&~~'i4>oV~I * ~Ji v Hobie ý Cat regatta in Whitby Trhe ,Whitb 'Yacht- Club is holding its ,fiIh annual. regatta this.weeëkend. *TIi. event has a good repu- tation ini the yachting qommunity -- it was chosen as the site for the. Canadian national competi- >rgainzer l'.ler Cebbett says they're expecting about 4o boats fromn Southern Ontario and uPstate New York for this year's regatta, which is a regienal event. The. colourful'Hobie Cat' boats, which .have two ponteens will be set up- on -the yacht du6 Lbeach Friday .afternoon azidSatuirday' mormng. Racin' gtsauderway at il a.xn. Satu1rday merninlg and 10 a.M. Sunda' morning, and goés for three; or îour heurs.i TIi. boats will race along a triangular-s3haped, modified Olympie course, says Cobbett. <'Tlie. courses .vâry dependiùg on how strong thi. wind is. If the wind is weak one day,. you'll make quit. à ,smail course which may bà e only, haif -a mile per (trangle) leg. "«Whenthe'wind'is really blow- ing, you'll see up tea ile on a, Spectators are welcome, either on, the.shore or pier; or hïitheir own bas Corbett 9ays. they c< di aise use more volunteers «anybody who wants te spend some time with boats thisweekend, please eaul us! Whltby Fiee Pree. Weckiesday, Auguat 2&6.192,Page 9 ATýTENTION! ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, COMMERCIAL,& INDUSTRlA L BUSINESSES Torbram l,- -,ectric Supply provides. a complete Une of .contractor orientled produts and a fuil line ^ofindustrial eQuipment and, controls. SEMNS Munjj~jlFrue, M,,PHILIPS - Ilon'e 17 c~roo WECARY 0 Ballast > U Batteries. Q Connectors &Fitings Q Cabinets (Cable Tray), Q Conduit-Raceway-PVC Q Rigid-Duct-EMT- Liquid Tite Q Codoling-Heatling 'Ventilating.I Q 'Dist. Equip. .(Switch Gear) Q Explosion Proof Q Enclosure & Fittings Q Fuses,, - 1 Q Fuse Blocks. Q Instrumentation. Q, Lam ps U Lighting-Industrial Emergency.. Q-' Motoir Control Q Outiet Boxes Q PlasticLens Q Photo Electric Equip. QI Pote ýLino Equip.- QSignalling:Devices Q Switches &Relays, Q Tapes Q Tools -& Accessories Q Transforme'rsa Q Control, D!itibution à Auto Q Wiring DeVices, TerminaIs. a2 Wire & Cables prsuippiers OfEI~tia torbram Equipmentto the Trace", Phone .721150 Fax. ,721,-15l03, 1ý801 ,Wen'tworth >St. ,Unit:#7 Whitbýy, DEBORAH and Anthony Johnsop are with son- Ryan, who's.wearing a:christening gown that was brought over from Wales, and, has been in the family for 70. years. Ryan was christened in iR Saturday._ 1Photo by Mark Reebor. hltby Foree Press ~.CORPORATION 0F THE j TOWN-.0F WHITBY 1992 FINAILTAX NOTICE, The fourth instaiment of taxes for 1992 la due and able Septembr 15, 1 992. if paymn asnr S y thie ld epenalty willb addd o th frstdayofdeftgtandth fist ayof each calendar month so long as non-payment continues,attert o -/%per month, or part thereof. If ou aveflo reeged a tax bil and you are responsible for aymnt, plas cntctIh TxDepatment at 68583IDobtiIe neoessalyinformation. Taxes may be pa- at'ay Whitby bank lAthout collection ches or at the 'Muiapil Offilo.,576Rossland Road East , Whitby, O=ni. ln addition,» if you .are a TD Bm ankustnier,' taxes 'may b.PMi by telephone through TD Bankine. LYNN PUCE SUPERVISOR.0F REVENUE LiEU b.A IUII.~I Ask for more details. MUARGESÃY SGARDENl CENTRE 1H DURHAM RE GI10Nj ïiii' l' l Over *1,000, gorgeous fali f lowering, mums now in stoc'k! 9 I I, ir- il - JOHN: BROUWER-GARDEN AND LANDSCAPING CENTRE 650 'Lakerldige Road South, Aax, Ontario LIS 4S7 TELEPHONE: 686-1545 or 68&1680 W 11electric la supply, WHITBY HER ITAGEDA ndSATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12THI LACACan the BIA invite you to corne oui, and join the fun in various locations throughout Whidtby. See next week's edition. For more informationcati 668-5803. NO PAYMEKTSr No INT ST UNTIL MARCH, 20Y 1993O.A.C. PISA Il- 1 1 W, L&à -ýÀ ,1ýilqi