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Whitby Free Press, 24 Jun 1992, p. 6

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'PAGES, jýWHTY FMEEPEESS, WEDMESAY, JUNE 24, 359 The only, Whilby Newspaper owned and operated by Whitpy residents. for Whîtby resîdents!1 Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontarioa mc. >at 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontario Il N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto LUne 427-1834 Doug Ancelrson - Publis.her Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin Production Manager 2nd Class Postal Registratiôn #05351 Reform, this rip-off To the Editor: Most Members of Parliament should ho ashamed 0f tbsmsetves. 1They dlaim that Bill C-55, now bsfore Peillaînent, makes their gold-platsd pension plan fairer. The trutb Is thaï this bill Isl notbing but a cynicel, deceptivs. sheli game. Once the polticiae' flash and tîilkery ls over, ail of the lavisb benefts of the MPs' pension planiensmain the same. A leading, oneerdnt pension expert ba alttcksd Bill 0-55 aseauwwaste 0f tlms.0 For instance, under Bill 0-55, MPs couid stili beave office efter onty six years and lmmedlately start callectlng pansions for lfe, regardless of their ege. These fat pasins wauid stili stait et about $8O0per yeerand would stili have unlimifed protection against Inflationi. Whi's rsally outrageous Is that the gres't majority of aur MPs seemr ta ses notblrng wrong wlth cllnglng ta thess. lavlsb paiks whsn 1.5 million Canadiens are out -of work and two million are on wefars. Ws urge your readers ta, contact their MPs and press them ota not only scrap Bill 0-55, butot fundamentally îetorm this rip-off of tbe Canadien texpayer. National poils .fond unpre- cedented dliespect for MPs. They bae eamed that dlerespect. Lt's hope they try ta sam aour respect back by dolng the rlght thlng witb their pension plan. David Somervîlle Presideni The National CRIzens' Coalition Sunda sho By Doug Jüderson Snashpping 1s easlly on, 0f the most polerlzed business Issues of the lest few years - rlght up there wlth free trade. As with every other polarized Issue the middle ground's been lost. But there ls a win-wn scenario that erhaps someday when calmer minds prevaIl mayget conslderd The Issus in Sunday shopping no longer has anythlng to do wth religion - 1 thlnk even the most dis-bard adberents to the' malnstream religions would acknowledge that lnsteed the. p olanization foliows two lines - labour unions representing retail workers ln the large chains who think that six days ýis enough, and small business people who also think that six days behlnd the counter Is enough. Clearly the big winners frpm Sunday shopping if there are any) will ho the -big retail chains. The easy way to salve the diiemma le ta make those who went to ho open pay for the prMvlegs. Rather than amsnd the vanious lews that affect Sunday shop- plng, thsy should hoe bolised and îeplaced with amendmsnts to the Municipal Act to allow munlclpelites to levy business taxes ln acçordancs wth the hours of openlng. mhus a business that was open up ta, say, 40 hours par week would pay a base rate (based on assessment as et present) and would pay apremium for each, say, four hours par week regard- less of wÎhsther Rf was Sunday, Saturday or the Tuesday mld- nlght. Depending on what rates were applied, municipelities could discourage but not prevent Sunday openings. The money col- lscted from the large chains who wlshsd to stay open could ho applied to holding.the lins on other taxes. It would have much the same effect as finlng those that have defied the law ln the past but without the leqai and confrontational ramifications. Munlcipalitles in tourist arsas would no iongeor have ta define themsslvs as such - thsy would adjust their tax structure to aliow or even encourage longer hours. Alil businesses would ho subject to the new tex structures ln- cludlng diug stores that presentty ssii everythlng from wheslbar- iows ta cosmstlcs seven days a week. Municipalities would ho ahie ta make exceptions (as sxist et pissent> to businesses of limtsd*floor area or numhor of staff, ta aliow small convenience stores ta conitinue ta operate. Businesses that wanted ta have longer boums on an occaslonal basle for speciai events could pay a lfe" ta do so. When 1 first: wrate about thl idea a few yers back, the former Liberal governimsnt -was tîying ta dump ths Sundey shoppIng Issu ono mnlcieliieswwre shying away fram iR lice the r'ag ue. «hen, il was an aillai nothing issue an thsy wanted nath- irta do with il, but this proposai allows the Implementation of svsiy possble shede of gray dspanding on the particular politi- cal. geographical, economiceor cultural climats. And radier than ail tlose dollars eniiching the muitibillion dol- lar retal chains, thsy cen snrich the municipelitiesin which they locats and provide soms relief for dhs îest af us. i i 1 To tho Edltor: Rs: Wsili pmblems settled for foui Gardon St. residents. After many yoars 0f baving tcontemlnatsd and dry wslls due ta dense deveiopment in aur aie, forilng us ta continueliy flght for oui ilgbts ta bave good, usable wator, Durhmam Reglan bas finally acetdtheiiriesponsibiiity ta us an aeprovided us wifth Town wator, along wth co-apoietia'n from Greywood Devsiopment Ltd. No need to insuit part-imers To the EdItor: Re: 'Viewpont --Sunday shopping: Bans or boon?' by Ervin Enchin, June 10/92, Wbtby Fies Piss On bha o0f myseif and the other people wth wbom 1 work, i taesgiBet off once ta the slur on part-time workers. .9 you went to volce yaur opinion agelnst Sundey shopping, that's fine. But there ls no need ta Insuit pait-time workers. We work just as bard and are j ust as knowledgeeble, If not maisso, than fuli-time warkers. if a retail store runs properly, bath ful-timors and part-timsrs receive the seme training. As i bave tralnsd bath full- and part-timebheip, 1 know thle to ho a factIn the store 1 work in. The oniy difference In oui store bstween fuli-time and peit-time la 'the amount 0f boums spent worklng ami, ei tnies, the differonce la not much. 1 don't feel te pant-timers pr-ovidsinferior services' or second-rate services.' I have been In plenty 0f stores whers the staff bas been hms than helpful. i thlnk thug prablem lieswith the starfs - attifude and training.' Pople work it-time for a veristy of roasons -- babsilr problems, ochool, etc. Wo do as bard as fuil-timors or we wouldn't have jobs. If you. went to oppose SuinIay shopping -pisase do so, but I thn napaiogy ta part-time workeis le necessary. Lànda Stephenson Whftby p -- ------ - =-*-----~ i.1 Aftbougb the stress end anxiety ws have suffsred thmough wiii not soon ho foîgotten, we wish ta, thankç Greywood Deveiopmsnts Ltd. for 'their participation and. accepting ths expanse of hook-up costé to Town water, as ws csrtainly appieciete baving good, dlean water once again. Oui' Town counli retused to bslp us ln any wey, and councllor Marcel Brunelie even suggested thet we could ho using blakmail ta ta obtain this, outcome. W. were not uslng 6Ïacil but exerclsing Oui rlghts. Our concerns 'regarding oui well problems wsîe not ln the regiontai zoning application approval or tbe Wbitby draft plan approval -- ws wsrs not belng protected. These concerns wers noted et the Whtby council meeting rogardin Durhem Helghts Ltd. PartnsishlP (Graywood Deveiopmsnt Ltd.) on Feb. 20, Why our well concerns were citsd for burial ws will piobably nover knoàw,- but ridght does prevail' Prese rve the past To the Edtor: Re: Articles about Ibhe aid Sinclair sohool on Taunton Rd. The first articl«e says thet the schoal board deciined ta pay $25,000 ioquestsd by Cullen Gardons ta help offset some of the cost <Cullen Gardens offered ta move the school ta ho part of the 'Prettisst Street'). Ths second article says thet demolition 0f the aId Sinclair ochool will ho carried out et a cost 0f about $26.000. Wbat 1 read bore le thet if cost more, ta demnolish e building than to Save if -- et least ta the WaIhsere are oui values? llow meny buildings do we have in Whifby which are over a hundied years old? Why are we not preseiving the littîs héritage ws have? Members o0f the board *of education, if ls not too le to t reconsider. On your shoulers rest the respanslblity 0f the oducation 0f oui childien. . Pieserve the gond things 0f the ýniorde'r thet the futurs mey Wifothwileand better. Gerald Schroor Oshawa -- even tbough you have* ta flght for f.. Nf certain peopleo who 'are runnlng oui Town1 and ýRégion would have dons thoîr , abs honourably, this'.whole Incident would not have happened. lnsted, because 0f obviaus mlstrust on oui pant towards aur leaders), we wers lsft'wif h no option. The tactics (appeai to 0MB) ws were foiced idto using ta obtain Town wator, le çailed 'Ioarnlng the rules of the gamo' ýand 'catchlng your opponçent off-guaid! i wondéî.-how bard Mr. Brunelis wilfighs vhnif cames to the 407 prpsc\freeway link comlnng dawn through bis beckyard ares to the 401 interchango location. Let's wetch, Ilston andsoe. Margaret.McKnlght Whltby Did I miss so.mething? To t1 EdIgor: Re: Culien Garden's efforts ta save the old Sinclair school. Dld 1 miss something, or Is the schoal board's mentalify as pif iful as if appears? Cullen Garden's reque for $25,O00 to offset someo f the cost was isi ectsd, wbils the domolif ion cost wlll ho $26,000. Sa Wbifby and the tourists could have hed the school Intact, and $1.000 could have been saved. One thlng which Is not intact, if sesms, Is common senss. Cordon GrIlls Ajax $1,600>fraised To the Editor: On beheif0of the York/Durham Region 0f the Ontario- Maich of Dimes, 1 uéould ike ta thank the- sponsors , participants * and volunteor 1committes 0f mw seond annuel 'Merch caf Succews Walk-athon* As a resuit 0f thoir efforts, over $%6W o was ralsed'for aduits wlth physical diselbilif les in our community. 1Don"s.Mailsy Fundralslng and Volunteer < 11Co-ordinator York/Durham Rogion so th edt. o. 'Right'"prevails - if you fight for it

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