PAG 2, HIBYFEEP1ES'ImmNSDYJULY 29, 1992 - - -- -- - QROOKLIN -'AVAILABLEý now. Uving 1room/bedroom/bathroom combination. Shared kitchen & là undry. Fumlshed. Air, cablo, tepheJack. Single porisn. 6-4640 or 655-4951. S9'ECIAL WEEKLY RATES avalable el Bon Voyage Motel. At 12 & 7, 2km north cf Brooklln. FURNISHED ROON $80> week". Share &kitchen.Walk te aml OGal 666-3776 after 6 WHITBY - SPACIOUS 3-bedroom' apartmnent on main floor cf bouse. In quiet residential 'ares. Includes fnddge steve & Iaundry facllites. Avalle ept.1.$795 per month. Oeil 668-011 (message) or 666-3883 oves. & weekends CENTRALLY- LOCATED ln quiet residential area of Whitby. Minutes f romn shopping, sohools, ibrary and buses. Twio-bedrocmn apartîment In newly redecorated triplex. $678/monthly, plus hydre. Phono 723-1386, -. 1-BEDROOM APARTMEN .î vailable clowntown Whtby. $598 per month. Includes hydro. heat Iwaer. Avaleable August 1i Also jI Includes frldge& steve. Pleoas li .ZJ 728-9679. eRÀTIL 'SPACE FOR LEASE. Oteative -rentai ' arrangement& 608- 1468, 9am~. to5 p.m. StORE FOR RIENT in Broolin. 6L0or 1%200 sqi. ft. Lew bease or re id irates. 655-4544 or ý -The Mutual GrDup HERB TRAN cali for quotation <725-6564 RR-s ANUTE L" BOND-ê~J ONE BEDROOM APT., mestly furnlshed. Avallable -immedisioei. SeIf-contelned, wtparking. $500 ail Inclusive. First.& lest. 430-;0205. *SELECTION: 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedreom apartments avallable. Al arees and prices.ý Homeview, 436-1752. No fees for tenants. WH-ITBY- LARGE 1-bedroom basement apartment.- Frldge, stevfe, laundry, park etsN $595, inlusiveé". Sept. 1.6W5-3047. APARTMENTS FOR RENT - One- and twe-bedroom., starting tram $550 monthly- 110, Victoria St. W., Whltby, 666-027. 100 William St. W, Oshawa, 436-6211. INeve purc.8eafiahome - wth us__ _ _ __.T ____________ NDW LANING June &u DiScount ILANDSCAPING * by IUNIVERSITY WERKSZ e kD f QoeIty Gnsfuctk~i ~~pcalizing ifl tax& retirement - prfesiona >~ç~jplanning since 1986. intertockng BrkDrives Jis, Waiks E CALL 434-6119 M Retaining Waiis FOIR AN4 APPOUNTMENT. j Wood Fenaflg - Wod Decksà IFree Corrpetftve Estimates E1 666-9690cept I i mi N I L.J ONE-BEDROOM ap,,fartment. Parking & laundry. titles extra. First &flst. 430-6109. BROO KUN - 1-bedroom apait- ment for September i. Close to ali amenities. OeIl 655-5539. WHITBY - 3-bedroom brickç bungalow wlth fubiy finlshed base- ment. Frldge, steve, wesher, dryer. fenced yard. Weik te all amenfies: $1,095. Aveliable Sept. t. 655-8388.' Wi1TBY MSAIRE spwc 5-bedroom -home with oe others. ,Appliances. pert nlshod. Nopes Non-amoli & lest. $450/>month, in 666-8590. HOUS, APARTMIENT FOR RENT? If you lied aive,-tsodhors. 1,0006 Mu you would b. roading PICKERING - $124,000. Three bedrooms, 1-V(2 baths, eat-in kitchen, fermai dining, flnlshed roc roem., extras. Bernie Durkin, 666-5525,- Robert Case, Realty Ltd., Realtor. Active Carpet & Te Inc. Commercial and Residential Sales Custom Installations !576- j7847 FAX 576-ý7029 843 !Kinlg $t. W., Oshawa Just West of Thomton SouthSide of King Grenwood Gardening & Maintenance G -A N M A NTFA C RESIDEnTIL&CMECA Cal us hmw and save Up to 10% on yrour 84esonaI grass cuttlng contrea. (416) 721-446 WALK TO DOWNTOWN WH1TBY $ $ 174;900, mimined &boautliYdêcratêdbungarow -3+1 bedrooma *pode ictrlO- hoyoyomm'à NEWr NRS RELTY ONE INC. PATHBOUGURON 436-1800, RIEDUCED -WHITBY. Ead ôus new eccup anc vallabe. 2,400 s. 9 i or two Whiripot tub, O/V. oak firepioce. t'y f ur- $2,4,900. One year new. Rlosslandl cer. Flrst Anderson. 666-0540. REDUCED, . Whitby townhouse.' Early occupancy availeble. Three bedrooms., 5 appliances, centrai air. One- year. new. $134,900. Brock/ Manning. 430-7815. CEDAIR VALLEY RESORat cfOrono, 4th Concess Iln,7 7bk. as cf HW. -351115. Sesnal campgiounid. --,Beautiful. $887 (1992-93). 1-416-786-2562- . CLEARWATER,FLR'A -3. bedroom, fully, fumished. air conditlonsd homes. Pols,-bot tub, besohe s tIt ons. Chll- ren welcome. Leu. than- motel. $275> wed.683-5503 MORTOAGES 15T & 2NDSte 95%Y ef value. AU.' peWty'Wtypes. Personal: bans. Ou4 svcan approvals. OCl Raycan ýFinancoM Utd, 571-2880 Oshawa, 686-2936 Pickering. RIVATE moRTrGAGES -'the place, te go when', your banks~f "NO." -Serving Whltby aine,93 668-7200. ANBI INVESTMENTS.. 10 TOANY KItiENS? WaNTA PUPPY "Iwww N01W m 1 è CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE- UTS FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL. ONE BILL DOES IT ALL - COMING EVENTS. COUNTRY CONCERTS: Garth Brooks. Clint Black. Alan Jackson. Doug Stone. Hmnk Williams Jr.. BiiîyRmy Cyrus. For ticket packages, cali Great eana Ian Tours 613-546-5997, 613-384- 0796. CRAF TWORLD ARTS.. CRAFTS & COUNTRY Cptisctibies Octobar 16-18. Mtra EatTrade Centre. Brook Road, Pickerinq. The largasi show of Is kind ln Canada! Information 519) 351-8344. HAVELOCi< COUNTRY JAMBOREE PARTY wth Ronnia Hawidns, Good Brothers, Mac Wiseman, Jim, Jesse. Anita Perras,.Tonry Sumsiom. Aug. 14'.15. 16. 705-778-3353 days, 705-778-5205 nights. ST. JACOBS CRAFT SHOW AND SALE: Saturday Auguat 22.9 a.m. - 5 p.m.:ý Sunday Auguat 23. 10 m.m. - 5 p.m. Aduits 32.50. Arana f ull ai crmftst St. Jacoba Arona, foliaw Hwy. 86. north of Kitchener-Wmterloo. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwastarn Schooi of Auctioneering. Naxi Cas: Nov. 21-27. Information, contact: Southwestarn Ontario Schooi of Aucionearing, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ont aro. N4S 7V9 <(519) 537-2115. TRUCK< DRIVER training AZ and DZ courses. also air brake, dan gerous goods. dafansIve driving. log book and border crossing. Rodgers Schooi. Ontaros idet. Cmii 1800668-0031. ý BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Impor tern of BLUE LîGHT BLOCK sunqimssas sekm sergatk magants. distributors. rataiars for best-seiling. paputar fine ai sungiasses. 3-year wmrrmnty, newspmper advertiaing support. Active Accessorias Imc. (416) 338-2422., BUSINESS PERSONALS -MEET SOMEONE NICE FORFRIENDSHIP. mrr2age. The aystemn has worked auccsfuiiy fo25 years and 125.000 Introductions. Confidantiai. 6021 Vonge Street. 0812, Toronto, Ontario M2M 3W2. STEEL,.BUILDINGS *BâTdtJIL'DINd OICE9 - SlèeO SriwmiItye not quonset - 32x54 $7.344; 40x72 $10.276;, 50x90 $15.882; 60k126 $22.972.- otier sizes avaitabe - Final uînmer cIeancl- Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. YH ESOT ID IOQTniriManFcTurEr DiARe...MaNyT p~MIS TndioanuEfacturGr onec..Mn model an30fpt i1do 10 60 fEt Ide. onUodeaNT30D.oetwlE T PRICS. amplwe 46x0 cmpiTEE *IJh ensT = 32.71Eparsquar 4fxoo mpfarJlote31f =h ens3=.2 .7A parsq~9.,ur foo.AterYDul E1 mndsm3.2Z;ACS2109L.,NBU R' US 1-800-668- 422. flaxibllîty. may 4L' an or m ne4. The an swer, IF tud Sfr L T ou pcOPtocbn' be wrong. Cai 1 .iQ68-8653 Your md couidi tppear Un coinmLnity nbiws or mny In.,ldual.çprvince. Space IsI PURPLE 1MAFITIN HOUSES(MARLUS FINEST) mnd'houssa foi other omt-etng birds. B ird Books, Domers wanted. *Naturel Insect Control*î R.R. 02. Stevensville, Ont. LOS 1 S0 (416) 382-ý 2904. Fmx <416) 382-4418.- INVISIBLE FENG#NO - The orVUnal endpo-w dog contmlnviont ssfh. 'Over 150,000 çdog8e-. stand behinW Invisible Fencing. Indoor'mnÃŽd, outloor ysterfs. Gumrantoed. l1-800-61286., MORTGAGES MORTOAGE MONEY FOR, HOMEOWNERS. Pay Off BHIl, Credit Cardai. Start New Business.. Example: Borrow 3100, Rs,,,lpayS100.0Oý Monthly. No Oualifying.Hasies. Intranscon FinancialToi-Fros -00-2681429. EMPLOYMENT ýOPPORFTUNITIES, WE NEED A MORTGAGE BROKER or- romi estata broker týo mot as mort g mg agent ln this arma. Cati Intransicon Finaricial Group 1-.80.269. 1429 ask for J.R,« KLUSKUS SOHOOL. REMOTE' AREA.. Kindergarten .- grade 10 preferance. Categopi 4- 56. Certif la ny province In Canada. Deadline: August 10. 1992. Send resumoe by fax: 1-604- 992-3929 r phono: 1404f-99248186. HELP WANTËD We need OU taii bye i& giltafor.C &M Gifa.- NO INVeSTME NT,, NO-DELIVERIES. no coltection. Cmii 519-258-7905 or fax,519-258. 0707 for freea mb. SENIOR REPORTER FOR LARGE EASTERN Ontario weekiy. Prefermbiy 2 years' experiance. Good compensation. Cmli ChrisMust, Smiths Fatls Record News. (613) 283-3182. fax (613) 283-7480. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. GOVERNMENT SEIZEDISURPLUS VEHîCLES U.S. and Ca nadtmn low as $100. BMWs, Cadulcs. Choya. Fords, Mercedes. Poraches, trucks, vans. Amazing fres 24-hr. recording revomis how. Ã.416631-4666. i3USII'EgSSERVICES. GOVERNM gNT GRANTS. LOANS & assistance programa <(Féderal & Provincial) for your new or exstng 'mii business. Information <514) 97 2422 ext. 98. SOUTH CAROLINA-MYRTLE BEACH RESORT.* Oceanfront condom, housekeoping Includod. Indoor/ou.sdoor pools. whlrlpoco. saunas, tènnis, putting green. SurTimer rentais from $505/wëek Free brochure:1-800-448-5653.-' LAKESID E COTTAGES. FULLY EOUIPP ED kitchen. firepiaco, 3-bedroom cottages $760.00 weely. 1- end 2-bedroom avaltable. Children's pogm.wter sports, fishIng. Beachwood R'sort 705) 657-3481 Lmkefiotd. Ont. apapars n Ontaro, or right across Canada,'i Jlmited, mo, Cmii This Nqwspmper Todmyl BLANKEfXD RE OW-OCROSS CANADA MARtKETPLACE' To emha â d=mwkel, advedi»e hîuughot h. ral)mmbeshp cf h. Onmr c4ndmncfaommuni>'N.wp= aAssodahions centrai Ontario 65new a -3S160 fo%2: wotrJs *AH Ontaro 171. newspmprs - $350 for 25 wor AllCanadaSV2n rs- $974 for 25 words For further Information pifoa8e at the Whltby Free Prea classIfleds - 668-0594 - WHITBY for rent. b#throme amenties. p.ým. j- - ....' Compete Bathroom Renovallons from concept 16 completion Çeralc 11e and Morbie Fee Esîlmales. Réferences. J& D CONSTRUCIQN I .1% 9 nelusive.