PAGE 4. i'IT FREE PEX.WENSDYA <IUT .992 Concerné over labouir law riefornu Chamnber goes, to, Queen's Park I For Denise Housà e FRAN DEMERINO (leit) of! the Royal Bank's West Lynde branch.,presents, Ahn rèt,à mrîtaiq.assat Dise'lHouse, with' '$32 'that banl( poyesraised throug a barbecue. Denise ,House, a shéllfôr'.abused ârf ?id their cdhildren, serves Durýham R*gion."- Photo by MrkReeà or, Whty <Free Pross ,The -ChatznOmber cf Commerce is taking its battle against the Ontario labour reform legisiation te Queen 's Park. ý" h-chaxnber's government relations committee will'make a 30-miniute -presentatiop te ýthe Btandin omite 'nBill 40 neitaAg 12, 7:30 Chamberpresident. Trevor Bardens is urging a nybody1 with concerne about thé eÈeslation te make them known'te ,the chamn- ber so it'can include them in its presentation. *. «Ti e ehaps the hast chance for Whitby's business community, *te mrke ýpublic its *concerns on tis partiua ic of legislation before' it becomes loup » sayrBardens. -he chambr has faxed a-sur- vey te ail members asking what effect the legishation je ikely te have on future, investment ýand whether they've .posBtponÃà * in- vestmient plans because of it. > Chamber generail manager Deb Filipsays anyone can mtake a wrL submission, .but 'it muet be'submnitted teý the commiittee by Aug. 28. Pepl can caîl the chamber office -or assistanceý in preparing individual', submissions or for qestionnaires to help compile I"acts and figues, says Filip. Thechamnber is also rnakfig available .a sliinmed-down ver- sion of its submisaion that Peple céan senid inon their own letter- head. .The Whitby, chamnber fret voi- ced concerne over, the 'proposed legislation more than year ago. UJnemployed -worékersto, meet <The' Unempoed Workers! Association. wi- l hold -an information meeting-on, Tuesday, Aug.. 25,, 7 te, 9 p.m.,at' the Steelworkers' Union Hall, corner of John and Albert streets, A number of speakers from the community will . tahk about the ,-problems experienced by unemphotyed workers antd somne of the ways to resolve, them.. A guest speaker'froém the Jobs OntarioTraIning -Funrd 1Win discuse opportunities «for t;raining under tenew prograrnin, Durham. Foe furÃŽ6ther in formation, call L. Perkins at. (416) 6341 (Bowmanville) or M. Genesse at 571-3272 (Oshawa.) BROOKLIN STUDENT Tarnmy Reeves tempts Celine Ryan with some freshly. baked butter tarts. Reeves is working at Barb's, Brooklin Deli and'Baked Goods through the SummerStart program,- run by the YMCA and funded by Canada Employ- ment and Immigration. Ten Whitby stu- dents are getting work experience through the program, designed for youth aged 14 to 16. Photo by Mark Reesor, WbyFr0.Pre" CIM course' o.ffered n~a , lm* THmErsi sUie (416) 404-2495 Manges and potential managers wihl have an oppor- tunity te upgrade their manage- ment skcils and earn a certificate in management (OM) at night echool. An information and regis- tration night wiHh be hehd on Thursday, Sept. 3, at, 7 p.m., room E217, main building, Durhanm College in Oshawa.' Cahl (416> 434-7689 for further information. Applications are avaflable by writing te P.O.,Box 24089, 601 Dundas St. W., Whitby, Ont. LiN MX. Trent Uni versity '> at Durham College Fall-Winter: Seëpt. toApril By study in Oshawa alone, you may obtain a T rent deègree in: Anthropology, Cultural.Studies, Economnics, English, History, P6liiics, Psychology or Sociolpgy. Information: 5 August, 4:00-8:00 p. m., - Oshawa Public Library For à brochure'éor m"ssoninfo.r-- mation, pleasecall (416) 72349747 or (705) 748-1229.'- totten sîms hubîcki associates Totten Sims Hubloki Assoclates (1991) Ld. I lsedt announce the elecion of the followin o ers and Board tof Directors, following t nnual shareholders meeting July 8. 1992: Ger yWnoepesident Bb ,akrsenior vice-president; Geff =leo ganDutan. Marucelj, vice-presidents; Fred Claytn cgrpratesceay ogA llngham, Day. Beh m, Don Bumne, Jimr Een,= Bruc e teranà d Peter Smith.' Ted Sims, having served the company as the first Chairman of the Board from 1991 to 1992, annocunced his'resignation due to his pending-retirement. He was succeeded by former president John Hubioki. Honourary irectors elected include George Totten, Ted Sims, Ron Patcheil and. Hugh Glennie. In addition,. John Campbell was elected to the Associates Advisory Committe., ioiniet Ra* Mosur, Leo, Sanchez, Jbm,,Tsai, Kai Weselan and Dalton Woods. Totten 'Sims' Hubboki- Is- a multbdbsciplinalry consultingý firm offering compréhensive services in engineeiring, .archtecture and plannin te the public and. private sectors. Currently, in its 3Oth approacOing 350.ý WHITBY OSHAWA 223 Brock St. N. 555 Simcoe St. S. #3 666m5O5O 436m2l22 New clients Up to 30ltmý. - Doos not include products. 1 -