~, V ~! Žf42fe-LA, Page:22ë,Whltby Fiee Press, Wednesday, August 26,1902 CHARLOITE DIAMOND -, CONCERT Tickets will go onsale, Se pt. 1 at >ail", branches 0f the , Whib Public Libary for. th e Charlotte Diamond concert at Heydenshore Pavillon. A Juno award winnerý, Diamond bringé new meanig'to the, word funI ickets are $6 each or$20 for afamily ffaUr.' ONE PARENT FAMJEIlS, North Oshawa Chapter, On, Parent Familles Association, wil meet Sept. 2,. 8 panm at,<Chist' Church, - Mary and Hillcroft streets, Oshawa, for ite monthly general meeting. New membere anîd gueste 'welcome.',For infrmtincall 668-7579 or' 434-3687. :REGIifFRATION' ReItaton for sparks .(must b. aged 5 on or bder Sept. 8), brownes, ilgude andpath- fidrs forBrok and surroun- ding ares, wflll' b. held on Tuesday, S. ,6:3 to 8 p.m., at Brakln ,Uited Church. Regist ration la on a first-c ome, firt-eredbasis. Srryno pre-registration. The> first meeting, a on roasat, wllb. held on',' 'Sept. 115. For furtiier i .nformation, cali M. Jackoeat 655-4469. SAVE-A-EART COURMS Durham -Save-a-Heart, -has scheduled over. 30 courses te beginiintue-fal, 12 of which wil b. avallable through area high achools iL coapa<ation with'tue Durham Board'0fEducation Adult Learning Centre, Anderson CVI' wiil- hoîd an infant/chuld course on Sept. 22f and Oct.-6, 7 te, 10 p.m. Advance registration le required. For'more information, contact Durham Save-a-Heart at (410)666-0995., COMPATIBLE COMPANIONS CONNEC~TION located inWhitby. W. are holding meetingsfor ësmgleas and have various social events, iLe. da ig bowling, simin 901fn carde, tieatre, nightclub., bingo, po tluck and dining out, etc. Meetings are held every 4rdy, 7 tu 10, p.m. Memibershupî applic- able., New memibers welcome., Phno1800-461-ý7391. I THE REGIONAL, MUNICIPALITY,0F DURHAM, NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS 0FTHE TOWN. 0F WHITBY>ý The Regional Warks Department wili b. con- ducting smoke testing on OUECM St the sanitaryse r systemn. Th-étesting will commnence [»J on Manday, August 31, F 1992 and wilI be corn- Ç.L pleted by Friday, September 4, 19Ã92. ttLNuT U!J L The area affected will be -- - tram Dundas St. W. to ~ I~W [ Bonacord Ave. and tram ot Lynde C0reek ta Palace St. j For informationî contact: Fl Bilan Tatcheil, 1 Superintendent £ l DUDA_ MWY. Oshawa/Whitby Depot 825 Conlin Road î E.~ WhýhOntario Li N 6A5 Tel. M .: 1-416-655-334 - IU L!SJ V.A. SILGAIUIS, P.ENG. CONISSONER 0F WORKS CORPORATION 0F THE, TWN 0'F WHITBY. WHITBY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD APPOINTMENT, The Council,,ao the Corporation ai the Town of WVhitby invites applications for appointaient ta the Whitby Public Uibrary Board ta Iii a vacancy in the membershlp af the Board. If you are, a resident af the Town of Whitby; a) Canadian citizen; Libraiy; and, (e),nt mpo e yather the Whitby Public Ubrary or the Townof you are invited ta make application for appointment ta the Board. Appicaton'faims are avallable fron the Clerks Office. Completed applications should b. submitted ta the Clerk by no later than Monday, August 31, 1992 forth. Coudecisconsideration. The lasiý date for subinlWtngapplicatiorm la Mondsy, Auguat 31, 1992. Aipfcations WUl be meviewed by the Cauncil and applicants wufl be advised ofthe Counci's decision. DONALD G. MdCAY CLERK THE CORPoRA1ioN OFTÃŽHE 16O0F wWBY STEAM THRESHING DAYS The . -Uxbridge , Historical Society will present the -2lst annual - 1Steam. Threshing Daye, Aug.2"9and 30, fi=o1to5p.m., atthe museumgraunds, 'one mile West of Uxbridge, one-fo urth mile north o ukrHiivnswiil include a parade of antique eteam engines, tractors adcar, cider pressing, blacks...ig, a miniature raiway, 1numerous crafts and a c jin in' quilting bée .directed by,,Ontario qulter.. Sheila Malane. ý Refresbments will -b. available. Parking is fre.. Admission is $5 for adl 3 for students and seniors and .$2 for children. SINGLES PICNIC 'Singles, Picnic,' for, men.-and women, willb, heéld on Saturday, Aug. -29, starting at il a.m. at Paulynn Park in Ajax. There is a $4,cover charge for food. Bring your own .beverage,. a -water gun and, your ýown picnic accessories. The picni e s.bei*ng held by New Friends (civorced separated or single mothers). Pô;r more infor- mation caîl Diane'at 683-4070. ONTARTO RIDING BBQ >René Soetens, Ontario ridmng MP, wil hast, a 1Keeping -in Touch', barbecue on Thusdy, Aug. 27, 5 p.m. to dusk,' at Petticoat Creek Conservation Area. Ail are welcome;-There will b. hamburgers, hotdogs, corn and refreshments.'Cabinet. minieters will b. in attendance. SEPEMBR COURMSS St. John Ambulance, Witby, branch, wiil hoîd the followin courses, in September. Firet aïid and CPR: Sept. 8, 15, 22, 24 (Tuesday and Thursday), 6 ta 10 p.m;,Set. 4,15(Monday and Ç'uesday);8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m.; Prday, Sept. 18, 6 te 10 p.m.; Saturday, Se pt. 19, 26, 8:30 a.m- ta 4:30 pan. irst aid and CPR for new parents and care providers: Friday, Sept. 11, 6 te 10 p.m., and Saturday, Sept. 12, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. Standard first aid recertification: Monday, Sept. 21, 8 a.m. ta, 5 p.m. CPR (ail levels): Sept. 8, 10 (Tuesda and Thursday), 6 te 10 p.m. %ÃŽrst aid for youth aged 10 te 14: Sept. 19, 20 (Saturday and Sunday), 9 am. ta, 4 p.m. Firet aid for children aged 8 ta 10: Saturday, Sept. 26, 1 ta, 4 p.m. For more information, cali 668-9006 or 668-4159. COPE NERDS.VOLUNTEERS The. COPE' Mental Health Progiramn af. tii.Durham Region Colmruty Care, ÀAssociation ie récruitingr volunteers for programô that' offer a support sysitem ta aà dulte wNith emotional and psychiatric, problems. The free eight-week training course, 'Helping à and ýCommunication Slls will begin in September.. For more details, -cail Sharoný Cochrane, administratar, Oshawa/Whitby COPE, at 434-1693. AIL]REGISTRATION Fal*rg,$ra'on for adulte and lesh ers for -' English as a NLon-pro communftygo ,Whilbyor have a substantiai Whl membershlp May place their page at f0noa r hn.WIb CESABEAN PIIEVENTON The. Cesarean Preëvention, Support and Education Group wiil holda meeting on Monday, Aug. 31 730 p.m, at 97 Brunswick st., Oshawa. Tii. tepic for discusion, wii b. VBAC. Mmi group. provides information, and support frprnso rfs sionals iterètdin any aspect 0f cesarean childbirth. or.,morne information, caRý 579-7518 -or 576-0562. REGISTItATION- Registration !for: 2nd',B]rooldi scouting (beavers, cube, sco"ut,< venturers and rove) wilb.ýbeî on Monday, Sept. 14, 7:30 pan., at Meadowcreet public i - choal Brooklin. A corn rosat willb. held on Wednesday, Se pt. 9,'6 p.m.,at Rotary Park, beide ,the echool.1 For more informÃŽation, oeil Bob Havery at 655-3092. VOLUNTEER NEEDE Kide on'tii,. Block, anon-profit organization dedicated ta provi- ding children with an awarenes of disabilities and'sial iss»ues through 'ue use of puppets," is îookdi for mature, committed unii astoe assist as volunteer for tue echool year 1992193. Those interested muet: be available one half daY or on. eveni 'r week, hvgodmemory sils, enJoy chuILdrnbe able'ta work as part of a tea= and b. -avalable for training sessions once a week for a period of six to eight weekse. Own transportation'la an asset, but not required. Orientation is scheduled for Sept.,3. For more,, inforain alCrlHta at 576-0597 or Suzanne Nobes at 436-0925. LA LECHIE La Loche League Oshawa wil hoîd its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 9. Mothers and nursing babies are weîcome. For more information about the meeting, including location, cal 723-0542. MATSUYAMA BONSAI The 1Matsuyama .Bornsa Society wiIl hoîd a meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 9,, 7 p.m.,. at Faitu Place, 44 William St. W., .Oshawa. Those initerested.in tue art of bonsai, are welcome. Cail 416-725-2046 or, 416-683-2568 for more information. SUMMER EST CAR SHOW. A Summer Fest car-,show will b. held "on Saturday, Aug. 29, 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m., ýat Fairview léodge, 632 Dundas St. W., Whitby. Ail, vehicles, muet b.' pre-1980, and there will b. awards, prizes and giewy. Trophy presentations w d . at 3 pan. Registration ie $8 prior ta the event or $10 the day of the show. Sponsored by Van Hemmen Tie M aes, 317 Hopldns St.,, Witby proceeds will go tawards, tue AIZeimere' day prograM and otuer, Fairview programu1 e. For morà e infiormation, call Stacy Van ,Hemmen at 668-433. êA~ *Faniiy.Monuments . *,,Granite or Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasfing StaffordMonuiments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby Afterllours 668-4460 ofor 66-1513 Hoineappoinnta'glad1y amTnged. RANGEES sUPOWTEESý Whitby, Gla»gW ne SupportersClubwl hl generald meetin on Sunday, Aug. 30, 1i p.m., at te lubroome, 227 Brack St. S. For more informa- tion, cail 728-0194, or 430-9057. DROP.OFFPI.YGROUP Roots &Vinge offers 2- te 5-year-oldi etories', crafte, .songe .i a cheerful, c'reative, environ- ment, Mon. te Fr.,--9 tâ l rn or 1 te 3 p.m. PCaliýMelody Mechano, 668-1928.> ONE PARENT FMLE Oamwa Chapter One, Parent Families Association will*,hold a meeting on, Tuesda èPt. 8p1 .,atS M.Hl Settiement.-Ho'm, 387 Simca. St. S. New members 'andgestdaare welcome. .Formoreinoradon, cal 436->5089 r 433-0832. DEN MEING, Dunbam Enironmeèntal-. Net- w wll hold. a meietiýng on' Sept. 10, 7-30'p'ý.., t Durham .ýCollego ini tii lcture hall. Questseae wil b.~enirametal. ornh4 aà d hmas., tigof lis experiences in ltePersian Gulf War. Avidea on <eco-war' will alo b. shown. ,Advanceé ticketse are- $5for adute, $3 for students or ý$6 and $4 at the door. For tickets or more information, oeil Jody Nusman at '436-1642 or the Earthdance .Store, O9haa. at 435-0497. BACK TO CLAMS FOR The. Witby 1Seniors'Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S., -will hold registration for falintrctina classes flor members s. tarting Tuesday, Sept., 8,1M l .3., and for the reet of the week until classes are fuUl. Registratio'n is on a fi!ret-come, rst-served:basis. For mr information about courses being' offered, cali the, -centre agt 668-1424. MOVING Information,.WVhitby .will be moving in September fromn their office --at the Whitby, Public Library. -men., branch, -ta .the, facility npw ocÇcupied by-the' WMiby Joui" >Informnation Wenre, M00 Broclt.S Iormation Whitby iilbe comiig ohservices! »under the amisrtion, of the Whitby Public ià brary.Due tatus moe heIfrmatoWhib service will b. interrupted within the, two weeks after Labà ur Day. However, the. lbrarYs .new public access computer system wiil'have community informiation available. IObituary I Marjorie 'McIntosh' died at' Fùîrview LIodge Whitby o Augueit 16, 1992.ëh Waasl9.. 1 h. was born in,-Whitby on Februýary14, 1899', daugtro A resden o Whitby i her a'ese a Àlgl secetary