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Whitby Free Press, 26 Aug 1992, p. 29

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~Ibtby!re P~s, esçlay, Augu-26, 19ý Pge2 j Theft at ByronhomeI A microwave oven camera and radio/casisette redr valued at about $600 were stolen from a .. oieByByron St. S.e home W'ednesdaY. Polce ay he'culprit(e) prîed open .a front door between ý4:15 pm Fa 668Q544and 5:10 p.m.,, removed the items from the. dining room and left throu4*h a sldihg window. iln mvestigation i otnig FR M AE 6 Durham MP' ROSS-'STEVENSO N Invites'youtohsanl BARBECUE.& CR OS at Blackstock FairGrounds. Wedinesdlay; September,2, 4 p.m. to dusk Spoclial .guests: Sol.icitor General Doug Leisand Energy MinisterJake Epp'ý STANEDGLASS COURSES I1 beglnning September. Sundance Glass Studio. Callifor dMails. 430-1727. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS. Leather, -ladies' 'aid men's alteratlos prom dresses, -custom tallorlng Tues. through Sat. 101-1/2 Mar St. W., -Pearson. Lanes. 430-6550. MAY THE SACRED HEART of Jesus bu adored, gloridd-Ioved and preserved throughout the world 'now aid forever. Sacred. Heart of Jesus pray for-us. St. Jude, worker of Miracles pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopelessa pray for us. Say 9 times for 9 days and promise to publish. NG. PERBONAL LOANS tram $1,00 and up for an y purpose. Qulck aprovals. 436-8104. [PSYCHIC &SNI TAL Mondoy f0 FrldayI 9 arn. to 9j. j TRICIAS TREASURES now taking students for workshops in dried flôwer arranging. Wreaths, toplary, trees, baskets, centre- pleces, swans & more. To sign up f0or clases & more information, calI 430-3383. Ask about our group rates. COMING EVENTS Cali 668-61.11 tmSNAS u Match Mates, l\/Personal iraroductorj' Service IA sensible way to <meet for friendship j 434-8399 anmco' BAHAîS BEUIEVE: The essence of wisdom is the fear of. God, the dread, of- His scourge and punishment, and apprehension of His. justice atàd. decree. For iniformation aid discussion, cal TIIANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred- Heait of Jesus for favours recemived. May the Sacred Heait 0f Jesus bu ýacoredglrified, oved and preserved throug hout the world now aid forever. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us,. St. Jude, helper of the hopeles, ,praEy for us. Say this pryrnine times a day. By the egt.day yourprreer will bu answered, 0egdis f how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must bu promised. W.K. TO ST.. JUDE THE APOSTLE: dlorious- Apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus, 1 salute y ou through the -Sacred Heart of J esus. Through His Heait I praise aid thank 'God for ail the graces He has bestowed upon you.1 implore you, throuph His love to look upon -me -with compassion. Do not despise my poor prayer. Do not let my trust bu confoundedl God has granted to Y ou the privilege of aiding mankind n the most- desperate cases. Oh, come ta my aid that I may praise the mercies of Godi Al my Ife I will bu your grateful client. until I can thaink you in heaven. Amen. St. Jude, pray for. us, and -for al _,whinqkeyyýaid. K. S AUCTION SALE TUESDAYs SEPT. 1 - 11 A. By order o Durham Baiîiff Services, .under the virtue 0fthe Landlord and 'Tenant. Act RSO 1980, we are instructed tor seIl the com lete- business, & contents Of the êIOOTING RANGE,110 BARR RDM AJAX,' ta inctûde ailequip- ment, office & kitchen fumnishinga This' business will bu sold EN-BLOC & a new lease may bu negotiated with the present land lord. Ternis-are certif led cheque'or cash. This- is an - excellent opp rtuiy for a club ta expand facîlties or purchase an existîng business & continue operating as a shooting range. For more Iiorma- tion or list of equipment, , call 1-416-263-4252. or Fax 1-416-263-4459. Sale managed & sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS S-ATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT AUG.'29 - 6:30 P.M., EVERN> SATURDAY NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. AT THE PETHICK 'AUCTION BARIN, HAYDON, 8 MILES NORTH 0F BOWMANVILLE, EAST OFF DURI-AM,#57.* This week. we have the estate of the'- late' Mis. -,Lou ,Griffin, Enniskillen,, plus other Inclusions to *Include 9-pc.- oak dining room ste. w/round table, chesterfield ste., *oak roll-toôp desk, 3-pc. settee set, carpets, electric train, loveseat, limited' edition prints, 1979, Docdge car & lots more interesting ,& unusual items. Terme are "cash, cheque or Visa. Viewing from >5 p.m. For more ýInformation, càll 1-416-263-4252. Sale maiaged, & sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS OUTSTANDING AUCTION ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLSART SUNDAY'AUG'àG- l IL AGRICUURFE BUILDING, ORONO FAIRGROUNDS Partial list: Lg. oak china cabinet w/claw feet round oak table w/centre pejestai & claw.feet, oak chairs,-oak buffet &' server, bonnet chest, table W/brd's-ey'e maple drawers, . hlgh-back Victorian chair, selection of ch airs & rockers, settee set,, aid seed box, miso. boxes & advertisement p ce, pie safe, sideboards, & buf-_ fets, lift-top school desks, banches, misc. dressera & chests of drawers, Medicine chests, aid radios, 2 old Coke picnic coolers, several old tin toys, duck decoys, cast door stop, 2 cast Iran tractar, seats (Massey Toronto), cracks & ug nlude Oshawa' crack, reston butter crock, Hendersan foot warmer, etc. Glass & china include cranberry vase, Fiesta, Bennlngtof, DepÏesson & pressed glass, Moorcroft- vase & creamer, set, Noritake, Royal Doulton Mug, Japan mud figurines, plus many More pR.s uerous - limnited edition & decorative art prints, plus an. offering af sports cardea-&,' collectibles. Also a selection of househoid articles from a localýý estate: bulit-in aven, sofa, . freezer,: etc. (NOTE: Sparts carda, smails,- boxlots, apliancès soli outside et. il a.m. witrgular auction startin at 12 moon. Viewing 10 a.m. Watcg for hormes, as Quarter Horse Show is also buing run at fairgrounds.) 1MaoGREGOR AUCTIONS MIKE.MacGREGOR 416-987-5402 - JUNIOR WEST 416-983-5556 .AUCTION SALE, "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS"- EveWy Wednesday at 620 p.m. Located on.Brock Rd., Pickering; 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exi t #399). Featuring every Wed.,an'exeôllentÙ .selection of ant'iq ues, ine furniture, glass, china, collectibles,, priitives' and the ýunusuals. So join us every Wed., and participate in one of Ontarlo's 'true' auctions with no~ buy-backs or reserves. *Conisign- ment anid estate selling- ýour, goeciafty.0 Cali. us tody.PëiW" from i p.m. dyreiw KAHN-AUCTIÃ"N'S'ERVICES (416) 683-0041 -CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, AUG. 28 AT 6 R.M., --3 MILES EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4' Contents. of a home from Bobcaygeon plus other consignorsi. 8-pc. walnut. lnlaid dining roomi, ste., 3-pc. modern bedroom ste., console colour TV, oak bookoase, wrought iron patio set, bridge set, pà-back rocker, occas., chairs, co 'ffee & end tables, ichurch pew, round oak split-pedestal table w/4 leaves in gopd condition, 6 oak p-back chairs, oak Victorian what-not stand w/10 bevelled mirrors,'flat-to-wall cupboard w/12 panes in doors, smal pine chest of drawers, -drawer metal filin g cabinetsmodern *dressers & chests of drawers, . automnatic' ,washer & dryer, 2-dr. f rldg e,14* Power May bandsa w, No. 3 bearing press.,,,Buzy Bee 14lx ,40w wood :copy lathe, Power Maxx model No. 3000mllling drilling macihine, power washer w/91 13 Petter diesel mçîntor, V2HP & ,2HP- nclosed ectcmtors "141'-came, lg. qty. of good used. & newtools, china,ý iglass & col1lectible1items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEEIRS -RRK#1, LITTLE:BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 SUNDAY-AUCTION THIS.OUND*AY AUGUST 30 12 NOON-4PREÃŽ11EW-10 Aid. NOTE STARTý7tIP4EF AT THE, KNIGiHTS,'0F COLUMB3US CLUB 133, BROOK. STr. , WI7éTBY ANTQUE &REPRODUCTIONS For certain eal principles &ta seule ýKate McCershaW's estate & others. Persian & Orientai carpets, asst'd. bar. stools,, fancy . hall -mirrors, caved. blanketi.& other Innboxes, oak, Hoosier cup1board w/f lower' sifter, 'oak sideboard w/fancy carvi ng,, asst'd. old pi ne tolches, 6', pine harvettable a& 6hop chairs, pljlly cabinet,," .Winpg-bâck chairs, soa & console tabls chests, dressers, loveseat, round table & 4,oaic p->back chairs, prints, picures, 7glassware. china, t iran decorator pcs.. 5-pc., lcecream parlour- set, old trunk, pr lour & occas. tables &-chairs, 3pc.pine coffee&-end table set. dinfing room ste., 3-pc. .traditional sofa set. lg. server, bow-glass whwomuat develop diverse, local cmmuity-based econo-. mies& -How ,can we learn- the. Ml impact on teeÃ". omntwe aillthings are made in Meîco r China? Wecanttily knaw what impact, a Mexîcan-miade ,-prode't has on their ýýlocal e'osyteii. Nor do 'Mexicans know ýwhat impact disposing of the produçts they make lias oni our ecosyutemi. Since most people, across the world have lèst mucli of ýtheir direct connection to 'their, local ecosystom, we'have ta learn how ta do the. propor accounting -- in our own, backyards first. The best wasyto 'do tbatis tolive withall the consequences of- our way of life. To live 'up close and' personal' with, those_ consequencoS, aad- with.,al that. makes up aur loa ecosyktemn, la-the real .solution ta garbae prbe a nad :ta ,most otherevrnetlproblems'as Wel. Ononexressed ar-e thèe ofhe author. Cruisitng Classics FROMPAGE'2O of ýthe stores -on Brock, St. echoed in-the photos of buildings -Nrd travelled al ýthe, way ta As3pen, Colorado ta ee. (The' Gardon St. railwa -tracks (before reconstruction o the street at that locations romnind è,d ým-Wof a rouler coaster at Disneyland, but IIII keep that, one Iwould corneback fromn vacatind tdll' my failabou't how friendly the people in the -Maritimes -and* the, South were. I' fliaiy rWaized that Ireceive the saine reôeption, when I shop ini Brookin at the post office, the deli,' the travel- agent,, the- grocery Haiginto Oshawsa, I noticed that, even though ive vis'ted automotive museums In a numiber ,of states, týour own *CanadiaË ' Autamotive Museums collection -pute moit of them ta shame. 'As for Col. Samn's Parkwood, well, rve visîted that 'other' famous miarnon in Mëm">hiu. and, while Perkwood doesn'thave the distinction 'of Ats owner being buried in its backyard, it's a"s much, more tasteful, muçh more interestin g one-eighth. the price ànd doesn t have a whole city block of tacky- souvenir shops, across the street. As we drove east on Taunton Rd. toward' Orono, my ýhusband watched the rolling scenery and weil-kept .farsin for 'à while and thon *ald, 'When we .<fraye through 1 Pennsylvaia, it looked exactly ike Me nsad we were just -knocked out byit.- Yet, here it was-n our own leacyad P'm not say g that people shouldn't travel; vsiting foroîgn places makes for a weil-rounded- ~education. However, before you load up the car- and head for places unlcnown, spend a bit of time and discover your own a firet. r, Win"

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