iPpge 26. Whitby ^Fm Prmo, Wednesdy, Muut2519 BEDFORD ACCOUNTINU, I LOTUS:1423,1DBASE, ýDOS, DENhALkhI±1IR1IDE1 WORD PROCESNG BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKING SERVICES ACCOUNTING Financlal Assistance May De A vallabie AS AÃ"U ORe IG* OUSE 2 Campuses.in Durham OSHAWA OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1l163 PICKERING 1450 KINGStON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valey Fa=n Rd. 420-1344 STAY HOME - MAKE.MONEY. You.assmble pOroducti and earn .Up to,,$627 per ýweek. 'Amazing, recorded message reveats details. Cati niow, 705-739-7184, ext. 24. EARN MONEY roadlng,,booket $30,0001yea trincorne ,otehtlai. Dotils (1) 805-962-8090, Iext. CY-335. ATTENTION MMmS, teahers. Turn "'-y our knà wledge -and experlence',,with children Into a moe-aking..,coreer with DlscovY Toys. Fleible hours. Cati SUsE.,668-9977. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTOR looklng for, a reliabie Saes Rep. wth 577 years oxperience.,Please -wfth,,yaur resume ,(C.V.) to: Went01t St.,W.. Unit #7, Whitby, Ont, LN 8M2Q. ALASKA JOBS! Earn 'a five- , figure incarne fishing thethree- month Salmon season. Also construction, conneries, o11 fields, plus . morel For immediate response, cai 1-504-646-4505,< ext. K142, 24 hrs. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . FLYERS DELIVERED TO your spec .ictarget -market. Other marketin>g services avoable. Cati T and C Marketing,'416-576--1785. Ask for Mike or Scott. Your opportunity ini .Advýertising Sales~o0~~c Cati Lou, 666-1979. Pfessional Sales Expçeence aùd/or_____________ mmrelated trainig reurd. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Car essential Whitby Free Press. F Whitby MiN 581 BrockSt.JBoO2O6 ______ The Whitby'Free. Pres reqires a Sueirm munication ùifsad M&d rgniauionesntfie Aplto: î3i. rock t. N/Box 06, hit.........6... 11 EXPERIENCIED ACCOUNTANT wIlI ~ ~ .y prvie othy cuntinu service,, Incld financlat statmens, usiesspltans, -cash- f low -forocasting, etc. ýCalt Mark at 668-2327. KLEEN-I KUT UPHOLSTERY. e-photstery aif antiques. Ail kinds of recoveoring. Your fabric or mine., Fre.estimattes. ,Over 40 years expenience. 430-7568, Whitby. GRANiDMAgS COMPANY" offe rs GREEN cteaning of residendes'arid offices. Ail aur ladies are security' checked 'through he police. BondGd zand insured. Chamber member. Knock your, socks, off servicetl725-917,'(24 hour' answering). PAINTERS PLUS. - Service and quatlty a re not an accident. For 10% off..and no GST, catI But1 or Geri, 404-1224.( ARE YOU BEING SERVED? Do you want your placeof busines andlor home cleaned -ta 'your satisfaction, 100% guaranteed ?, f you want value for your cleaning $ not Just'cheap,à thon cati now for a no-obligation,, written quote for att, your commercial, Industriat ' & residential cleaning requiremients. 668-2039. LaALmIUaaAN I evdIii - ukiob Lrk too smal" '*Patios 'Docks 'Generat repair .Odd ,jobs. 427-1674.. MAN WIT»H HALF-TON, witt dlo clean-ups, moues, etc. Reasonabte rates. Cati Todd at 430-6192.- Floc G 110-011Ekm~WlenU ' PakîUng (extett dor )-rm Fm estmte 576-7503 HAS DECORATING, your home gat you ovêrwhelmeid?ý l'Il g et you' sta.rted co-ordinating a sing le room or ypur, .whote ~oswhite working with you, your ideas and aour budget. -,Susan Lythgoe, lecoratin Consultant, Room By Room, 66l-4269. I . . . .... .. .. DAY CARE futl-time& part-time availabte. -Sale, friendty environ- ment. Near schools and parks. Calt 571-590t DAY, CARE AVAILABLE in loving home for chitdren ýatt ages, f utl or part-time. Before/aiter for children attending St. Matthew's or 'Ormiston schools Reasonable rates. Cati Dia'ne, 668-3672. MOTHER 0, F --ONE wilt -provide TILC for your child. Nutditus meals & snacks. Ployroom. fenced yard. Ai ages welcome.ý 430-7179: DAY CARE AVAILABLE in My home. Close' ta GO, West Lynde pulc schooV/Marguerite. Fuli' =attme. Before/aîter schoot we-' corne. 430-6479.' HANDYMAN SERVICES, - otoan mohlng osI? at655-3004.' .cusTom >DESIGN and,-,droos- making., Woddlng an edvnng gowns-, bdesm ald rads ufs, etc. Renovation n aktoration. Garnonts asoMe frôm a picture. 723ý-3259. >K wlffl, *' wilek>l ---------- --- ----------lui. ...... 4g, lé:*..O da, JE SECRETARUAL, LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPIN09 EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONISTi- Wo RDPROCESSI'NG '. '..... PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, choque received- before deadiine) $6.00 for1 20 words; ($5.61-+ 390 GSI) 150 each additionat word; (140 + 10 GST) BILLED WORD ADS $8.25 for,20 words; PLUS, GST 15ç5 e.ach -additio'nai word; PLUS GST AUCTI1ONS. ANNOUNCEMENTS 930,pqe agate u lne (l14 agate lines perinch) <minimum charge: $1 3.86;'PLUS GST DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSUFIEDS (Ads with borders,,,,, pictures or graphics) Regular dispilay rates apply - 990 per'agate Uine Minimum sîze i ýcotumn'inch $13.86. DISPLAY ADS.ý AS LOW AS $1 0.89 PER'COLUMN INCH. GSIT is extra on ait ads untess otherwise. indicated DEADLUNE Monday noon Pr!i-or to Wednesday, publication. 668-0594, Please check, your advertisemnent for errors. on' dhe-flrst, day of publication. The,Whitby Free Press Wiil not. be lhable for. failure to publish an ad,: or for'Wopographie errors' in publi cai on beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up. ta a maximnum cast, ofthé- insertion.. The Whitby Fre e Press reserves t"he right; to ctassify or rejeot ait adlvertsement., 0172 King St.E. Sute #301- OShawa - 728-0091 Fuit Drivers Educa tion. Courses COMMENCING SEPTEMBER I5TH Tues.& liturs. 4week course,: SEPTEMBER 19TH Saturdaà ys 4 week course PR) VA TELESSONS -ý REGISTEREO à APPROVED BY THE ONTARJO SAFETY LEAGUE A nw bbyIn this world, there ways CALIVOUR WELCOME 66863SINCE 1930 LU 1