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Whitby Free Press, 24 Jun 1992, p. 1

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Rego to debate Hilstone projeet By Matro B oucher A decision on the Hilston. project iOshawa could b. -rea- ched today by regional council. The roect is estimated to coat about Wè5 million, includinq $40 million for a regional administra- tive building and $25 million for a private ofce tower. eii Region would then make an agreement for a lease-to-own on the administrative building. i 1989, regional council voted * M See Pages is to 21 to locate the new reginal administration bumdnginown- town Oshawa and the regilonal headquarters iWhitby. In June 1991, the -Region appointed Hilstone Develop- ments Canada Ltd. as the deve- loper of the project i Oshawa, and authorized ÉIlstone to pro- ceed. Whitby Mayor Tom Edwardsa said Monday night at the Wbitby council meeting that one of the biggest concerns is the cot to Whitby taxpayers and the rest of Durhamn Region. «Firstly, we should be address- ing the.Region's overaîl commit- mente and the. financial capacity of the ratepayers to bear the cost of additional expenditures,» h. said. Edwards said the average tax- payer in Durham wiII have to SEPAGE 3 Can tax postpon'ed, .may l-help save jobs at Bail By Marlo Boucher A proposed tax on pop cane by t . prvicilgoverament hae been poetpone F or the time being and may help to save up to 60 fùu-time jobs at Bahl Packag- meeting between Ontario Premier Bob Ra. and Patrick Corcoran and Steve McCullough of United Food and Commercial Workers-Ljocal 175 last Thursday for tglks on the proposed tax on pop ane esuted in the. province withholding action unil the. issue of the environmental levy tax, which is designed to encourage consumers to buy bot-. tled instead of canned, has been resolved. Corcoran said both Molson and Labatta have reduced the. price of a case of 24 beer cana by'$2.40 but there has been no not ceable new sales in the can industiy.. The government imposed an environmental tai levy of $3.10, making the. total price $31.60 for a case of 24 beer cane, compared ta $26.15 for a case of 24 beer bottles. The government called for the. tax because it feels that cane are an environmental threat and should b. taxed and help provide money for the. blu. box system in Ontario. But according t. fWgres, the. raw material to make the cane is made up of 85 per cent recycled cane and 94 per cent of ail cane either returnted ta the. Brewers Retal or to the. blue box "stem, ara recycled. The imood i the Ball plant han been fled witii uncertamnty, said SEE PAGE 4 Whtb Fre Chief Ed Crouch stops down JuIy 3 after servn scifframs 3yas ~- Photo by Mark R@MoBo r FM. ErePress By Marlo Boucher Whiftby le not only louing a fir. chief but alo a real leader in -Ed Crouch. Ii. chief of the. Whitby fire epartment ie retiing on July 3 after almoet 23 years of service. Since bis arrivaI on Sept. 1, 1969, Crouch has dietiguisiied himself as a leader in a wide range of areas. Cr-ouch became the. first fkijl-time employee of the. Whitbyfr. department and its fretfire chief afler 12 y"asa hfelgh rvolunteer'in Scarfioroughand tiiree y.ars* working with Eaton's a ety and fire prevention program. Crouch saLys hie objectives wiien h. wae hired in 1969 included co-rdinating the. three volan- teer proups at the. time - Brooéklin, Witîby and Garrard Rd. - ta work as 'one unit under the. name of the. Whitby fir.- department, and ta develop a fuil-time staff whuc i tda has 61. full-time employees and 55 volunteers., 1 It was a big challenge attii. time t. organize a full-time fire department,» he3 aye.. Croucii says it wae faecinating to see what h. could achieve from baeically nothin wile ovemn many obstacles with the.aiof Town council ta bud up ta, what tii. lire department han taday. "I repiember walkmng in the, door and'tiiere it sdo something,» laugiie (roucii. * Hrecalile asking himeeolf many times ithe~ fret few yearu wiiat was h. getting into at the. time. Croucii was instrumental in gettig i. 1 emergency sytom hi Durham P.egi otaielp the. police an ir. department quickly locate tii. sitedfa flre in theares. Another plus to the .911 "ystem was the. adrsig of aIl municipal property especia the. rural areas ta get complet. addresses Of proprty hesays. tyoch aysnew names and addresses had t. b. ivntod, partcularly in Newcastl.% Brock and Scugog, foîr easy reference for the. police 'and lire departinent. "It wae a big proj.ect and I was tald tiiat it 'couldn't b. don, b ut that was anotiier challenge for me," he says. I%. Toronto native wae ais. the. leader in the. development of a neck protector coller following an incident du= a hockey gae involving hie son Kim' wiio iadThis jugular vein slaeiied-by a skate in 1975. Tlhe collar is made of a flbre called Kevlar 29, used by 'police -in bulletiresitant veste.' luji hockey, it protecte a goaltender's upper chest' area includmng tii. throat and neck. It is n ow be*ingused 4b -many proflessional hockeyplayers and Couhsaye, «Z I-can save on. 11 tiiat' enough for me.' Crouch aIso. ielped ta establisii other p ro- grems such as tii. Toronta Blue Jaye fire salety card progam in, 1984, ta ielp ciiu1>ren become more ware fire prevention. Tii. marriage witiia popular'osports teane p roved t. b. a succeseful idesa,- with about 3000sets of basebail carde poducedin18 an'd 162,000 tuis ver, he says.~ u18 There is als. a ServicDy Sept. 5at the Shydome, during whicii two of the. Blue Jays players w in tiiegold and silver helmets awWa for good performance on tiiefield as weil as a priz. for two eople foranail-e*esetri pta Duedin, Florida neit year ta see tiie Blue Tays duingý their training camp. Crouch han, alo helpied start the. Ontario Fireflgiters Hocýkey-Association: -in 1956 wvitii teams fromn Southeru Outarjo. It ie now csil.d the. Southeru Ontario Fireflgit«. Hockey ne ?creation of the- Soutiieru Ontario Pire- flgitere Curling Association in 1958 was also speaniieaded by Croucii. Another areas of influence by theii.r. chief was the. Brooklin-Whitby minor hocey association, which was creâted in 1972 *from two separat. leegues, in Brooklih and inWhitiy. ME PAGE 2 businessnews Ille V 1. 22, No.26 wedriesday, Julle 24, 1992 312 pagus il See Pag. es o1 UMM" LI q j t3 1$

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