,PAGE 22WVBYREpIMSWEDNESAYJULY 22 180 Reden os twcebut til neod pac1 Blo£rýBoucher ls twice.last week but romain-in, ïêco6nd: place mhi Ontario, mAjor <The Redmen Iloîst a &close ganie, 11-10, last Wednesday "agam-nst the, visiting fit-place Brampton Trailing by two goals -late in the game, Brooklin tiedthe score with goals from Billh ýPassfiold and Paul St. John before Bramp- ton's Bruce HaLynes p ut hi. team ahead with about toMinutesc ioft in the game.> Paul St. John and Brian Nick- ula both had two'go ais and an assist while Bill Ca Ian had one Each year, there are more than 600 sports related accidents involing. death or permanent disability. Amint >baff are chldreni Millons of chldren part iipat in sport. Although maiL sporting env onmntsareafe, il are flot. Tii. Safety Resource'Centre, a -prgram of the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, provdes afety related infrmaionin the. areas of sport fitness, and recreation. Accordmng te Alice Strachan, mangrof the Safety R Pesourýce Centre 't the Ontario Sports Centre, "many chlà dron are ,not --Proporiy supervised. They don't wear the proper equipment, like helmets and protoctive' gear when rollerblading, and they are ofton playing in onvironinents ýthat can be very dangerous." The Safety Resourco Centre ca rvide prents, coaches, and teachers with the nocessary information te heip ensure that prcograms and. activities are sfe, anithat- ovory -- sporting environment is freo, of, hazards that can cause injuries, and in some cases death. For more information about safety in sport, cail the Safety Resource Centre îat. 1-800-68-7744. 1 ~ad three assists for, the Steve Dyment -had, one goal and two assista, Tom Wrggt one goal and one assiat, and Chris O'Reilly had three assist0s for the, Redmen. Also scoringfor Brooklin were, Rich Dyment and Jason ]Richards while garnering -assistaet.were <.Greg Lopin., Wayne Momnourque Ha wks w-n 'Witby Hughes Hawks noviceà girls rep toam won two out of threegames in aNiagrFalls tournament on the =eked(July 17-19). .On Saturday, Whlitby posted victories over Woodstock 11-7 and London 7-6. In both ictories Whitby feU behind early, but played atron defensively te come up witheth victories. Strong> defensive performances by Courtney Mitchell, Sommer' West and strong relifpltching by 'Amy MAa highlighted the. victories. 1Shannon Harrod came through wi'th the key hit te knock in the. wnning run in the la1 inning in the victory over London. Unfortunately Whitby's. hope. of advancing te the senii-finals ended Sunday with, an, 11-0 los te Cobourg. Volunteers neded -for MSbke our The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, is hosting its 1992 - 160 Bike Tour, August 22-23. They noed volunteers te .hel aiong the< way. Volunteers wil recoive T-Shirts and lunch and also become éligible te Winprzs Volunteer applications ca=h picked up at Information Oshawa in Oshawa City- Hall, or oeil 1-800-268-7582. For more information, please cali 434-4636. SUMMER CLEARANCE OPEN HOUSE, Ail existing stock reduced'from 10% - 50% OFF. Now you can enjoy adding Victorlan accents to your homo ori office aet reduced prices. "Speclal orders flot Inluded." 76 WINCHESTER ROAD BROOKLIN 655-3059 ACROSS FROM ARENA . and Eric Perron!, For Brampton, John Tavares was the big gun with four goais, with two Jesfrom Jim Veltman and Tom 1Pair, and on. 'goal from Garv y Walker, Randy Mearns Îandroy ýCorcingley. The Redmeni thon boit 12-9 last Frday in Ferg us againît the Thisties wMth il Callan. and, Dave MeWhirter leacingthe way for.' Brooklin with ,two gas apiece. Eric Perroni scored'ai goal and assisted on ais by Callan, Matt McLean andPaulSt John. Aloscoring for the R edmen were Gary Crawford -and Steve Dyment. St. *John and Derek Keenan had'two assiste each while Brian' Arnold, Dean, Van der Linde, Crawford, McLjean, Tom Wreggitt. and Tom Scanga had one each. FerKus goal ors were Ted Dawling with throe, Mike Cude and EdComeau wit two each' and Tom Howe, Gary Lloyd, Mark Harding, Dan Armstrong and Rick Heculiuck with. one each. Two losses by Peterborough, 104 to Brampton, and 6-4 to'ý Owen -Sound, allows Brooklin to remam minsecond place for, ýthe moment. 1Recdmen will battis the Quak- ers for second, placeWensa tonight) i.Brookli n begnxng at8:30. p.m. at teuther Vipond Arena. IPROM PAGE 17 the club'U=Lernte Ska;terbadge pioshpswrfPduafneeaheldfro ebrte son foMc Vstigcoces m Vix y. Thore were arpatcpat eVriiapriiatei from ail over -DunhamRgo tsaigcii edi eray .W hitbPlease recycle 'Press this newspaper Studenits, hiredby Optirnit Club DURHAM MP Ross Stevenson, (Ieft) Mayor Tom Edwards and Optimist Vice-Presiderit Brian Wsck.with program, director Angela Yang. Ptioo by MarkReeso, MW yFrm.Pros. LIBRARIAN LINDA STRATTON reads a story to chiIdrenWat Brooklin Libr- *ary. The ibrary is running- a Canadian Safari pro- gram during* July and August - every Wednes- *day between 2 and 3 pm. obldren '"visit" a different part of Canada between the- covers of a -book. Other activities include mnovies, a reading club and visits to a park.. phobyMmark RMesoWFP - The.Broolin'fOliut -Club, with the. iielp of a ýfedera grant, hps hired three stuodeiits ,te orgamize and onduct two events te clebrate Canada'. 125th birthday. r4inig Tii.students aepanigthe events and conducting a, -urvey on youth drug and alcoholusage The events -- are planned for ý.U aù, g.15. ~hOptimisot Club of Brooklin, anon-.profit organization consisting of .-28 volunteer members, applied te.I- the go ernmt'sClue~8E programî for' the.graiitfoi the firit tAime'Since they were chartered in Soptomber 1987. - <The7 receiveMyd the. grant as part of the.national sty-in-ochool initiative, -thius i.studénts are attending, summeér ochool as part of their empioyment -'The. program wasdegndt help stuÎdents developtheir.skille in th areasof report Writing and financial miageùimnt, and. teach thmte work as a team. ,Th& ýstudents, will .als gain work experience. Office, spme and equipment ha. been provided- for the. students at -76 Baldwin St. I Broolin. Photocopies, Fax -Service. -Custom Labels &,,Decals Wedding Initations Business Cards, Complete, Sign Production BRGGKLINBULfLTiN -76-Baldwln- Street,- Brolln- Fax 6'5-3715 Cail 5.4 1 1 MORE SPORTS i-**,.-ý'l