PAGE 12,,WUMY FPà E PRESS, wEDNE SDAY, JULY 29,1992 business nw Jobsand .investm ent: .Moreat staketa ut rates>, ByAuivur Dkindsoe Association c Mb or Power Cansumerp mOntarlo Whether ynar l esident, imalI busiess, owner or industrialist in the pro-vince, yen share ag comnmon >burden inflationaâry ramtes ipsdO everyone, by the mother Qf ail. public'utilities' -- Ontarlo Hyd >p You are subjected ,W ra -ite increases set not -by a reÊgltr agency, nor bythelawa «xsupply and» demand, but by 'a L .B.Q. Ribs $1O' .99detra Banquet FadIites Avalable éDaily Speci OpenMon-Sat Closed Sunday M:Lïoeil s * :laomFiA £ rj l "Sardiia Via Sopr 'affino" pre-emptorydeisenmade by 1-f"dr oî b ýo f direct«ors every Unchallenged by goverrment, neaýrly every increaso verthe lest 10 'years bas7 beeni ltes surprisinq that more Ontariens h avent cried fou'. Imagine 'worldng for a 1company that risediÀ<tsaprices oeveryyear wtout regardÜWmarket demand or custoer néed.,That company ,.would not be inbusiness for- long. Such is net the,,caseý with one cf the-Jargest proclucors cf ielectricity in orth Aniericaý, But rate incroases can only go TreorBa'rdens Ontario Chamber annual meetin Recently,., Chamber general manager, Debra Filip 'and I attended tho 8$Oth annual meeting of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce in Windsor. Atý the, three-day Ontario Chamber conference, I had the 1ea)uroof iteni'ng, Wseveral dynamic speakers. Kimon a aks, professer cf economies at the University of Montreal, gave niteos, g le f te Quebec-Canada situation tW the year 22000. Peter Barneso, -secretary of thée Ontario, Cabinet and Cerk cf the Executive Council of Cabinet for the Province f Ontalo, aveus an insidefview cf the workings of the provincial government pohîcy proce ss. Barnes stressed partnership' between government, business and ýlabour.. Ho suqggested. thât amore co.operative relationship" must exist*,liporhapa even if there is not fuli agreement on some. cf theprograins the government may have initià ted. Weparticlpated in workshôps W tohelp develop an, economic- propertylal or Ontario. 'Topia ncuded 'Vision, and Prnciples,ý' Compiïeting in the '.GloblArn' Euaio n Tr-aining, ' ?ourism andQ~etailing,' Rôle cf. Government' and the 'Bol cf Business! .Our recent. Business After Heurs evening with the Fun in the Sun' theme 'wasa great ldck-off for the -sunmmýer, and I enjoyed iny 'modelliong, debu0 as part cf the- summer fashion show. Congratulations Wo theconunittee for their'outstanding work, and thank you exhibitors and visitors for your support. Majoréchaniges. -at your business? Let us, know!. we-rëe'WhitbyS NEWSpaper. The Whitby Free Press PjThe Mutual Group Herb G. Tran 40King Street West, Suite 710 Oshawa, Ontario LI H 1 A4 Bus. 725-6564 Lloenbed Wih Muluai 'Lie of Canmaanmd M99ual lnvSftoe nc PUBLIC WJAREHOUSE MO. FRI. 10:00 TO 8:00 SATURDAY 10:00 TO 6:00 Initroducing...YOUR NEW SUMMER a E OURS! catch thel NEW Bondwell Laptops and Not books, now in stock. 150:1 HOPKINS ST. (416) 430-8081 -WHITBY FAX 43-09 on' for solong untIl something lma WoIl be ciced. In this Came , the saCdificalIambs are the two moot precius commoditiq for Ontario's. economic fùure -,jobs and investment. Tat is net Wa blind threat. Ies a'prà ctiad. reality.Teponc' iifdustries not onyCusto Hydres . cost performance, but they have. stated uneq'm'ocalIly thttheir future is, in - doubt, as both employe rs and, investors in Ontarloi. Althougli we. are. not yet witriessing large-scale layoffs "or plant éshutdowns, there 1are eno h siignais te' indicate vest troubles lomimng ahead.' It is. nolonger: a.,question cf. tolerating inflationary'tates and inr ase >ascompaies ütry compete -in world markets, It i now beoming à aquestionc economic survival in Otre Ontaio-bsed comparues provide-credible 'examà ples c-f -how rate increases are' erod'ig the cost reductions achieved 4y these organizations and, endngern'ng' their very eistence'. 'Until, the nud-1980s, Ontario» Hydre offered, 'auà tomotive manufacétur-ers -the..- most copipetitive .rates' i North Americam., Today, the -appeal o f those ..rates is dropping - like a rock. .Recent.high rate increases also serve '.Wt .undermiiAe 1 the competitive positio'n'cf .mrany Ontario ýcompamues- that are suppliera tW the automotive in4irstry. What cen be done?"The root cf the solution lies within that vast Crown ',corporation "k nown *as Ontario Hydre. -fnawy lUa ssHydre nswy.-,t freeze a 1992 increase* and substantially reduce increasea, over, the.,ý next feW* years, the resulte coùld -do irreparableý harmn Wo Ontarios economy 'and medig-'OtaroHydre t& freeze crt'reduce rate . ncreases is. a. bold \ suge"on -ner, attemptod,*- before. This isý,an opportity forth Onao goverament Wo act i the interests of ,job ,:protection, -reassurmng industry tatQueens .Park is $ER PAGE 27., ...~., a! .n.a zifé PieS. 14#0 0 4*.w. UAet .t~p !WW 'w. or Capuccino. Thisspeia valid Th. Juy 30h and Thur. Aug. 6th EtertaimentFriday:-& Saturday Live TablesideAccordion Thurse.-Nights OUTDOR ATI OWOE oe e C n AuLYtANDmUrUe BREAKTHROUGH- PRICE SPECIALS- *BRAKE SPECIALS from, Incudes free machining on most vehicles *AIR CONDITIONING SEASON -BLOWOUT! A/C Service from À av]. TUNE UPS FROM $39. 95 Vi ~~Ya m P~MI~- Ik MaS 0 ir.i kq WE ALSO DO SAFETV INSPECTIONS.' Cali for details and appointment... 317 Hopkins St. Whitby437 9 (Beside Van Hemmen lrs We offer fi le9t g çu, miii Ru n ýGolf Ànd-'l Country Club on our Highlafd- Exe*cutive Course Mondays and Tuesdays 4 GOLFERS FOR'$44OO on our, "Championship" ;or Executive Course Wednesda'ys and Thursdays Phone ahéad for tee-offtimes. -Uxbridge 852,M6212 Oshawa to Burlington 543-1670 ! wqtiid py uaentY L- y LZ ---» v v W_- R-P %..e W- %-0 9-_- a- E a ý4 %0 m- %., a a -, a , : p - - - - - - - --- i-*-:ýý4i:l 1 [l 1 tý