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Whitby Free Press, 17 Jun 1992, p. 31

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w ?Jfun~ IIICEi,QWNET M(TEL roome 'for, rent neMar ,Brooklln. $175weoky.- Cit 655-5308.. CLEAN, LARGIE -mom trn air * condkitonëdhome,. WhhtIY,, near Aia eClose -toa aItacilfties $300/mOnth. 430-7022. BROOKLIN -LARG E, blht roomavallable for July 1 Cloe ta ail aeiis 5-59 UNFURNI8HED' ROOM, wlth sliower and kitchenette. Laundry privleges. Quiet 'home. Mature pereon, non-amoker. $380lmonth. 430-0267L WHITrBY -ONE- ROOM tln 3-bedroom, house. ta share wth 2 others.Washer, dryer. Quiet,,area. Avallable Aug.1i $35ofmonth. 430-7103. BROOKLIM - AVAILABLE now. U1&nroo/bedrom/ahroom laundvy. ,Fumishod.-Ar cbe $W OOk.5-40 o655-4951 WHiTBY -BRIGHTF salos fumlshed 'one-bedroodm-bsmn ept. 3ift. etx>ve-grourid windows, central air,, garag',el utititles, camle. $Ss0lmonth. 666-5525. WIUTBY CLEAN one-bedroom eirtment tri century-old buldiing. ýCi ose a ilamenities. Avaite July V192. Suitable for, si 119 okngperson. $450/month . ail 66-311 i(m ssgor 666-3883 WHIT3Y - NictEs CLlEANone- bedroom apoetments avadabe July 1 eand"August- t.$550 monthly. aMI Inclusive.,Apy t10 itna St. W., APL.(b de G 666-0271 or 78"-2969 FREE!No coat tâ tenants. 1t2, 3 & 4 bedrooms available. Also bachelor & shared, accommoda- tion., Homevlew,- 436-1752. FOR RENT bachelor besement " ordn. Privete entrence, parking, C"lhtundry fecirits utilisie For quiet lndMual. Oeil 666 -9453. $450monthly. Avalle Auguet 1. 2-ROON ýAPARTfMENT- kltchen & bedslttln room 'and bethroom. -Non-smoker.non- drinker, quiet pCréon. Nopet&. $37SImonth. Hat h lrcludedd parking. 688-22. 1-BIEDROOM APARTIMENT aveltable downtown Whtby. $598 par month. tInctudes hydro, heat -& water. Avaltebte August. t -Atso Inctudes frldge & stove. Please cali 728-9679. ,BROOKUN - LARGE, ctean, 1%200 sq ft. basement apartment. Separete walkout on 2-V12 acres. Frldge, stove & utilities lncluded. Avait Jutly1 $650. First & lost., 655-5293. APARTMENT 3-bedroom & den. No pets. Street 'parkIng Toronto pager #379-7082, Whltb #430-7842 WHITBY -LARGEj, C QLEAN 1-bedroom besement 'iatm nr qiiet home. lincludes frlg. slave,ý fireplacesepereteetrance, dock & paing $595- Inclusive. 668-582,553047. BRAND 'NEW, ý BRGHT * 2-bodroom apartment. 4-pc., bath, ail alances, utilftiesâIaundty InelcWd Clseta transit. Large, lansceedprivateIxwyacrd,.& parking. MMa hbeen. $0.JeIf or Robn, 430-1972. RETAIL, SPACE FOR' LEASE. Oreatve rentat arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. taS p.m. 3 BEDROOM BUNG ALOW Wn IWhltb Immaelulate, 'largo fènced lot finlshed- basement. P0plu ttlit e&: First & -lest. 4304074. r MAIN, FLOOR 0F iIOUSE - -3 bedrooms9, broadloom, backyard I& dock. Street parkng. No imokers, no .'1 pets. ý ,Toronto pag er .#379-7082, Whltby #430-,7842. COTTAGE' FOR RENT. Thîse- bedom, no-rrth of 'Nurtand, Monday ta ýFr'day.4325. Aveabe tri JuV &Spebr 6-43 CROSS CANADA MARKETP LACE 11'5 FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALLI ONE BILL MOES IT ALL. CAREER TRAINING LEARIN=ACIONEERING ett ho Southwesl.mn Ofita*lo 6 of fAuclloneerfg Nexi oIns: Jty 11. 17. Information. contact: Southwestern Ontarlo Uchool of Auctlonesrlng. R.R.0S. Waoditock. Ontaulo. N48 7VO. (519) 6372115. TRUCK DRIVER trining AZ and DZ courses, aiea air brake., dangerous goodsrdofonslve drMvng, log book and border croslng. Rodgors Sch 001, Onl soldast eaui 1800-668-0031. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS. LOANS & assistance programu (Federal & ProvIncIal) for your now or oxsting smail business. Information (514) 937-2422 ext. 98. AMAZINQ GOVMRMENT GRANTS (free monjr~ monthîy beaet and low Intorest (aler cred iý Ione roveaed. Canadien roaldonîs oniy. Busines gr pereonal elals explainod 1-416-482-3000 copyrIght M214. 1 STEEL BUILOINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel SIraltwalI Typo. aid quonsel - 32x5>4 $7344, 40x72 $10,276., 50x90 $15,882, 60xl26 $22,972 - othor sîzos avallablo - Sprlng Cloaranceo- Paragan - 24 Hours 1-800-263. FINb OUT WHY MORE AND M ORE PEOPL.E buy end recommond Future for quality. lntegrIly end servce. Introducng'now dih. Hay Master Oeil 1- 800«-66-85. BUILDINGS - SIDE-BY-SIDE compatison la afiat Il takes la pick ouIthe beet and iowest. .we're et for IL Naw for a imted ime - Faclory Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Exemple 25 X 30 Value $2.310 now.S$A898. 40 X 12D Value $12,628 now $10.788. Mny sizeanid types avelable. Pioneer 1-80066- SPAN-TEOH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Complets Preý-eneered AIUSleol and WoodUSteel buildigs, OSA & CWB csrdlied. SeIi-rected Wthi contracting savaiable., Oilday for Ires brochures. 1.800-561- 22W. REAL ESTATEÈ Thlnldng af moving la Keiowna? For compilmentary reai estais Infomaion, contact Melanle, Statesmon Realty Box 336. 1980 Cooper Rd." Kelowne B. ViN' Le8(604)>861-5122 Fax <64) 861-5722. RECREATIONAL VEHi-CLES' COACHMEN CAMPING TRAîLERS, haîdtop faldown, flfth-wheel. travol. Park modela. truckcampers-caps, Fibieline à Leer Fibroglees & Aksinon truck c s.Parts-ýService for most moars licludng Bonai r-UoneLextrs Royal Trair & R.V. Contre lai Tevotiale. Ont. 1-51 e343-2122. MORTGAGES' Mortgage Morey For Homomners, Ps y Off Bides, *Credîl CardoI Finance New BusinossI exemples: B orîw $1 .0 .R pay $100.00 M nthly. No Oarfing aso.latipaiicon Finanial Toli-Fres l-, 800268-.1429 EDUCATION OUT 0F WORK? Tralned Aparlment-Oondorninum Managors necded acroas Canada. Gavernment lence orepnenco certification course heu ssterhoussnd1l fnd omployment. FREE. brochure 1-800-665-8339I..* VACATION/TRAVEL RENT: FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS. minutes tram Dsney. Epcat. Ses World. poli. shoppIng. Iutiy equipped. 2 bath. aundhy. heated pool. spa. tenis. 1 hr. Busch Gardons. WeelyiMoneile. 613) 646. 2030. CRUISE OANADAS OALI-WATER RiVERS aboard legant ovornîpht replca steamboats.- Romantlo cilles, 1000, Ilands, tIternational SeawaylLocks. whaeo-walchlaia and ljards. $629.00+. Dtl-a-brachure 180)267-78608. SOUTH CAROLINA MYRTLE BEACH RESORT. Oceenfrant candas, houaokeeptng lncluded. Indooroutdoar pools. whîrlpacta. saunas., tennis. P uttnù groen. Summer rentaIs tram $505/week. rie brochure: 1-800-445-5653. HELP WANTED We need yau tasel layea& gitlair C & M GIfle. NO INVESTMENT. NO DELIERIES, no catlecton. Oel 519-258-7905 or fax 519-258-0707 for fIeelifo. Fuit-lime. pail-lîme. Perfect for the handymar,< Eamlings la $50 an hour. No special skdifs. Muet 1k. dealing w«Ilh the home qwner. Dave Fines 416-77&- 600 or 3056. MAJOR REGIONAL SEEDING FRANCHISOR requIns peransmrlîred or atherwlae *hlgh salei ptde kaawedofaiconstruction business carvlsa Incornen Wray. Future Orson 416- . SALES HELP WANTED . EXPANDîNG TO U.S.A. Let me show how I mode SEVENFigures as exclusive Canadien Dîstibutor for lastest grawing Music and Book Companiy. Seeklg Buyer 51 9-944-600.' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PROFITI FUNDRAISINGI, North Amoetcs Hottest Trend. Glow-lai-Ihe-dartc neoklaces seen al concerts. lreworks. evenln r events. Faneaîle sales "opporlunlty.,Wha osaI. prîces. Regtlred DtibUor. (416S) 338-2422. TYPISTS/PO USERP. - Stert your own typtng service. New Manuel reveels how-la detlît. Amszlng 24-hour message explaîns. 1-416-482- 3000 copyright T314. ADVANCE OPPORTUNITY. Rtevalutionary 80 channel mini-dish satellie syslem awil rapidly expand home entertalamnt end communications lndslry. Network Marketing. No Ipventory. No Inveelment. Oeil 418-622-1810 anylime' >AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES U.S. end Canadien iow as $100. BMWI, Cadtaca. Cheve, Fards. Mercedes, Parsches. trucks. vans. Aznazing dell revealed 1-416-42-3000 copyright V014. FOR SALE Faut-year-old log bungalow. iocated 20 minutes fram Kitchener-Waterloo ln pîcturesqu. -Welo.sle*y. A beautu home with commercial zonlng.1S171.000. Phono 519) 656-2029. WHITE CEDAR LOG HOMES. cottages, restaurants and motels. Assembly Instructions. Order catalogue avalabie Brochures froe. AI Patime1, 53 Maai SLS.. >Waterfoid, NOE 1YO (519>443.7370. Yor an rdvdaipoic.Sa_ eUieso CatThlst4owapapor Todayl BLANKET AOC ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" Toiado armav, .advcAise u,,chutthe. rgnmmbersp off) CoiaOiara5 esppr 160 for25wiords - i Ontaro171 newspapene -350 fr2 o ý 55 ne lCsna572 vsAr -$974 for 25words For furthor Information please cal l hItby Fm re isaClaslfeds --668-0594 Deoreëk Dutka Speclalizlng ln tax &ret irement planning sin.1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. s ancla * A Greoëd CÇardeningi & Mainteniance LAWN MAINTENANC FREE ESTIMAE RSDF.NTI.AL a COMMERCIAL1 LANDSCAPING - TRIMMING Çail!.ushow and sa ve Up 10 1%on your seasonal grass- cufttng contract. (416)'7219496 ItaCeux an Service CHLTYES HQUES OUL'P -LANDSCAPING by -UNIVERSITY WERKS - -sincei 1980-à OuaIIty Constructkn & < Interloclcing Brick Drives, Patios, Waîks- Retalning WalIs à -Wood Fencing *Wood Declcs àFree Competiive Estimates= '666-9690. SeMvnq the area ior ý32 years. wnether .buyingorstl.gve me a cali SENIORSI ont forget we have something in common.- 668-3800 *571-3800 -GENIERAL, 71 <1 c- ACTORS .Quallty Generel,,Repairs -and > Completé,Renovatons KITCHENf8 BATHROoMS GAZEBOS DE=I< SI<YLITES FRENCH DOORS WATERPROMFNG, CalNow For A Fr.. Estimais. 666l, -2827 50DovD, hfbyO4O47 si a, .GËrAR> ', ÙF PER 0UARI F00T Fm M usY O<fff j 620. 10%uh pDurfoet*>igIo%.cAd ......... ....... - -----------_ - -- L B&D Fenciengi &Decks1 -Work Guaranteed - Garden Sheds - Post Set *Fences stfarting 'aI under $12per-foot - Decks start at $7.25,square foot, includes railing d one sèt-of stops <PHONE 668-7951 Tolt-free pager 1 -416-559-6703~ r- 1 mý, r-L

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