- - Il I PAGE 86, WRlTBYPAEEPIWSS, WIDNESDAY, JULYP, iOn Ibe. hth rop Ipaporwelght IÎcroue team won the..,old at Hamgton's lUth Super Series held .%.~4 and. tydefeated Six Nations, -18-1 ln thei rt éaine and, thoni Hamflton 10-2. - They, thon defeatedBeaches 10-O0 >to.wmn tii. gend Cariroll Matt Wilkhis and Adam - Léviii OBren with assistnt Goal scorer for tii. tomr were: Berti, thise' Matthew, Savode, coches 11keDoiery nd Dwain IÇ$e O'Brlen, 12 Points- Chris two;' Curtis boiert' ,and Jordan Howe, han, coached ïe teain toaa Roeelht Mc.hael Hley and Po'tter on.. record*ofoight,.wuns and no loue. Miche Mknue, i ive'. 1Ie o ije vin Rempel had, a -Ti. team is-lapreparing foSr Heaïly, Cig McDonald ad 0 " tavera1..0.fupcrigpaperweight Kena Lng fur Jsha YDaRilÈy Frndo'continues ta reovei tunmet nPeUhain. and Robert' Hecerm athw fri peius sportsixiu Hamilton. Four straight wins for Witby midgets -Whitby ,Dunedin 0Construction, midget"basebailte be a t. Port Hope and Cobourg lest week as they. continued ta iinprove their record i EOBAleague play.. .Wbitby bad ta orne roi behnd agapinsPort'Hope at Srquios Pmak on ý Wednesdi rdtýas they ovorcare à a veri deficit towin,8-7. Jarie:<Difore came on.W terlii of Keith Mils i the. sxth-lnnirm ta talc tii. victoey on tho mounad Tim ,Puddister and ¶TnImesc NEW ENROLMENTS NOW. Leamto anoe for teParties TRY-READINGý THIS AD WITH ABAC 0F. Lin ief nff' each iiad two bits and, drove in two. Chris Mac., Dan Stephenson and Chris Bulmer chipped in witb uingles. A"a-Kennedyailobad two on bits and .coee'ëdarun,'and made -t taanciiora solid defonce. I DfireandImoncbnd el ta pitch a'à six-bitter -against Cobourg bn Fiday nigit 46, talc. the. win 12-7.- Brott ]Rayne led the bit parad with tbree, wbile lireson had two and PDifiore,ý S"étepveWood was the dfenaïve, star~~ ~~ ofteg ýewith hre spakling catches in centrefield. <Wliitwh bs now ýwon four iii 7î ey steadxI ,OV Up ,- . the. stnings after a slw start 'The.llut of 'their 'iiijured play ers, Ian Andrew, returned 'ta tii. lineup July 1. Winloss,. for Wrir Wbitb)y Warrior had a win and a lose ini junior A. lacross acinlst w ïek Warriors, lost 14-5 -ta Toronto Beachos on June 29. >.1ý Charlie iLockwood and.,Matt McLean each bad two gofasand Tony GMry scorod'three goals, Steve Williu and -Pat' Valhooser each sredz twýice, 'Ith singles' Mbthel, PAloi Boit ,and ýDorek ..Joînes, Jason Croshie, larry Goff Dave Dannonburg an.d te vela lor soered for War- riors .Whé fei' bebéind 8-2 aftr *Warriors bhad a;big third period to, defeat Burlington,,16-9 GROERlS & There, are, good times to seil. And there arebad timies to.seli. The.. best.time tr« seli is wvhen a person is ready to buy.. Aftd when people are ready to- buy, they tum to their newspaper. îNot their mhailboxc. Too many.times, advertising mail.cornes at exactly the wrong time, mixeil among your, important daily mail. Perhaps thÈat explains whyr three times as many people would prefer to receive theiradvertisinig information from.a paper. Newspaper readers share a common curiosity about people, places, facts, figures., And prices.. People tu'rn to their news'aRer for die Iatest prieinformation,> and they turn mhere with interest. .Which means that'where your advertising message needs to be. With ail the choices available, .it's difficuh tdeciding how best to advertise yçur business. But everyuing'becornesa littie simnpler when you remember one mile... TE WEE WATCH-famlly pionlo we Phooby P Wht outscoged Burlington poriniod tobrek rosbie hadree gë - oals anà d four assists for Warriors. J!ay, Le. scorodfour goals and added two asiste ,w1file S8ott Macoènoîl had tbree goals, and an assiast. "'Gof had, two, goals and'tbre assiaté witii- single tallies by- Jonesé,ý Simon Bowers and Taylor. Sadon Santos had four; asé- ista, Matt ,Sbearer ,and gpalie. WsMang had thiee 'assista each.4 ForBurlington Chru Langzdoc scored.tbreegoals.- Jonos Sc gott and Troy Jacklineacii scored twice. Oshawa bail hoce league Jefflgulin!JamloPÉrkoe DblraOw8nDam 51111 Iw~MeIu. un &DIU, JeUf ai Wbf~rRdW 6 sS umcSoaSr, a 1 m M9maw Kvin Butt 2 Rkch Snwdm NeIuoeLmng Sluoa Str. satane 9 Chustrtmua ue DsrulnBankar4 -Rida s..iat N"vlGruluni2 IVMLqA]de uan pbwm u ' 1 < Surtaal.Todd Wood w42 D.= Weua2 ehu ianulai coun Plrom affskW UualJdanCoohraus June2S Eqaiioal 5 RqbETwl Ram ~~ Wlma aYOMah* Rodabu 2 JeuMs. BanLoewc a fas held at the Spencer mmtorauIin, whby FmePes an i ~uIna S *0 itana -.4 w ~O r