. Recelp.1666-9382. LOVING MOTHER 0F 2 wvvlll pi-avide quality, caring daycare la, a non-smo)kingenvironment. .FuI!- or part-time. Ho lunches & snacks. Canaelcome. Excellent rates. C Ã"& 6-3052. LERN & EARN8 hours of. STUDENTS NEED WORK -". WP5.1; ýLotus, DOS with à private paiting & prgeerai, property Instructoôr,for $99,'plus m anuai,' 4 maintenance. Avaliabie . nowl Must hour ofreraice lime and save Up..for tultion. Flexible hours. certificat.Cal668-7755. Please cal! Jamie, 66-3649. COMPUTER, BEGINN EnSi Comfe taour Ire. se9minar-,on Wed., June 24th ain! t. O pm ta learn .about Lotusê, WordPerfect, and what a PC can'do foyu. Cal!:, BISSMA 'a! 668-7755 (OSHAWA IQDRIVINO. SkCHO»OL Oshawa * 728.- 09 FuII Drivers'Education Courses COMMENCING JUNE'22ND Mon. -Thurs: 4 day course, 'JULY 6TH - 9TH. Mon,. - Thurs., 4 daycours5e,. JULY 14TH- tues. & Thurs. 4 day course *PRIVA TE LESSONS. REGISTEAED à APPROVIEO BYTHE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE CLASSFIED RATES *are $6.O0 for 20 words prepad 1Or $8.00 bllled. Calnow ta place your ad. 6684111 TO BE THE BESTý Seeking f ive key Networking leaders ta position themnselves as pioneers ln the' most Innovative, creative ýand'lucra- tive business opportunity Wn Canada today. 'Solid 17 year aid ' company with over, $5: billion ln sales woridwide. Just, entered Canada wlth product everyone wants and no one has. Product selis itself. A« nowl Call (416) 436-3237 L110 CARMfx CARtiNG ,MOTHER 0f11 V2 yr. oid willing ta baysit ln my homne.: Activities, outing9 and nutitlous. lunches. CaIl668'-4617, IF YOUR KIDS ENJOY sWmming, the park and picnicsfor the sumfmer,- thon cail 571-590-1. ThicksOn/Dundas ares. QUAUTY, CARING day car. in my. home. 18 years experience. In non-smfoking ,environmont.Ex colient, referencos prvided Thickçson/Roslsland. 728-283 Io'thrwaout. Sowem n mywant Lt. rythe Olasaflsdis. I !Doi~*TheWhlhyFr.. Prus *PAINTER with aver- 20 veaus experlence looking for, residèntial wark.* Cali anytlme, 668-5562 for fre :siae. GRANDMA98 COMPANYGreen cleans (no chemical). Homesý and offices. We offer emathei-in-law dleanu read( for inspectioni). Ali employées, are polic.-securlty cheked , bondod &Insurod. Member'of' Whitby Chamber'of Cmmerrc. 72-977 <24-hour answerlng), Feog,(ro. s nal 576-7503 PAINTERS , PLUS - Service and-" ?qualfty are'flot an accident. For 10%l/ off, and no GST, cail Bilior Geri, 404-1224' KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery ai antiques;- Ail kindsi of recoverinç. Your fabric or -mine.. Frige .estimates. Over .,40., yeasdxpeience. 430-ý7568, Whitby HAINDYM AN SERVICE- ojob tao small.7 -Patios 'Docks 'Geheral, repair 'Odd jobs. 427-1674. CUSTOM DESIGN, and dress- maklng. Weddlng ad evening gownjrdesmlds & grads, squits, etc. Rènovation,,aj e.,-alàteration. Garments -,aiso made fram ,a, picture. 723-3259.1 CLEANING -RESIDENTIAL, commercial,: offices, Short, term.& long term. 404-8657. FREEAdvertlslng .Expertise cornes wlth ypurADIn the WHITB-Y FREE PRESS.ý CALL: 668-6111 J L WNtby Fre~ ~ ~ Otfloê ~*~ur~ Mon4ay to ~Jd~y, $~O ain to 5~OQ~prn ~ j Financlai Assistance May De Avallable ASKABUT URe IH -OUSE 2 Campuses lIn Durham Wee. HoehRYM The. sysemhat provi.. Unscedid hoevst ensure quality car. for yaur child receve ngo~Agncy cavera Provlder ilness or holiclaya ' Compote insurance 'hildrenm bç=Si.wek adup. eFuil.or part-Urne For morsi InfonionCOL: 686-3995I Specializing in Eariy Childhood Education. For Peace ot'Mind. Perry House DayCareCentre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476

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