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Whitby Free Press, 2 Sep 1992, p. 12

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Page 12, Whitby Fr. press, Wednesday, September 2, 1992 TEENAGERS WANTED A Wh*tby yoth- committee dealinq with teenage issues and activities i. looking for energetic teens to iielp out at varicus events througiout the. year. For more information,- call Chandra Hunter at 666-3828 or Kelly Douglas at 668-8436. SCOUT lIEGISIATION Réeitration, for 8th Whitby scouts and cub:e wil ho held on Thursdayê S 10 7 p.m.p -at w«tùùiteltlaCiih, 25 Manning, Rd., (at Garad) Whitby. leaders are required a ail levée.* The. Tîe Fox Run for cancer researchwifl 'b. held on: Sunday,, Sept. 20. For tim.WiiitW~-Oshawa ares, a, 10km course WMil tért' frmithe: K-Mart pkk lot at 55Simca. St. S., = wa. Re~traionand runs arefi-cm 83a.té'38p.m. Pledge shoots are available at the, LOBO Seo- tiabanlc, K-Mart, Cadet' and SkthyCleaners as wel as muwte Bakin-Robbins -outiets. Area organizer 1s Diane Noiles et GARAGE SAYE The VWiiitby Lioness Club will hold a fundraising garage sale on Saturday, Sept. 19 8 a.m. to 3 p.hi1.a 709 Gilbert St. W., LIONESS CLUB The Lioness Club of Wiiitby meets tiie first Wednesday of' every month at 6:45 p.m. inithe. gd room at tiie Centennial- Builig, 416 Contre St. S.,'P Whitb. For more information, cail 668-4944 or 668-2268. 1MMMAGE SALE A rummage sale is held every Wednsda strtin at1 pm.,at St MrstntdCuhhose, 20Q Byron St. S. CHRONIC FATIGUE The. Dunrham Reigion Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/M.E. Support Group will neet on Wednesday, Se>pt. 16 7 p.m. at >A.E. KinÃŽg Mernorial Complex, Kingsway College, Oshawa. Ciironic fatigue syndrome/M.E. sufferers, their families and friends are welcome. For more information calI Boen.. Leahy at 655-4398. BREASTFEEDINGPROJECT Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) offers a free service te new motiiers te answer their individual questions and provide information and encouragement in the early weeks wiien breast- feeding is bein g establisiied. The Support group for'nursmg moth- ers and babies is held eacii Thursday morning in' Oshawa. For more.information includingý location, cal the. VOÃ"1 at 571- 3151. LA LECHE La Leche League Oshawa will iiold its regular monthly meeting on Wednesdaxy, -Sept. 9. Mothers and-nursing babies are welcome. For more information about the meeting, including location,- cal 723-0542. DRAVA lMEITING »Durham .Regon Aissâcationfor Volunteer . Amnstain (D)RAVA), f«orery knowin as Volunteei, Coodiao o f' Durham Regiwon., wiil hold the. regular 'monthly meeting oný Thlursday, Sept. 10, 2 p.m". t Northview "Comnity 1Centre, 150) Beatrice St. E., Oshawa. Ail volunteer co-rdiao adminis- trators cf non-profit ýagencies >are welcome. For further information, cail Donna Hutton,- Aj -ax- Pickering Red'- Cross, et 416-420-3383., COMPATIBLE COMPANIONS CONNECI!ION locatod in Wiiitby. We are holding mieetings -for ongleu and.,have varjous social evonts, ie. dancing, bowling swimming golflngv cardé, theatre, nightcub, bingo poluck. and dinmg eut, e tc. Meetings are'held, every F4dy, 7 te 10 p.m., Memberslnp applic- able. New memibers welcome. Phono 1-800-461-73,91. ONE PARENT FAM[LIES, Oshawa Chapter On. Parent Familles Association will meet for coffée, cards and conversation on Tuesday, Sept. 8, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Settlement Houa.,_ 387 Simcoe St. S. New members and guests are welcome. For more information, caIl 436-5089 or 433-0832. WALK'YOUR DOG FOR TAGS mhe Animal Cuardian Society (TAGS) will iiold a flrst annual 'Walk-a-dog-a-thon and Mutt Show' on Sunday, Sept.,. 13, beginn!rng at 9:30 a.m., at Long Sault Conservation Area (north of Bowmanville). Prizes will b. awarded and tiiere will be free hourly dras and refreshinents for aIl paricipants. Proceeds will b. used te construct a. shelter, northeast of Osiiwa. For sponsor forms or more information, cal 263-TACS, 436-0010, 571-2840 or 432-5322. DROP-OFF PLAY QROUP *Roots & Wings offers '2- te, 5-year-olds stories, crafts, songs in a cheerful, creative environ- ment, Mon. to, Fi., 9 te il1 a.m. or 1 te 3 p.m. 'Cal Melody Mechano, 668-1928. WALK-A-THON The Free from Fear Founda- tion is holding a fundraising walk-a-thon on- Saturday, Sept. 26, .10 a.m. Money raised fromn pledges covers the expenses of the. foundation which has 200 members locally attending sup- port group meetings. For more information caîl 831-3877. I CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN'OFWHITBY SOUD -WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE LABOUR DAY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1992 < Guvbage normally collected on Monday, September.7, 1992 wiIl b. collectedl on Tuesday, September 8, 1992. Blue Box Rcln normally collected on MondakSeptember 7, 1992 wAillbe o atd n Monday, September 14 1 2. Please refer te your recycling sch.dle for your next desgnatec recycling collection day. Yard Waate novmail col.ctedon Monday, September 7, 1992 wiU be coliected on Monday, September 14i 1992. Vour co-operation is apprecx*ated, and please remember- te have your solid wastes (garbage, yard wastes and recyclables) out for collection by rS0 ar. on your desagnaed collection daý.- If, you. wish fther information, pyease calthe Town of Whhtby, t.JbiAmbulane, h%~ branch, will llld the. foilowlng courses in 'septombei; Firt-aid andCZPIL Set. 8, 15ý-22, 24. (Tody andThdy, 6 te 10 p.m.; Sept. 14g, 15 (Mndq and TodY) 8&30 a.m. te 3 . Fridays, é1, 6 te 10 pM.; àaura et. 199 26 830 .arn.: te 4:30 pm rataid and CPR for new parents. and cars providers Friday, SePt.11,6 te 1Op.m., and Saturdq, oSept. 12, 8:30ai. te roce cbation: Monday Sept. 21, 8 am. te5p.m. CPR (aùllevols):. Sept. 8, 10 (Tusd-yand Thursday), 6 te 10 p.m. Firat aid for y outh aged 10Oto 14: Sept. 191, 20 (Saýturday and Sunday), 9 a.m. tÃ" 4 pm. First aid for childron 8gdte 10: Saturday, Sept. 26, 1 te 4* p.m. For more information, SUMERS END CORVETTE CRUISE-IN Pine- Ride Corvette- Club wil iiold the. firat 'Summer'. End Corvette Cruise-in' on- Sunday, Sept. 13, at White's Rd. - Plaza, (Hwy 2 and Wiiite's Rd.)ý Pickering, beginning at noon. maore will ^ b. over .100 classc Corvettes on display. Ail are welcome te attend. FAIL REGISTRAIION" Fail regi«strationfior adulte and pre-achoolers for,.! Engish -as -a Second Langutage' will b. held on Tùesday, Sept.ý 8 and Thursday, Sept. 10, 1:15 te 3:15 p.m., at St. Mark'. United Ciiurch, 201 Centre St. S., Whitby. Classs are conducted at, basic, basic, Il. 3nermeigte and advanced levelse, ranging in size from five te 15 students. Bring immigration papers to register. For furtiier inormation, oel 579-199.. M4TSYAMABONSAI The;, Matsuyaa Bonsai Society will hold a meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 9, 7 p.m.,p at' Faith' Place, 44, William St., W., Oshiawa. Those interested in the. art of bonsai areý welcome. Cal 416-725-2045 or 416-683-2568 for more information. PARIENT AN» TOT St. Mark' . Parent and Tot, meets on Tuesday ý or Thursday from 9:10 te 11:10 a.m. Each .,, seven-week session offers "ual-> fied care and appropniate activity for infants and'children up teage 6. A separate parents' program includes speaker -crafts, outings and socal turne.llhe registra tion féees cover 'ailchild ý*care.t materials, refreshinents,' craft supplies and speake'routing f.... Registration or 'al is lnnited' and be ' n. immediately. For in-t formation or,'. the Tuesday pro-t gram oeil Janet at 668-8008, ande for th e Tiursday"progranical Brenda at 668-0488. Non -rofit 7> communltygroupe 'Whlch are baediln WhItby or have a substanttal Whlby membershlp îmay >place their upcomlng meetings or acivltles onl 1h1 page at fno 0081. - Som. BACM TO CLA FOlýR Th. Witby, Senior'] ctW t Centre, 801 Brock St. -a, will'hold registiation florfalnsritoa clase for menýme teling Tuesdayv Sept. 8,,,9 to il arn. and'frthe retdthe weokuntll, classes are foU. 0Reistation i. on a 'flrtecome, flrs-served bas[Is For more inrmtion about courses' being ofrd alti centre at 668-1424.' TIIANKSGWJNGSUPPER The United Emp.ire Loyalist Association cf Canada Upper Canada branch, wlhast a, thanksgîving ,countryý su ,pper on Tiiursday., Sept. 17, aet Scugog Shores Museum, on. Scugog Island. The, coït' is $10 and- includes a museum wAlkbot at 5 p.m., entertaininent by tiie senior choir of OYNeill CVI and 'a sit-down turkey supper at 6:30 p.m. in tiie palish]hall of - Head United Church. Guest speaker will be Rev. Charles Bull from the. Anglican. Church of the. Ascension. Ail are Welcome. For tickets, call Donald Douglas Fox at 576-3175. EPILPSYDURHLAM Epilepsy Durham Region will, hold the. monthly meeting on Tuesdaly, Sept. 8, 7:30 p.m., at the. Kinsmen community centre, 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. Dr. Barry Brook.r,.ps;ychologisit," will b. guest speaker. Ail are welcome. For more information caîl 436-3152. STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stanp, Club will meet on Tuesla, Sept. 15,'7 pin., at O'Neill Collegiate (cafe- teria, first floor). Collectors and visitors are always welcome. Staxnps, postcards and cover col- lections can b. exciianged, appraised or sold at auction. For more, information 'caîll John at .725-7962. ONE, PARENT FAMILlES North Oshawa Chapter, One .Parent. Familes. Association, will, meet Sept. 9, 8 p.n. t'Christ CucMaz iy m illcroft streets,-Oshawa, for carda and covesaionm. New members and gue#t welcome. For information, cal668-7579 or 434-3687. PRECISION SKATING Th. Ajax adult'precision skat- ingteamseefksnonagd'2l and over te attend an.ifra tion 'meeting. oni' Sept.' 8t, 7:30 p.m., at 'Aldon, School, 109, Bur-' cher St. (next te o,ýIrd Durham sciiool), Ajax. There will b. t.am tryouts on Sept. 11, 14, and 21 at tii. Villagea rena. Regunlar .sea-. CORPORATION 0F THE- TOWN 0OF WHITBY,- 1992 FINAL TAX NOTICE.> The fourth instaiment cf taxes for'1992'1 duean aye Spto r 15-1992. If =ay nen sfot reoeived byUededteatywlbe added on the irt oa f default and the first day of each calendar' month so long as non-payment continues, at the rate of 1-114% per month. or part themeof. If you have not received a tax bill and yuaerposble fo paymn please contact 1h. Tax Depar t men =t66-83 eotan6 neoessary information. Taxes may b. pad at anV WNhy bank without collection charges, or * -at the Municipal Office, ,575 Rossland Road Eat Whtby, Ontario. In- addihon if you-are a .TD Bank cs ir ae a .pl y teléphone through TI) Banklne. ,u me a aybpidy PITKÀ4*Et DEN MEETING Durham Environmental Net- work wll hold a meeting on Sépt. 10, 7:30 p.m., at Dl]unham College in the lecture hall. Guest speaker will b. environmental journalist ]Randy Thomas, telling -of -hie experiences in the Persan Gulf War. A video on 1 eco-war' will also, b. shown. Advance tickets are $6 for aduIts, $3 for students* or -$6' and $4 et thed. car o tickets or. more information, oeil Jody Nuat 436-1642 or the EarhdaceStore, ýOsbawaat DANCE Whltby Minor BasebalLou willh-old a danceaun atuday et.1atHeydenshoe Pvi'On. Thr ilbe.a buffet WD ,cash baranddoor ýprize. 'fclcetare $25 per, coup Te.- For tickets .or moreinoratincail- 668-5678 BABTlWE5RW A Babytime .propame .for chldren aged up to 23 montha » wiilbe held at the Whitby Public Library .on Tuesdyo and Wednesdays, 9:30 to 10 a.m. No registrat;ion, i.s necessary. For more information, cail the ' library at 668-6531 or 668-6541. Town eveuts for United Way, Town of Wiiitby employees are holding a number of events in September and October to raise funds for the local United Way Cam ~agn. Among the events to bé held are 'Jeans Day,' car wash barbe- cue, pancake breakfast, Wçackie Tile Day'and 50/50 draw. Mayor eTom Edwards' and Town councillors. will participate in some oftheevents. Bird-watchinga Lynde Sores The Central Lake Onitaio Conservgition Authority will, hold the annual 'Waterfowl Viewing Day' on, Sunday, Sept, 3a Lynde' _Lores .Conservation Area, Whity Bird-i tohrs can 'gather bot- ,ween 1dd',,4 p.à.* on the noiti- eat' viaigplatflorm of Cran- berry Marsh (reached by foot travi'el akong the road going south 'from. the'parkinglo) C CAstafl'willý help wat- chers identify a variety of water- fowl'spécies, and a otting telé- scope will be avàilabe for éloser views of individual birds. I V;Iù tie:rs.I Kidniey',Foundation, volunteers in -Wbitby ýare, nuts abot peanuts, and it's a gaad. thing they are since the annual ýpeanut; campaign isà juat around., the corner. ,to .rais.over $280,000 by eln 3,750 cases of peanuts. Each cas contains 25 hebp and each bqgcontains. 16.'sésled snack. - emkets, id --. for Haloween, lunch-tim, -treats om light snacks. Tihe p .011 for$3. .Aniyone interested in -pur- chaaing peanuts or who wd -4ý +lez. m r Cu m=~ - ;ý7, 'l , 1 -'«mu-- ý- -=,, 7-ý - -7- -= .-, .Mr ý i

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