PAGE 16, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24,1992 , - ~J ~J There's neyýer been a better time to switch your home or cottage energy needs to natural Propane gas. For a limited time, Superior Propane will give you up to $700- to convert your home to Propane. Plus, if you rent or purchase a Propane Water*Heater we'll do the installation Freel* With O%Financingf or Superior Propane's five year Monthly Payment Plan,f switching to Propne is easy. So act now! Cali your local Superior Propane Branch today for details on how you can benefit from Propane and add more joy to your home. Subject to Supzior Propane's guidclinea fora standard domcastic watcr heater instaMltion. Rentai not available on ail models. Contact your local Superior Piopane Bnanch for deatails. t 10%~ down paymcnt roquixcd. On approved ciedh. r -- - -- - -- - - - - -- -- sa I IT I I 505 Victoria.St. E.,'h.itby, Su enor ý Ã