WIffIFMEE RES, WEDNE8DAYAUGUWP 5, 2992.PAGE 7 PG'E ,SEVEIN 1 7 mi Vacation wisdom Saag arbour, P.E.I., - Now that we're safely through more than haif of a vacation, it might be helpful if we shared some vacation wisdom. Number mne: Avoid travelling any distance with'a child who is just learning te whistle. (Don't ask.), ,Number tw« Ditto for doing anything with a seven-yeair-old just learning te, make sound effects. "Know what this is?" (Follows some lip-smgckig sounds a dog might, make playing the harmonica.) "No. what?" 'That was a frog eating bugs." You get the picture. Number tbrS . Do flot expeet eblîdren te be thrilledby the things wbich thrill aduits. "9Ohthis is great. Three whole days in the cottage w »th nothing te do but read. Nve looked forward te this alyear." (That'g the aduIt reaction.). svi.his is boring. There is nothing to do. We don't have a VCR or a TV. We don't have a CD player. The dog was sick on my pillow. I want to go home." (Guess who?) Nwnber.fouS. Forgelt the adage about taking half the. clothes and twice thîe money. Proper planning for a vacation requires ne of two alternatives. Thing one: Us nly haif the trunk space. This allows some room te, lug home aIl the stuf you've collected.,Or, Thing two: Collect nothing. The. latter, option lias certain' appeals. It does require . planning. It helps, for instance, te keep wives out of craft shops. Children should be kept off beaches, playgrounds, swirnming pools, decks, boats or patios. 'Even then,« it is wjse toe check luggage and trunk areas regularly. Dead crabs, I can tell you, must b. discarded after two days.ý Dead flsh, if sinall enough and cauglit alive,. mighit last three days in, a sealed jar.' Number- five: Always insist on renting- cottages guaranteed te b.e mosquito-fre.. (Quick now: how dees Don Quayle spell mosquite?) (Note to Maurice: correct my spelling of mosquite if r'm wrong. Who would want te be known as the Dan Quayle of mosquitees.)J Speaking of which. Why, in the middle of the night, do these insects arrive serially (one- at a time) instead of in a mass attack? Je this a sign of their superior intelligence? Are they preparing for. psychological warfare by sending* in single volunteers -- just as you are starting tý.o nod off? Twenty minutes later, after you've got the little bugger and turned out the light and have begun te doze off once more.. Z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z'. On this I have no wisdom to offer. 'Not unless a sound effect frog might ha trained te eat them. Numiber six: Plan for every possibility.. Last week, it was'my intention te write about the ails of travel and fax pages back te Whitby on Tuesday morning. The reality of travelling one thousand seven hun dred and forty kilometresin, two -days, followed by two days of family reunion, killed that plan. <Tonight (it's Monday as I write on a table in a cottage on the north shore of P.E.I., 35 kilometres from Charlottetewn) ... teniglit, I discover a worse handicap. No paper. Sending facsimiles of balîpoint on teilet tissu. didn't seem righLt This required a special trip te tthe conveniience store at the Irving station, 13, kilometres down the. road. Potatees., videos, but no writing paper. It.is nine-thirty. It is dark I do, not cherish a wild, midnight search. So I ask the clerk First she offers a pad of counter cheques. "Oh, youmean te write a letter?" 'That would ha perfect. .1 10OYEAR8 AGOI- frmthe WednesdayAugut 4, 1982 edition«ofthe WH1BYFEEPRESS *Durham school trustee, Ian Brown says the Florence-Heard School wil b. sold in 1985 or 1986.- *Mayor Bob Attersley announced that Makita Power Tools will build- a factozy in -Whitby. * he'Town of Whitby has received a$50,0»00 provncial grant for a hot at the Port WVhitby Marina. *Donald Gartshore, son of former mayor Jim. Gartahore, has received a diploma i architectural tecnoogy from Centennial College, Scarborough. '35 YEARS AGO from the Thrdyugt 8, 1957 edition of the WITBY WEEKLY NEWSýý *Qùeen's Scout Gerry Barrons writes lettersà 1tée the Weekly Neîws ro the Woeld Scout' Jambor-eehingad *The Town. council i8s eeking" a zoning bylaw, amendment te -build a new town hall i Centennial ParkL * illiam J. Anderson, the founder of a jewelry box company that came to Whitby ini 1947, died on Ang. 4ýat the age of 90. *DoctorsX <. Hobbs and G.A Jaciw have opened an office i the Whitby Plaa 100 YEARS AGO from the-Fday, Anguat 5, 1892 edition of the WHITW. CHRONICLE *Missafleatrice Dartnell ham painted the Royal Coat of Anne at the Court House. *The. Town'clerk has dispovered that no taxes have been paid for years on 30 to, 40pacl of land in Whitby. * Homewoode,' th ' residenceOf the late Lewis Houck, at Byron and John Streets, 15 for sale. *George Ld ide barh-em hi hiy Townshi was destroyed by lire on July 29.' L 1 ~IbDDI I 00, i- E WHIfl3Y STRECET PAIR PARADE, BROCK STEET, AUGUST 1, 1934 This cycist on thé penny-farthing bicycle in passing -the. ré hall and'town hall at thé corner of Brock and Coîborne Streeta where the main lire hall i now. The street fair raised fumds for the Legion and Rotary Club of Whitby.