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Whitby Free Press, 1 Jul 1992, p. 28

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PAGU %,wJflBYFIEPRE88, WEDNESAwY, JUY 1Io80M "MOM&8KDAY OUT@@- iHome daycare, hait- or f ull-day oponing s. Many .&ctlvties, ndaorlautdoior C day..Nutritiaus snacks. Gardon/ 668-7nL ares. Cali Wendy 66-744 4h. WrnIIu P~eHmuk~Can The systemn that p.ivlde.... *Unschedulod home visite seurs quality cavefor your châd, i Fuflytrulnedprvds receive ongolng Agency * " local bock-up caver. Provider Mires. or holidays " Comnplote Insurance caverage . " Incarne tax rocebbt - Chiidmôn six weeloe andup é Full or part-lime ' For mor Infomiobn calI: 686-3995' a IIcnaedA4gecy Il ~ ~ il WANTED-, REUABLE PERSON ta babysit inm home for three childron., Ross anlBsott. 32 hours per weok. Cali 668-1642. DAY CARE AVAILABLE ln my home. Lots of fun. Indoor and outdoor activitios. Flexible hours. Excellent refs. $75/woek, plusý rocoipts. Phono 668-8152. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creative rentai arrangements. WHITBY '- BRîGHTI unfurnlshed .raam, .on top Available ,immodiateiy. 666-9672, (416) 269-7838. clean, floar. Cali UNFURNISI4ED ROOM with shower and kitchenette. Laundvy privileges. Quiet' home. Mature persan, non-amoker. $370/month. 430-0267. FUANISHED-ROOM 'avallable for ront by, mature, rosiponbe Individua. Asklng $39Olmonth (ail Inclusive. Phono 436-0909 days) or 6665 'evonings).. NICE, QUIET MOTEL rooms for roit near Broaklln.- $175- weekly. Gali 655-5308. WHITBY - CLEAN one-bedroom aartment ln century-a ild iiig Clo8se ta MlI amenities1 Aalibb Juiy 1V92. Suitabie, for single workng prsn. $450lmonth., 1l 66-01 (message) or 666-3883 evonings & weekends. COSY, TWO-BEDROOM spart- Ment ýwith firoplace. Avalle July 1. $6009 e mnh, ailIclusire. Flrst &, last 'ro qulrod.ý Sultable for single parent with'one chlld. Large,- fe in- Pèý,no pets. Caii 430-0694andileav 9message. 1-BEDROOM APARTIMENT avallable dowrtown Whltby. $598 par month. Includes hydra, hoat,& water. Available August 1. Aiso Includes. frldige & stove. Please baii 728-9679. APARTMENT - 3-bedraom& don. No pets Street parking., Torontp pamger #379-7082, Whltby #430-78à42. WHITBY- - NICE, 'CLEAN one- bedroom sparments'availableJuly 1 and August '1. $550 monthly, ail inclusive. t a 110 Victorna St. W., Apt. Z (beside GO Station). 666-0271 or 72ý8-2969. MAIN FLOOR, DUPLEX- Whitby. 2' bedroams.i, fenced backyard. $650 + heat & hydro. Avallable Aug. 1.668-2572 aftor 2 p.. WHITBY- JULY 1- Detached' laog back a)d tres - main, street, oldr 2-orey,..2-bdroom plus porch,. Neoda palit.- $795 per ,month +' utilitios.668-9977. F0UR-BEDROffM main.,'floor, famlly room, l142 baths ,In.Wost' Lyndfe.AalaeA.1192 Phon 668-2266 or, (418 864-8102. and leave Imesage. MAIN FLOOR 0F HOUSE - 3ý bodromsf, broadioomh, backyard &- dock. Street parking. -No smokers, no pets. Toronto pager #379-7082, Whltby #430-7842. PRIVATE9, 1750' SQ. FT. 3ý extra- large. bedroomai, 1-1f2 baths, upgradedceamie tue. Fencedý yard, gas fireplace, double garage. must seii - relacati g 14900. Gaii 430-7656. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE iT'S FAST - MTS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL MDES IT ALL. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING, at the Southwestern School of Auctioneering. Nexi Clasa: Juiy 11-17. Information, contact:, Soufhwstsm Ontaro School of Auctioneerlng, RR. #S. Woodstocic. Onfaro, N4S 7VO (519) 537-2115. TRUCK DRIVER trainng AZI.and DZ couraips, ao air brake, dangerous.goods. defensive drlvlng. log book and border crossing. Rodgera School. Ontarlo'. oldest. Cait 1-800668-0031. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programas (Faderi & Provincial) for yaur ,few or existing eail business. Information (514) 937-2422 ext. 98. AMAZINO GOVERNMENT GRANTS (frae monsy) monfhiy benef lisand 10w Interesi (essier credit) loans reveaied. Canadien residents oniy. Business or personai details expiainod 1-416-482-3000 copÇright M214. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NOTRE DAME COLLEGE. An Independent residentiai Ccthoiic High.SchoolI s accepting registralons for boys and girls' of ail denomninations. Grades 9-12. Contact Registrar: Box 100. Wiicox, SK, SOG SEC. (306) 732-2080. 'ADVANCE OPPORTUNITY. Revoîutionary 80 channei mInl-ish satellitesystemn wiii rapidiy wçpand home entertaînment and communications Industry. Network Marketing. No Invenfory. No Investment. Cati 416-622- 1810 anytime.- BUSINESS PERSONALS SIJCCESSFUL INTRODUCTION SERVICE for sîncere. unattached adulte. 25 years' experlenca (excellent resultai). Friendship. marriage. Plain envepe. Director. 6021 Yonge Street, Suite 802, Toronto, Ontario M2M 3W2. DO YOU WINTER OUTSIDE 0F CANADA and want f0 sava on your haîth Insurance? Write Canadien Snowblrd Association, Don Singer. Box 0, Port Severn. Ontaro LOK 1S0. FOR SALE INVISIBLE FENCING - The original and proven dog containment sysfem. 0v er 150000 doge stand behind Invisib le Fencing. Indoor and outdoor systemae. Guarantead.,.1 - *800-681-4286. BUY BELOW WI4OLESALE from Orient. Free *deuails. Some sources ocUir free samples. S.A.$-.E. Baron and Taylor. P.O. Box 1550,' *Wghh.Ontauio NOG 2W0. SALES HELP WANTED We need you f0saili toys & gifts for C & M Gifla. NO INVESTMENT NO DELIVERIES. no collection. Coli 519-259-7905 or fax 519-258- 0707 for free Info. EDIJOATION OUT 0F WOR(? 'raîned Building Superîtendients needed across Cafiada. Governmenf icenced, correspondencs certification course has assistsd thoudands f0 find employment. FREE brochure 1-800-65- 8339. . hORTGAGES MORTOAGE'MONEY FO R HOMEOWNERS. Pay 0ff Bis, Credit Cardai Finance New* Businessi Exemples: Borrow $10.000, Repay $ 100.00 Monthîy. No Oualifying Hassîes. Intrensicon Financlal Tol-Free 1-800-268- 1429. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT 1SEIZEDISURPLUS VEHICLES U.S. end Canadien Iow as $100. BMWs. Cadillaci, Cheva, Fords, Mrcedes. Porsches, trucks, vans. Amazing detalsa revealed 1-416-482-3000 copyright VOl14. VACATION/TRAVEL CRUISE CANADA'S CALM-WATER RIVERS aboard elegant ovemight replica steamboats. Romanflo cies. 1000 Islands, International Seaway/Locks, whaie.watching end fjords. $629.00+. Dial-a-brochure 1 8cî)267-7868. RENT: FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS, minutes from Disney, Epcot, Sea Wortd, golf, shopping, fuîly equipped. 2 batha, Icundry, heated pool. spa. tennis. 1 hr. Busch Gatdena. Weekly/Monthly. (613) 646-2030. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Sfraitwall Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7344; 40x72 $10.276; 50x90 $15,882; 60x126 $22.972 other sizes availabie .Spring Clearance.: Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. SPAN'TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD.- Compte Pre-engine ered Ai/Steel and WooýdlSieel bulicngs, CSA & CWB cerfified. SeI-erected 'wif h confractlng available. Cali todcy for free brochures. 1-800-561-2200. BUILDINGS "'SIDE-BY-SiDE comparison la whaf lif takes te pIck out the boat and Iowesf..we're ail for If. Now for c iimfed ime - Facfory Direct ROCK BOTTIOM PRICES. Exemple 25 X 30 Value $2.310 now $1.898. 40 X 120 Value $12.528 now $10.788. Many sizes cnd types avalable. Pioncer 1-800-8666-5422. IlYeur cd couid appear ln communIty newspapers ln Ontario, or right across Canada, I orasny Individuel province. Spce la Umitsd, se Ccii Ths Newspcper Todayî IBLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" ITo rm* a wfdoeama, advuUise throughoudt h r.gim ,on m mrhp cf th I~ Ontaad Canadan Community Nwsp.pewmsocations ICnra Ontaro 55 newspaprs - $160 for 25 words - Att Ontario 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 wor a jAllCnada 572 nem r- $974 for 25 words .. For furiher Information please oeil the Whltby Free Pess Ciassif ieds - 668-0594 j 4~ I fi. Custom fel UL Dodu .eGaz*os 8'x8'- $595., 8'x1 2' - $750. Addition, etc. BUILT ON SITE * DECKS zstCutiJn6541 LAWN SWINGS* GAZEBOS Cail Toli Free 1-416-559-6557 LICENSED *BONDED *INSURED "leave your cares at home --. hil7h us.- ~CUSTOM WTCkiEiAifl0nNAL SEWING MACHIwE SERVIC rEPIsT ALL Jî;uz±1 - USRAL&DMSI IDROP -OFF CENTRE, 111 DUNOAS ST. W. wI-rrB. ONT. Servinq the area for 32 pars. Whether' buîg or. selling, g ie me a Caii SEN OSi DOnt forget we have somnething in common. 668-3800 - 571 -3800 Demek Dutka, CALL PETER AT 666-1228>q -lnisince 1986 PrFessoalDsn * ntuon ricDiesPtioWIs UNIVERSTYln WERKSs * Wood Fencing -*Wood Decks a àFree Corrpitfve Estimates - 666-9690 Speciaiizing in Early Chiîdhood Education.' For Peace of Mmnd. Perry House Day Care Centreé Ltd. 129 Perry St, Whltby 6897 VWNDOW CLEANING June & du/y Discount 571-5814 The Mutual Croup, HERS TRAN call for quotation 725-6564 GIs us Poiiin-homecroduct eon hansi *1O%DsmantWihThlAd' Financfina Avallabs 1 mieenood Gardening & Maintenance ( - LAWN MINTENANCE RESI DENTIA!L &CMECA *ND5APNG*TMMG Cal us i"w andsaveu'p to0 100/ on your seasonal grass, Cuttlng conthmt. (416)114% m m -1 r- -i

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