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Whitby Free Press, 17 Jun 1992, p. 34

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P~N~EDNESDAY, 1992 CORPORATION 0F THE X~ /TQWN -0F.WHITBY NOTCE TO MUNICIPAL ELECTORS NO.MINATIONS.FOR THE OFFICE 0F WHITBY HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSIONER- NOICE la hereb given that at a meeting ta be held on.Monda July 13 1992 at 8WOp.m. in the. Meetin CMai* ai teWlb uiia Building, 575 Rossland Road EsWhîtby, Ontaio, the Cauncil etfh C«orortion of the Town of Whltby. in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act and the Public Utlties Act~ Intends to appoint a persan ho fil a vacant seat on the Whltby Hydro-Electio Commission. And notice la further given thlt nominations will be received at the officeof the Clerof thieCo m*ionof the TownoftWhitby, 575 Rosaland Read East, Whitby. ( ta ridung ormai office hours from Thursday, Juno 4, 1992 te, Frlday, July 3 1992, inclusive, for the pos f nominating fit and prop rias te fiSIthe vacant seat on WMhltby Hydro-Electric Commission Every nominee dill be mequired to file w«ith his or her nomination a consent te such nomination and a declaration et qualification lndicatlng that he or she, (a) is a Canadien citizen; <b) has attained the age et 18 years on or before. November 12, 1991; <c) ls a resident In die Town of Whitby or the owner or tenant of land In dhe Town et Whitby or the spouse et such an owner or tenant; and, (d) ls net atherwise disqualifled or prohibited by law from holding i office ot Whîtby Hydro-Elecbic Commissiener. Nomination tamnis and full particulars et pracedures to be followed may be obtained from the undersigned. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK ýý THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHlTBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LIN.2118 PMINE: (416> 668-803, CINDY'S ALTERATIONS. Leather, ladiee '-and. men's alteratîons, prom dresses, custom tlolg. Tues. throuf Sat. 101-V2 May t.W., Vearson Lanes. 430-6550. BAHAIS BEUEVE: Love 18' the ightihat guideth ln darknoss, the living lnk that untéth God wit h man, that assureth the progress of every, iîîumlned soul. Forlinforma- tion end discussion, oel ,668-8665. [PSYCHIC &SPIRIT UAL M ADVISOR Joan Mondoy to Fvday 9 ar.to 9rM. 1... ...........I PERSONAL LOANS $500 & UP for .,ya purpose. Also ýdebts restructure( lIegal. actionad collections .stopedl, .payments iowered. Frees>infô &consultation. 436-8104. THANK8 TO THE HOLY-SPIRIT Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Jude for favours recelved. RS. PRAYER TO ST JUDE. May the Sacred Heariof Jesus b. adored glaTit ed, ioved -and prosere throughout the 'wortdp Sacred Heart of Jesus have mqercy on us. St. Judo worker of miracles pray for 'us. St. Judo 'helper of the hopeless pray for us. Thanks.for favours granted X2. MC. -Hýealth co0'U',ncil tol'd meiîcare ý system is uder.collapse' *ByMarlo Boucher Caad'sedicesystemisa in' danger of, becomig extinct, sooner rather than later Dur- ham - Reion District lfTeath Council members were told at their annual meeting lest week. Ted Bail president of Health Concepts donsultants and Poli- corp, said- the national medicare system is "under colla pse». and the federal and provincial politi-, dans cannot ignore the needs of Canadians. Just as the U.S. is considering Canada's- medicare system, "we appear ini the process of disman-, tlng it » he sad. Bil s"aid the federal govern- ment believes we are spending too much on mdir, but the '?acta» are that only nine pe cent cf the total gros national product (GNP) goes to our health system in comparison to eight percent in 1975. In the provincial budget, 33 per cent is now beig spent on medicare as opposed to 25 per cent about five years ago,j he. said. With over a million s le on wèlfare and about 0000 on unenmployment insrac this spending is unustaiale, he said. The retraining of many people, particularly in the* manuifactur- ix dustry must be done soon adeffectively to help propel the provincial anafdf al economies In the near future, he said. Provincial -and -federal minis- ters of* finance and health care were expected, to meet on June 17 to discus ther issue of medi- care and- whether or nôt the'. federal government will freeze its spending on health care at 31 per cent, he said. Bail said we have to protect eurselveo from. tUn pot pre- miers.» The issue of enshrining medi- care into the constitution could helpreentitedisappearance ýIMiif te nxttwo or tbree years, he said. A massive overbaul is needed to begin a new era i meclicare, he èaid. Bai said some towns and citieshave made adustmentsta health care to maximize its ser- vice to the community ]Residents in WN îdor got together and decided- it was expensive and- unnecessary to have four hospitals with emer- gency wards and that two would suffice, he said. Communities coming together to help reform and restructure the. health care system is the manwyte save medicarei this ut he said. mBal sad change in one town does net mean it is a good idea someplace else, 50 it is up to individual tewns and cities to decide what is best for their' communities. "I hav 'e faith in the people involved i the health care sys- tem,» he said. If provincial and federal politi- dians listen to the wiil of the people, there is a chance for the survvl cf medicare, he said. Medicare expresses something about our values, he said, and is very much a- reflection of our own nationalidniy Snelling je guest speaker at meeting The Brooklin Horticultural Society wiil hold their monthly m"s oWdeayJue 24 at Broc nUltd Church. Gary Sn.ling of the Ontario Lily Soci.ty wili b. gùeat tskr 0Gordon Wick wili cnstratefowr rranging. Ail are weloeme., betweeu .investing .mouey in. police, which-will be neededlwith the increase' in crimies in'-the future 'and in social values suclu as meAicar. "If we don't pull tegether and each do cur part in ways we have before, -then we wil slowly lese meicar,»he said. St. JohuIs Anglican Church, the cideat churclu, building In continuai use in Wbitby, is 146 Everyone in the »communit is iuvited .to celebrate the an- niveraryon Sunday, June 21, at. Wethr: perniitting, the anniversary service wili be heid outdoor on the church grounds. Once again, the* Whtby Brasa Band wilil be on baud to provide the musc, and the service will'b. foilowed by theteaditianai strawberry tea reception. Guest speaker will b. Rev. Patrick Yu, incumbeut. cf the parish of, St. Theedore c- f Canterbury in Wiiilowdale, Ont. down the distance cf "ýplaying field7 betweeu the.two counties. The widennig ga between rich and. poor andat h slow dis- ý arance ot- the mlddle c lasa ,i, asure the end "cf medicr and the begiýnhigcf ven mor violent cr'ies,lesad Bail said ýthere is s till a choioe -Hée is a graduate of Wycliffe CoUl eTrntoýýnd asbeen in parahnuinitxy frover 10,yeurs The church.. bas-, purchased a new Casaant ipe'organ *and It will arrive in early July. There wilLb. a dedication seie and re. tal on Sunday, Sept. 27t at 7:3 p.m. The church is lccated at the uorthoast corner of Brcck St. & and Victoria E.* (the Base Line), oue block south cf the Whitby GO Train stationm The historic buil of St JohuIs Church, ccmpleted in 1846, is made from limestone quarried Iby pioners at the penitentiary in Kington, Ont. MRE SPORT CAL APRO!0 FORWIIEN LIFEBRINGS' T YLJauSHCOR DTWVO! - ~ '«"Just check the CALL A PRO section and let the pros do the job! --~ You can compare and ýchoose fron the serices you'll'find there!

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