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Whitby Free Press, 26 Aug 1992, p. 13

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Whltbv Fia. Presa, Wedesday,August 26, 1992, Page 13 ! God's Gym fis getting helpt establish Îts new location fo the sanie person who -advisesý Arnold chwarzepnggor-. God's, which is chanmg its name te Whitby Athletlc Club, 9and Kiichi-Sai Judo Club are movinq'to 1375 Hopkins St. Presîdent 'Dan ,Gribben says the Seattle-based consultant advising thein sets up.new clubs and trains staff for Schwarzeneg- ger, who bought the World Gymn chain last spring. "Hoes us our gaine pan, lets us kow w hat we're deahing ~witb;, holda our hand al the 1way thmough it (and) eves us the contacts. and what it takes te do it -- we're just small-town boys, home.» The jgdo clubshould be mev- ing Sept. 1 with the gym moving rover .M (ctobem, accomding te jGribben,, who says both ope- rat ions will be improved. «<Now) we've got our judo and g ym Imixed togother, using -the sanie change rooins. and situif - we're gem g te sejparate thein.» <A "worldcl' las? aerobics roorn,, complote with wooden' floor, is» being built, and new 'Cybex. Seloct-a-rize' and cardio equip- ment added. «Wo already -have the best (free) weight club in tôvï.** «W. want the people ini Whithy ta, qet fit, and wo want them te do it in our club,» says Gribben who notes the new location wl even have a smnalldaycare' centre.' The judo club will be housed in its own, 4,000 sq. foot section. Gribben, who's the Ontarie ,heatvyweight black boIt Chani- kpion, will continue running the classes. P ickering tlrm wins $4.2 million contract JSimmonds Communications Ltd. of pickering recently won the -$4,247,805 contract te provide the radWobased systeins te Revenue Canada, Custeins and Exci se. A new personal- alarin 'and' - security systein designed te increase csons inspecters safety will be installed at 60 bor- dter crossing offices. Dlivery' and systm impIe- mentatien acroas the country will *b. completed by Decemiber 1993. DEBBIE 'LOMBARDO competes- in the -limbo" contestat the Consumers Gas'ana abcu atiemoney.for-the United Way. The United Way campaign begins S ept. 16. Photo bY Mark ROUse.. WbyFm Prosu 5.-ways torev Up your career, (NC)'Are you in a areer slunip? Feeling like you're-'going nowhere? Whether youlre self-emplfyed or working for someone else, here are five >ways te put you in the fast lae --quick. 1. Make a dream 1wa. What bav yo alayswanted te" do? Doode your idea;-- -good or bad, crazy or sans -- on paper te get your .ight brain working. 'magine a perfect day on the job. What ae you doing and in what, setting?, 2. Braintoem. FInd' the ising link between where you are now and where you want te be, how you get frein A te' B. Don't reject any idea, ne matter how idiculous. Opn your mind. AnythinÉgs possble. Then sl.owly work your way v-te reality. Tiy te find ways te niake your dreani corne true. 13. Read newspapers, trade journals% brochures and clip stiniulating articles. 'What are other people doing.that yen could be doing? Look at thein every few menths for inspiration and te rev up your creative juices. 4. Take a course. Whether for interest or for cameor building,,. learmning new things can joît you eut of your mut. And ne w acquaintaInces 'often stimulate. your1 career1 and add *te :yeum professional options. 5. Take'a risk. Exceed youm job description, open a new pmoduct lire, niake a proposaI, launch a ne* business. Ulti- matoly, the only 'way te rev up yucaeer is tetry sornething syadunusual. Good luck Choosing a, mutual fund With over 600 muàtua funds sold 'in Canada, chooig a mutualfund in which to invest can be difficuit, even for the experienced investor. B doingsone hornework,-invesor can ,nerrow the. choices down to la * qty fundssome of wb'ich are eligible for tax prtcion ini Reirement Savings Plans, or te soins incme funds thatmatch the investor's goals. But-how can ani'nvestor. know for sure wbich one te choose? WhUle, there are', no guaranteod teclini ues for fpicking, winners, there are a number of trends invesos should study before making an investinent. Past performance is one of the besiNways tojug und. Yeté the pass does not always accur&atelyindicato how- a fund ,il -perfoôrin in the future. Past performance'will only reveal how a fund performed under particuflar market coniditionis. For example, some fundsmay.perform el in strng actve markets. Bu t how will they fare when markets ýturn bad?3'at is the real test. To accurately jud e the fnd masreits performance against other funids in th e sanie category. Another factor in making a decision, sheuld De I resuits Of a comarson of funds in torns of risk,-rewvard and stability. The Globe and Mail the Financial Post and Fïnancial,-Turnes of Canada publish 'monthlyF surveys of mutual fund performance. The inancial Tes, lor exaniple, publishes six performance figures for each fund.which represent aniy dividends reé-invested for periods of one rnonth thireo mont hs and one year; and average annual compounif rates of return for one year, five 'years and ten years. An in-vestor May ask: -What is more important, short-tom'or. long-tern performance? Many, financial professionals consider, -mutual funds tokbe lonçý-term investments. But investors sahould a'ise ýexainrethe fun s.current performance,.,as ,it may eveal some changes that may cause an investor te reconsid'er. Fo eaple, a well-established find.with alng roe record may Degin te fail behind competing funds in a mnarket that.isrecovomxng from a crash. Does this mean te mage bas changed bis or. her investment strategy? là he/shebeng overly conservativo because he/sho anticip-ates moreiroubl ahead?,.Or, doqa itmean somüetbing more ommnous sch 'a.a change in manager? Ani invester rnay'find it difficult té.demine what the cause of the decline is. Hlowever, the investeI ay find the answer 'in the fund's quartemlyr report or by consultink with an indepondent mutual ifunid specialièt whotraks'- the performance of ýthat partiular fund Infact, ho or sheï should -inforn th invstor about any changes in; the "'fun's .inveéstinent stmatepy Or peronnl. terail afund's performanc ultimately. relies9 on, the manager's.decisions. Performnance consistency is the-key when choosing a mutuai fund. When a fund does well each year*and outperforms the- majority in badtUies,- then ites the bést. bet an inivestorbhas ýIt proes hatstdyig pstperformance of ,!a.fundis as closetas investers'can get te, predticting future performance of the' funda of their choice. Consuit with an investment advisor te find a furnl that best suits your needs and goals. Theh-tech-',racýe (NC) In-an' increasngly hi-tech world, how can the entreproer keeo'up?, with the1 big *gens' when youlre hanpered by ýlimited .mesources and' personel but, today, entrepreneurs have te ýconstantly look, ý.for ways te upgr'ade technology. Hemo's what you con do te keepup--or catch up-inth W PAGE 14. Did you know that most people spend more lime planning.-their ana vacation than planning their financial future? If this is a wonry to you then cali me for an'overview ýof your financial health... Included in our discussion wil be: CaHime now for an overview of yourfiînancial health!* XERIjDJJTKA Servp .fflý,ýyMtbvQ-s ehawa, 41

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