i II'.~ ijl~',' . - Page 24. WNhy Fr.. Presa, Wednesday. Auguet 26,1092 M--ajor peewees,:,fali short ini EOBA playoffs, The Whitby ,Legionimajor, peewee baseball. team -had two' wins and ai1les."'in the EOBA tp:yo tornaznent Aug. 8 te, 9 lu' Whtywon their first two games,10-3 o e i.host teanxi PortHop an an8-1 -Acision I the, Port Hope gaine, the offence came frein the batsof Ryan Balan with' four' bits,- Colin Cockburn with three, Derek Grieve and Ryan Gratin with two apiece. Singlebits went ta, Lars Clay, Whitby mixed slo-pitch andpumdim fAà uaia 3 W L T PUS 14 i29 Il 7 1 23 10 8 i 21 a 10 i181 5 12 1i il 5 10 O 10 2 17 O 4' Aivuntage Durhamn Squadh Club Don Charrya terai Sumit HemtService G. Notes ,Whitby- men'sl lopitchý BLUE DIVIION W L T PMB Wat.rbedCastia 22 5 O 44 MaataBedroorn 18 9 1 37 Hmmna"sauc 17 10 1 as Sh.wanElapoport 13 12 3 29 Imn arrootMotora 13 il 1 27, murigo1dmomo 133laO028 Maviola 9 17 O 18 ]BLUIJ IHT DIVISON AdanagTecon 16 8 2 Si Huhulwu 16. il 1 31 Th ovaShp 14 13 1 29 CimclaTuei 10 12 4 24 La atta 8 20 O 10, p.droh 7 19 1 15 WlakuJacka 6 21 1 18 Au«"ua1 Mad«Badroom Shevan Bapopoit Pedr% Pzz Whltby Jacks mariols La Bratta BugbHalawks The Movie Shop 'CiréI Auguat 17 The Moyle Bhop La Bratta &*evan Rapoport NLargol MaItff A a8 Matefedroooe WaIebed CasUie Moviola Ian Burmon otera Augfuat 19 AdvantagTeleim Slawapaes The Noria eh* La Brtat w*qjaMw 13 Jobn Yetman 10 John Mlellat 16, Paul Fvea 12 s 7 16 Dare Ca"icho 8 DM o ltt 23 GordPFerumon 2 Paul Denara.n Gard Fergusan ii Elcambe Paul Stte. Mais Woods, DmnJennipngs Non Sédoi 14 ' 7 ZckeTrana 12 Buv.TI 12 Gay Emt lNdGar 12 Stn. Doug Clarke and Biyan Thorpe. Sharing the three-hit victory were. Clarke and Thorpe. The. Newcaà stle gaine was'close -and..deadlocked at 1-1-when Whitby exploded for five runs Iin the feurth inning, highlighted 1b3r Balan'.bases-learing'triple. were gettin¶ in the bit p"r Donneily, Grieve, Clarke and Clay. Bialan'and'Kyle McFarlane in relief ihared.,,the win ;--a-on. bitter. Whîtby's neit opponent was the only ther undefeatod teamiii the eight-team tourney- In h~ contest Whitbhy feul behùind in the fifth inning 8-2 b«fre maldng .a ,«spiritedl comeback in the. next -two inninïgo. Hweerven a two-run home riun off the. bat o Crotin i tii.ý seventh mnnng- was not enough as Whitby'is comeback feul a little short, losing 8-6. Getting thebits lmthisgame were McFarlane and Balan with' two, uiingles to Clay, Clarke, Donnelly and- Mark Pitzgerald. McFarlarw. took -the 1éma as Whitbywas -elminated -,froin frerplay. On Aug.- 5 Whitby was home t. Ajax Ifi the. firat game of the Ontario Basebal , Association playown. Wbtbyagain, came out on top over Ajax by a score f r>-1. Thorpe went the distance for the winners, backed by soin fine defence. Witby could only muster seven bits,, but made use of them, nailing down the victory. Donnelly led ail bitters, with two and singles came, from Qyvsonka, Clarke, Thorpe, Crotin and Grieve. Whitby then travelled down the'401 "on'Aug. 10 for an OBA gane vw ithKigton. With rain threatening ai night and Durbam W L T PIM BcpruCube 10 1 2 2 WhtbyFrPrma 10 4, 1 21 8HO~i 4 2 18 RaMaxRmulty 9 5 O 18 Oaawa This Wek 8 8 1 17 Oshiawa Timeus 6 6 O0 12 Agrpreai 5 8 1 il NewsaMveLae 6 8 O 010 Canada Ernployment 't4 10 1 9 CKDORadIo0Olis O O -Durhaùi socoer au etAagn" 24 UNDEK 10- AIGUS Whltby W.E. Nugmi«ailOPcharng Coegab 1 Witby CuL .luew Ellubeth "lund Patricla Hanq Whitby Ilant RUatc Lynday Eitb Whltby HlgiadVaLn Lauran Aimu Enngypotma Whltby LiSonaClub AmamLda Alcali Kcathffina Smith 1 Ajax Dichun PtInL t 2 Pick. Pto Canada 0 1 Whtby lJenaClub 0 4 AjazLimnsClbb 2 Ajaxumar Tool UNDM Il - NOQUTI Whllby Iiiiaa 3 Mea rusa" Ajax uni AN. Whtiby Opdirnita 0OPlckarlg Mna" 3' Whitby DeviSa Fres. AjuenaAN.0 WhitbyHanliman lin Vandadlp2 NagsnEau.ua Amanda 4 Whlthy Mari NatubaWIq Nais hasmv UNDU 14 - mWE Çb. 4 lU -i I l-" 8 vt 17 à ' Mida lightning nearby, the umpire let the gaine continue into the flfth innmtg with the store of 1- 1. In. the. bottoni of the fifth, go-aadrnMiuelaeth raim tsdtedaodbcm a virtual mud bowl. Unfortunately for Whitby, the. gaine was in the books as an officiai gaine, sùd >Wbitby lost 2 - 1. Clay took the loss with:Crotin~ and ..itzgerad getting the only bits.- Whitby's final- gaine of the season, was part- of the ONE tournamtent in :Toronto on Aug. 21. hity was up< against Waterloo and ran- right ,into a brick wall in the f oincf 'a left-handed pitcher. He, was a one-man wrecking machine as he no-it Whitby and bit a three-run home rpm to help bis teain defeat Whitby 7-0. 1Whitby only managed te -get on. 14asrunner and that camp on an -errer. The,.-Waterloo pitcher wagso8 overpowering that Whi tby only bit the bail eut of the infleld once. The Whitby miajqr teain ended up? with an- overa urecord of ,25 wins anid il lcôssès for the 199 season. Teain members were Derek Grieve, Bryan Thorpe, Rysu BlKyle McFarlâne," Sean DnelColin Cockburn, Lars Clay, Derek Salvatin, Adrian Bugelli, Deug Clarke, Michael =vsnk, Ryan Crotin,- Mark ditgealddMichael Johnston. The. coacbing staff *consi*sted of head, coach George -Clay and assistant coaches Carl'McFarlane and John, Turner. By Steve Tait Adria, an& Durham Celtic fought te a 1-1 draiw in recent Moter City Soccer League action. There are only six- gaines remaii in the season and beth teains needed te win te have -any chance of catching frent-runners Ajaix. Adria played their usual defensive gaine, net giving the Celtic forwards any rooin ta move when- they came near the goal area. SA large Scottish contingent showed upta cheer on the Celtic squad te victory, but instead settled for a draw. Tii.'goal of. the matchcame when' Adria 'forward,-Chris Drecss let go a rockýet fin 25 yards eut that quickly found the back of thé net.1,'_ - . 1C eltic ýopened the- scoring early in "the second half- when Paul Rayment's shot trickled under the. arins of, Adria keeper Goran Bébek. RayMent had beat. , three men at. ~ 9 theto ofth 1-r bo t LAKE ONTARIO 11511STEEL COUPAN'Y HOPKINS ST. S., WHITBY VISJT ONE, 0F THE IN ONTARJO BINNS HAS 3,CERTIFIED KITCHEN DESIGNERS ON.STAFF Disçover our elegant showroom which boasts 22 fully deccrated kitchen and-bath displays. Our unique cr eative -concepts are designedýaround your individual lifestyle and our 29. <Vars expenence guarantees you quality worknanship with a lfetime warrantu on rabinetrv. Cnmci on iand s.ee whv oîr rclie~nts recornmend us1 Il - o il f i clu o vvej u "Oult ao *a .5* St . ad FRE KI .HE .DE IBOK ou 509-5555dyo ecie RE atoa Kice adBhAsca tion ilch Dsg n ok AV'A~~A9A99¶.~.y ~ AÂÂÂ&AAÀ~~>~AAAA' 'N 'N A> Nobody Beats, Qur Wings! miId, mediurni' hot or honey gaà rlil Which ever way, you like-ttiem. Nobody Beats Our Ribs a full rack of meaty barbequed'back ribs Yoll Love Them! »1/ ~ ANDERSON, SAND MANNING"ýI 6-6m4923, 7m