PAGE 2, WMUTY PME P PICKING SUBJEOT TO WEATHER AND SUPPLIES. IStove anid dlihwasherlincluded. Covered' S E£B U I deck. Please cali Rosemary j Browfl 433-2121-, 750jMRTAGS A BAD VEAR FORA REAL E ISTATE? 1 HAVE SOLD 49 HOMES'THIS YEAR * 7A" .MY RECENT SA LES.. .715-Clarence, - 12 Daà ys *1191 'Augusta - 22 Days 63 Greenbush <- ý14 Days e-1461,O'Hara - 28 Days @42.Waywell!- 19 Days * 171 Meadow'.-52 Days The old adage that, 20% of the salespeople seil 80% of'the produotseems to still hold true: RESULTS FRYU ELETT ED R JUSTA PHONECALL AWAY E ASK FOR ROSEMARY DayK . m#r#W 2 Pi. 1; imn £8.<O« MCI ao ries,, Ag. 25fth;KIDSAM Meot onal ~ , Unsical Rv;Mu RoNi"IdMPfoonald& M6Donal( T K& 1m ;un* pot$Mr, ye ob nnounoso, sue uays. 'Gaessy-à ther. is ea big need to -hire smenurses ^because some .of the nursifig staff. were neyer replaced. The' union finds it hard, to believe that the adIMinistration is lookinpa' for su a"ýassistant to aâdimstrator Ron-, Ballantyne before hiring much-needed nurs- ' 'e < aPlantLne) has two full- time'employees .working on reéde- veëlopment alone,» she says. , «I don't thinik the services should. be reduced et a time when: the community, needs it more than- ever 'during, thiS economy » she says. Gates says the proposed'down- sizrng of the- outpatient service in the. adolescent unit Will affect the service ýavailable to children who are experiencing soMe _problems but are not sick enough te stay In the hospital. ý Some» of the children corne- in and talkc to one oéf, the.. social wyorkers or counsellors at f«the hsiaproviding them with the supor t. echldren req uire, s he Gtwsays at one point, the admiinistration 1even >suggested completely cutting the outpatient F r uppet OimeOe m Sproblm - it ~, gaM t. thowoen,sid holnt for thli11f. oflim -onbrbis férte s ang 1 think w we iht oas ie Iitlulwlp fm Avmar frins 300 TAUNTON ROAD W_ ' WHITBYI (416)66"-606 Fr» Parking Bus Parking . thôe eXisuîng"z4-nour,-soevenI-ia for someone to MI the - positioni operation, à ud- thee'mnain ffor the last year, he said. the. pschogeriatric day -hospital ,Ggtes says,ý the pstion is (although the "adnmnistration, totally inapproprrnte» at this' planis,,teredpen -the unit. as eontinie sud the union is stili coôn- aspvossbe). vinded that if, anybody is hlred. Ballantyne has said the reduc- now it should be some. mucli- ion of 'beda in- -the "psychiatric eeded nursing staff. rehabilitation unit ýanïdthe ree- In a- letter.'sent "te Balantyne, lignment of services in the ado- thé union s ays the, hospital lias lescent ui r expected te go «more than enough managers through uttheba" e s the co-ordinators, supervisors anà other proposed cuts , Will be boses.» stop sign proposai rejectedý By» Marlo Bo)ucherý Whitby council onMonday tur- ned -down'a suggestionte piace a ,stop- ign at the "corner. f Trent St , .sud King St. Councillor JohnI Doistra p'ro- posed a one-way stop: sign. at the mntersection, but lus .motion Ilest by a vote of 62. Jo. Drumm abso voted lu, favour of the sign. Wayne Hancoc]çc, public works - dirctr sidtrafic studies - dicate the volume of v;ehiclesis under the' minimum required te warrant a.stop sign Council passe a recommenda- 1 diL. v~ ~ ~ -~ p STIRAWBEIRRIIES, Raspherres &.Peas. Pic ourOwnor 8AUOM. S8-P.M. Hwy. 7 'BROOKLIN RD. 4OR TAUNTON % 0 CCr r mU -ln ROSSLAND WHITBY- AJAX FHWY2 N.W. CORNER AT' CORONATI( Brlng Containers ori AND. ,armn I i tion, for a -new report. from the public woka deartment in the, 'flland toh ave Durham' Regional Police monitor TrentSt. W.- for speeding once school résumes in the fail Area. resideiit'Cheryl Wallace, .xpressed concerné at last week's -oprations committee, about sd of cArs ori-Teni ' 't. "W, snd she7 notédthat -King St.i used extensively by children in the area. A multi-way stop sipi on Trent st. W. would rçsult mr. an add-* tional 65 ,itres of fuel per da3y su ctabout .$500 for.. the nsalon of thé stop sign. WhibyUrgent Care hibNEW HOURS Effective Auguat i Moxj Sat. iOam- 9pm [ 22Dundas SLIOW. St 14. 668-7899' CORRECTION' Thezfollodwing items in the flye i today's paper shud have read: Greptlng Cards 20%efF Calil 668*5509 forý busmesses in lfoudidfoti ~ve w1m M'A ý7,117,-,ýý,--, ýý ý