PAGE 20. WMOBYPFMEPRESSIwEJSDYJUY1,10 Leaside defeated Oshawa 4-3 i thi. fnal to capture 'the Cham- ofteannual Whitby: Leasiide Icet"only on. gaie 6-O to Whitby Dunoédin Construc- tion --during thé tournament. Leaside thîump.d ,Thoruhl i -- 4n thefrflrstga -TIhorinhIl had defeated Whitby 64,inthe flrst gaine of the tournanient.. Leaide thon lost' to Whitby befoeco)mng back to shut out Hamilton Mâhoney Park Bearê Leaside' thon defeatèd Wil- land, wlnners w three straight hi division play,. 3-1 in the semir- final. Oshawa roached ,the flnaý with,ýý .threêo staight,.wins i division. play - 2-1 ovor, Scaborough Aglncourt, *5-3 over Toronto Hîgh Park* raves and 5-4, over StreetsIle. Oshâwa defoýated Clarkson 10- 4 in tho emifn A larecrw watched the chamnpiozmnhp finial. Ryan Goo- dard was nmed most valuablo' plerfrOshawa in the ia honoursmorLeaside. Wrirs. defeatK-W Whitby Wariors defeatod Kit- cheer-ateboo11-7luajunior A lacrosse game onù,ly9 in Whitby. It was the sixth vlctory of the s eason for Wlbsecond. from the bottom 'in the 11-team * loueýbut .stillin"i tho hunt -for .ýeetplace. Derek Jonos had two goals and two lasajuts for Warriors. ,Wayne Paddick, and ChrisTuckereach scored two goals. whilo Jay Le. Mat hearer, Shaydon ySanto Larry Goff and Jason~ Crosbié oach scoenred a goal.' Gofand ZLe. each had three assiste whilo Santos and Scott MacDônel oach had.two assiste. 1Chris Driscoi had* throe goals for ,Kitchenier, fwith singbos. by ]ReidfIrvin, Shane ,Mc-Knzie, ,Jeff sudaxia'&dy Allen. ý <Whitby bld 4-1 after the flrst period and- 8-6 aftor the second period.> Rogular' soason action ends this weok. NEIL BALAN of, Whltby Dunedin Construction reaches for a _pltch durlng a 6-0 vlctory over Leaside - eventual wlnners 0f the Whltby-Oshawa, mldget basebail tournament ove the weekend. Phot by IMaudc Pliher, Whhby Fr00 Prou Cluchhit elude's seniorsiss to Ken'dal, Whitby Canadians had a win and a au in senior basobali' duringthe paut week., ýWlutbys soason record la ight wins. and, elght louses after an 8-5 win over Little Britain and a 7-5 bs to Kendal. «- Jef Hardy hit- a double and two sinfggles and - drove i two runs in the win over Little Bri- tain on JUIZ 7. Bryau Grylla bit a homo run and a ingl or Whtby while Day. Imeson hit a tri ple. Garzy.Shearer had two singles, Whitby mnor basebal equIBr Polar Sabolte Widt. Basa whtby Oplit JmmkitoBdl Dom%. Auto, B.D.O. =11e TV td 49 y B.D.O. mPomis )"« City Batz M»a Neris Su Dunh= D 6p W.C. Twn 4, Iaoc Doua 1 Whltby lios Club 7 Frank!!. Fre Poodlil DerierLuber '7 WUIl&COUlle il Wed Lynde Vkide. The ShAhs Zana a Mme Nv!. op a peiu=s *n a BMsierUnher 4 while Grog MacIssac, Rob Ligh- tie,:Doug M sukllad Andreas Fruhner each hit a single.. Tom Brabin got the winwhile Steve' Donner prýovided relief help. - -1 Little Britain pIslaying at home, tooka 3-O bead ýýr two inniugs.. In the third - nning, Jody Turnier and Fruhuor led off with wslka te start a four-run uprising by SGry&Ç home run broke a 5-5' tie in the slxth inning,.< Qn Sunday, Witby, couldn't NurseCh'. Olds Il BStanAie Burger e hiloctNikacm BeckWosiBer"is Sttic wesll&CuEen S Les aims7 Dodl&ésooter7 Stan AvenBu eurge NurseCber-Olde-Cadllat a Cent r lyAuto RPsPir E Whtby Joyeses mm mdAp-lsea BrochBdlvlsk 3 Ehmm .club mm NeNs î Lennierua LI tyCol FaJU."Ycfl ÈWhltlRue PIE 22 22 19 12 14. 18 DaiumSL DenlCua 1 18 Yb=%akBoolng 7 WMItby Optirniat 5 8 KNtuc uelre Chlck. 6 1 Kinsmlub> O 13 WhibylAuiio il 14 CPEavin W L T PIS - I Mta. ~ Dyns à &Iyl Javans 1 DudusStL fuis!Cetra W L T PMprE n IV 11 0285 buAnna ril 2 1 283 Mm c~ee '10 4 1 21 NUlles!.m 10 6 o 2s'Whltby Audio 9 6711l8 6ie 7 1012 PERWES 6 a 1 il Week.oJne 2 4 9 1, 9.Whitby PM PMU es " 4 100 8 WA500SOp51 &7 GrekM hm -81806a " b Cm» 14 SwlasC IP' 1181 '8 Jm£'wmMm4 mm DlvIdB Whte Ru Pol aSatet Dem' Auto1 JonsosAUW BoêY MP. 0mw Frnadimlresnboi Bmuruaber OawaGtutmcudmr WC. Tovo Whltby opth WbitbyLimssClub 12 9 10 7 6 4 1 -A O 2-1 28 8 0 9 0 100O il 1 10 1 il 1 183O 140O 25 21 21, 19. 17 le 14 il 2 & q = i v Id & C I M 1 NoriaCh«.a& Oldi. 24 e aims Select MeaP5 18 wwi1&Covm *5mJ.mhiml 7 IlemaExIAppL O WMUvPr Me Fisa Whftbr Fmners Jqedo Blectonl. KinumaiClub. Pdwlar Satet GrookTymee Polar SIatet 12 2 O 10 5 A.0 7, 8 1 7 8 1 6 12 1 3 12 1 Rn Mn-o Ch". a tynn la fflwtngorrdn S Land eft Bro le Whtlv Optlalsl 13 Imsm a"l 13 Ha"t leimce a BroeklnKlnaat. 2 BlousesClub 14 Polr Satellte 9 Bad Wlog Orcliaru 13 Plaque Altack 18 JUMyDC.EleCtr $ 9 BullersDoi 1laMar!.rlMaa 1hx 9 lm"des IM Br. 10 Svlus Chale 15 Wblt1b Optimisa n2 Bolier.Doni 10 PlaquaAttak 18 WhltbyOptianlst 12 Baset Plastic 15 L«galugle 24 22, 2D la 15 15 15 il 7 10 a .7 4 2 14 s 1 1210 >10 4 5 4 2 get the big hit and beft the bases loaded four times as'they lost i Kondal. Whitby had 13 hits off Kendal pitchers whibe Maclssac gave, up all moyen Kendal runsi moyen- plus innings ofwork. Turner had a in le and a double for WhItby whQe Imeson Lightle Dur Shearer and Arman ]oitaille each had'two singles., Macksac, Fruhner 'and Dor-. mer each.bit a single for Whitby. ..The. two teams traded the bead' BarjotPlastics 6 7 C Ldegelugles 5 8 1 Wh1tby0plna 4 9 I1 Plaqumtack 8 i Wintby Cleamr 112 C0 ihun.neClub 104 C0 Polar Stullt. 7 S C Marigoli Un..molu uXSy 8 6 Ledgm Bro s 18 Il SwlsawaCut8 9 1 Butueli 8o a 9 a îweiig Orchb 2 il" I Brook!!. U-pltch' 15 KivanisClub sh ulnt.nS 10 Denut Prose Consurners Gas 13 Wlatby Optimi Widhy Opllmlst 8 BMOok In opit Brook!!. So-pilcIa 12 CennuâmsGm WllbyOplImld 6 6 "MiisMfle SI. Chdmrua 9 Whltby lqota L T Wlby Tyoa 6 6 2 Widhtjrpsul 87 Denutrus. S 5 1 spocCoan61 6S1 CSnoersaum 4 7 2 Swlsh Minte.uca 4 6 1 SL CIadr Pas à 8 62 Elvnd@lul> 2 7 1 TER IBAI& dtek 9 PME 23 19 14 12 10 9 s' Week o(July 20 AudIe Cerualci Chu.Fr=e Wutlvr eErghlers BnssenClub latchellBM& ~Wh yTolwHo. JerykDugallà IttleCesa Cu* Brov 'l DmogremaoC& NtvctkArcihltcoeEigl Anderse VOL. Clnia ithellama=" AudIecoialca Pechinuitaw Ch"'prFcte Dshyqoees BdEE .7.175 Tmisto Ulua Juji OÎMiln Ihlettka .7.1T12 CinciumdambuI fto- Wmi diim 0" e Sps ýFkT PMUs ar Annatti P113 22 20 21 ,17 la OsldandAlblellcs Cinrinnali BuIs Ternit. EuaJqs il uMonruilEExp. 9 Ec1nmatl EBa 10 TerenoB!oJays W 1 1 -i o N 2 2 2 o PM for~~ forhn s before Kendal ass),rumed a 7-3 bad after moyen- mnnings.%>'* Doniner rolieved' MacIssac'i the eighth inning., League play 'coéntinues this' we.k. 1Aftor team classificiations made rocently, Whitby. and Scar- borough will be the only'two teames rom, the Eastern Ontario Basobal Assocation lbague bat- liig, for a berth'in t he ýal- Ontario B finals. Both teanfisare classéd 'B'asd will meet later, ths season lu a erles, probably a best-of-seven, tedtrine wh-ch wi11 sdvsnce te the finals te b. held i Sarnia. over the Labour Day weekend. Whitby 1girls. softball WL T PME Flsheoembimd 6 2 e Kival Club 6 2 Bocsmllk 6,21 Leva 2 8S 0 12 01n 0 12 osa W L T PIE MM mNuer s 1 17t 82-0 le 4 81'l9 1 -80 2 1 a802s 2- BreliLeges 16 Betay Club 14 novIEz DIVUUIO W L T PME AC" eplu 7, IUasiClub Wldt4y 6 OUd Ser TUi!. S KNBlgte ololumboa 8 OB.B.. 2 IoroceftBlicbai 8 Centuy 21-E. Brava2 1 15 1 18 0 12 1-7- 208 Oc8 1i5 Cent. 21-E. Brava 10NrWocre tchu. 14 Action Plua 19. OdU HreTilablo 18 OBZU. 19 Kad"ta<COumbua19 LiâescIub 200 JU. 8 QUEM IVSON W, L T PIE MimY iach* . NaIA.ll',uT 4 Mhm am PRua RaidstrIMwb 8, WMtyoppthwa s, 15 018 0 Ia 0 8 là s'l1,25, 10'8 1 21 7 7 2' 1a 7 a 1. 15, 4- il 0 8 8 il O 6 1Is 18 1 8 ýWhitby NUEDIVISION Wý L T PUE Watdd hu Lin BU= i oes MIaioBadrobi NAIN UGUT DiVISION Tmmmeshom vhsfli Cfrdtt Wl. M.!.up *B amdUISMY- 7 ra is HughesHavis nh. à "ri. op Cl.!. Tus M a"Bdm HuesHavis, Lin nmmotas. BoRmdaod 1 Fred Buck 6 JeryTome 4Dais omten 8 lHorvood 6 John Foe 19 12 Scet Davi 13 B ol>CHMn 7. John Yst... 9 UmieWallon 12 15 GerpAm4W, 18S cou aBotus' 14 MIx Hln 12 DiSi 17 'WbOtml 23 Polalerplus ~OR MXE DIIPI u NaiMM a.,~ B m z;-C un Ihr* 10 II Oi-da flaelln vaie e Ms ub otBot 10 Euaax-C ChsndIerI UM sBihurga WhbyLlm 15 '0 14 0 12 01 a o 8* 0 4 0O2 mev 9 DhhdôSeoter 8 Pounerlahels 7 Mas~lhnOroharda1s »FO »Sh 4.'2 ISI 9 Woa 4as'A 4 Bolnaa0 7: 8 08 '0. Faa17aawq - 40 DeatneKdt lioneubd : 0ý%hi a -uutu RuBli-l ur IJesuCl WL T 110 5 1 4. 80 541o rains! eu PIE 12 12 13 s 5 4 2 .5 8 * v MMGET L ekaside wins Whitby-Oshawa touir-nament Whitbyl WL pis 918 Emsa,61t ~7 10 aoeat sSmntm4881 le .2 9 4 G-.1 10 2 Xdmw NWmý le" ligow