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Whitby Free Press, 15 Jul 1992, p. 8

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PAGE e 8,a W~BFmEEPIEUWEDNESDAZ .1ULY loi 992' Edwards >th.e bigg9estspender È in elecétion >campaign.ý BylMaro Boucher than $2,000 on: their municipal The big winner in last Novem- campalgnmuet by law, report bées municipaleeconms and disclose their contributions. spent the moen bis campaign. and expenses"'to the Town's cler omEïiwards filed an élection-..departmentby rJune,30 expensesbill-cf $25,680 iriie Only Daniel l Belliveau, vying successful bid ta becomo Whitby fôr a seat on the hydre <êommi- mayor.sion , did not discloso thé unfor- His.,opponents, Gerry Em aton regarding Iacanpaign and -Lynda. Buffett, spent epnses. $24,1157 a nd $24,84Mrý!otvl Several 'developers coributed as* they tried .ta -win'n thees - ta the campaigne of the .threo tilos ostin ha ays ageot aorlcaddates. $40,OOayea. - _ anr hConstruction and Canidaes hr epent more' Coscan pIevelopment contributeci ta oach cf the candidates. Fram Construction Ltd. t buted' ta Edwards-,and VentûronDo1velamnts Iný MarkboroughMPrpertie Edwards; tEle Val lo de mentes mc., Invar Buildn Cullen Gardons Inc. andM Homes ta -Buffett; ,Soricheti perty Management' and shore Group ta Enm Ross Batten spnt $15,6 bis successful bir to change north ward councillor tée rl councillor. The re-election 'of reglonal winner John Dolstra spent. cnr-council,,incumnbents Joe Drumni $4t824, about*.. $200 more than Emm and Marcel Bruniellecos 9, 125 M runner-uP ShirleyS1>t c.ad and; $9,236 respectively. I RobertPalm er spent $2,348 in 3s to, Othfer ýcafldidates-for regianal bis bid -forth centre ward seat WeIop- council wero Jim Priest, with Keith Harrs pnt'$1,500 ana1 Cor., $466 inee ns and Dereký John Southr 16 errick Glass, under$2,000. Doe>nis'Fox' West ward councillor- Judi ti Prýo- spont *6,682 te got re-elected as Liongfield spent $3,27-5 and Iron; east wàrd councillor wvhile defoated Dave Wall, whose cm opponent Geoif Rison's total. bill paign coet-under $2,000., W5 on came ta $5,698. AIl candidates.,for the position e from In .centre ward,- the final vo 'ting of north ward councillor' unclud- giontal was similar ta the amaunt spent, ing winner Don Mitchell spont for . he municipal ,camp in- zder $2,000. RalIly to bhed to poetHisoedecision, The C6alition of Buigand Constrution Trades and the Oshawa Chamber of Comme rce will' stage arLlý4y.on, frida3> mor ing reteit'-Durhamù regoni ouci'à recent decision trectthe Hilatone rqect. Te coalition anr chanibor members waint'council.ta reconsi- der the dec-ision. The coalition says the Hilstane projoct would «helv kick-sitart a Town to' decidei on patio- applicatio By malo Boucher Towncounilon Monday deci- ded ta postpone a decision on whother or. net toaUallow n eut- door patio at the rear o c CasY' qs, a bisfrolbilliard sports bad in downtownWh]tbýy., Town staff 'is ta report, next week with mare information con- cqrùm*g theapplication by Classy Qsfer an aut or patio. Councers 'will .tho& be tele. phoeo avote on the métter, Coundllors felt a decision had ta be made as soan as possile, rather than i Septemb-er wheni council.,resumes sessions because- Clasay Q'swants ta open its outdoor atio as sean as possile. Coundllor Dennis, Fox said ho does't approve cf the way, the eor()hlas already built the outdoor patio beforo getting Wi ýe7 patio takuing extra_ sýtpao, _many of Classy Q's custo- mers are new parking in other a reas, when there is already a problemi with parking spaces mn the downtown area, ho sald. Councillor Ju di ILongleld, won- dered-., why» council tneedo,.ta apprave of tho construction of the' p lio when it la aiready built. Area resident, Robert Levesqueà aù.ed why Classy qs didn't get a building permiît bare construct- ing the eutdoor patio. Town administrator, Bull, Wal- lace sid im this particular case, a b Ilding perit was. not eqesaid it seems nobody cmii do ahything about the noise preblemý.because-there is -no way, te momtor the very leud noise. wbich 'ho descrlbed as «ucon- stantlïr' boom-boom-booma-boom- People eften, leave boer bottles andether debris inthorea near. the eoutdoor patio wbich is just'a few foot'from bis -homo. and business, W.C.- Town, Funèral Chapé], Ltd., ho said.,. Levesque said ho las already seen some people drinkingon the patio. > Councillor, Rasa .Batten sî i there are no benefto tahaving an outdoor patio at that location. Counillar Marcel Brunllgs suggested a few- conditions should bo impa*e'on Classy Q'se ne musical insatruments be allowed -outiide an the patio,- the patio doors hocloàed at il tunes except técme' and go, and the patio itslfbeclosed at 10Pm., flaggingl.economiy hich wouldý, encourage fuethor investment i. Durhanî Region.» In- particular, '«the regional- administation buildin'W i-ld ac4 as a :catalyst-for downtewni redvelpmet, sayg!the coai tion. Osh awa Chamber cf Cern- Imerce president AI Simeson says the purpose of the rally, la -ta send7 a-9oud ýmessage ta those regianal counciloriï,,who voted aginst the Hulston. preposal.,- «I tbink itslma rtant'ta, remund aur elected ofiiais ha they care chargedwih a the resources eof region...Regioinpl - council voted 17-15 -aiaàunst rcevi the financial informationi reired ta' make a suni dciioà .HQW cmii tey pomsilytbrow away a patntil oparnt t croateo ? Tiskindýcf manago1 ment imakes no' sens, says The coalion saya' rgou councilbaà -sent a message t h business -community that 'Dur- hm-m Regilon is '>closoed ta busi- .This cannot-igo unchallengod, saysthe coaition. Amarch willUý begi at the, pirer'cf Bànd and -Marystreets at9a.m. ending with aly at Oshawa cityh.allatl10 àm. Local employers and ho me- owners are encouraged ta, contaçt the Canada Employment Centre for Studenteabout obs. " .The centre is aPt209 Dundas St. E. (lower level) or :cali 668- 5233. Telecator Durham 153 BroCk St. Ne UVnit-2, Whitby 1 '.430-PAGE J 430-7243 S i ý Mfeturing Motorola -Pagera 'WE HAVE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FIOR YOUI" * Wsde areacoverage- **24 hour answening servie * Choose from tone, numetic, voîce or alphanumeric *Rent from a local company for same day delivery or repair.j 'Grad opning for2.new stores at Whitby mai Talkng Hads: Keepin the customer m Mill.. Tal# mig Heairs offers tho tradi- da&. tional salon , services - porma, «,When ewnor Joe Gattellaro colours, hair cuts and manucures was askedwhat makos bis salon -and-warm, -personal service. -different friâim-the. others, the The salon,,located in-Whitbycustomer-. ,ho was working 'on Mal, held its grand'oengfr1-ansiw'exied'for him. «He's a kind, conidorate per- Old-fashioned Gattello wüs ,formerly aa bakig atPartnor m anotherW.Intby salon DerBrotkorp wsasbn Ee gay t hiiphve be Tradiional Eurpean bmking going «very well, aiceoe made tho old-fashaoned w!ay -- ay 4 -~ "botter than I expWc that's what yaull iflnd at ber Brotkorp in Whitby Mal ýwich had its grand openig Fr1 ay., . Co-oWner Je D'Iaddario sas tW robabs have 50 or &; eret ype ýof, German-style breadae, aIl natural with ne pro- servatives and made from tradi- tional recipes. For example, ho says ýthoir <BauernBrot' brad,]is mad. tho. old German way. with potatoes and whele wheat."' _;> The store aise cardes a varied ssortment of pretzel stre ceaides and cofibes.q atnes CrazyLmeo'sisoxpanding. The Wbtby Mail clothing star. has been complet*ly enovated' and a wall ta, an adjo*n*ng store knockod down., boooingfor area from 1,300 ta 2,000 sq. foot. »Supervisor Lori Wlbur says th . cmii offer a bte eeto w the extra spamo "W. were too amua nd crani- ped before... (now) Iwe'lilhave room to bring ini now grouýpa and have mare on theforw nw hav.éj ANGELO DA DDARIO applies a glaze at he grand opening-of Der Brotkorp in Whety Mail Friday. (Below) Mayor Tom Edwards gets a tnim from r Talking Heads owner Joeo-Gatelaro. Edwards was on,,ha.nd foýrthe salon's grand opening. Phobo Iy Makooeso, WWthy Pie Pme il ý:

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